



Everybody who is anti-goto cites, directly or indirectly, Edsger Dijkstra's GoTo Considered Harmful article to substantiate their position. Too bad Dijkstra's article has virtually nothing to do with the way goto statements are used these days and thus what the article says has little to no applicability to the modern programming scene. The goto-less meme verges now on a religion, right down to its scriptures dictated from on high, its high priests and the shunning (or worse) of perceived heretics.


When Dijkstra wrote his paper the popular languages of the time were unstructured procedural ones like BASIC, FORTRAN (the earlier dialects) and various assembly languages. It was quite common for people using the higher-level languages to jump all over their code base in twisted, contorted threads of execution that gave rise to the term "spaghetti code". You can see this by hopping on over to the classic Trek game written by Mike Mayfield and trying to figure out how things work. Take a few moments to look that over.

这就是Dijkstra在1968年的论文中谴责的“毫无节制地使用go to语句”。这就是他所生活的环境,促使他写出了那篇论文。在你的代码中,在你喜欢的任何地方跳转的能力是他所批评和要求停止的。将其与C或其他更现代的语言中goto的弱功能进行比较简直是可笑的。


#define _ -F<00||--F-OO--;
int F=00,OO=00;main(){F_OO();printf("%1.3f\n",4.*-F/OO/OO);}F_OO()


a[900];     b;c;d=1     ;e=1;f;     g;h;O;      main(k,
l)char*     *l;{g=      atoi(*      ++l);       for(k=
0;k*k<      g;b=k       ++>>1)      ;for(h=     0;h*h<=
g;++h);     --h;c=(     (h+=g>h     *(h+1))     -1)>>1;
while(d     <=g){       ++O;for     (f=0;f<     O&&d<=g
;++f)a[     b<<5|c]     =d++,b+=    e;for(      f=0;f<O
&&d<=g;     ++f)a[b     <<5|c]=     d++,c+=     e;e= -e
;}for(c     =0;c<h;     ++c){       for(b=0     ;b<k;++
b){if(b     <k/2)a[     b<<5|c]     ^=a[(k      -(b+1))
<<5|c]^=    a[b<<5      |c]^=a[     (k-(b+1     ))<<5|c]
;printf(    a[b<<5|c    ]?"%-4d"    :"    "     ,a[b<<5
|c]);}      putchar(    '\n');}}    /*Mike      Laman*/





Dijkstra's paper on goto statements was written for a programming environment where goto was a lot more potentially damaging than it is in most modern languages that aren't an assembler. Automatically throwing away all uses of goto because of this is about as rational as saying "I tried to have fun once but didn't like it so now I'm against it". There are legitimate uses of the modern (anaemic) goto statements in code that cannot be adequately replaced by other constructs. There are, of course, illegitimate uses of the same statements. There are, too, illegitimate uses of the modern control statements like the "godo" abomination where an always-false do loop is broken out of using break in place of a goto. These are often worse than judicious use of goto.



int i;

  std::cout << "insert number: ";
  std::cin >> i;
  if(std::cin.fail()) {
    goto PROMPT_INSERT_NUMBER;          

std::cout << "your number is " << i;


int i;

bool loop;
do {
  loop = false;
  std::cout << "insert number: ";
  std::cin >> i;
  if(std::cin.fail()) {
    loop = true;          
} while(loop);

std::cout << "your number is " << i;


需要嵌套的{}块(尽管do{…}而看起来更熟悉) 需要额外的循环变量,在四个地方使用 阅读和理解带有循环的工作需要更长的时间 循环不保存任何数据,它只是控制执行的流程,这比简单的标签更难理解


void sort(int* array, int length) {
  for(int i=0; i<length-1; ++i) if(array[i]>array[i+1]) {
    swap(data[i], data[i+1]);
    goto SORT; // it is very easy to understand this code, right?


void sort(int* array, int length) {
  bool seemslegit;
  do {
    seemslegit = true;
    for(int i=0; i<length-1; ++i) if(array[i]>array[i+1]) {
      swap(data[i], data[i+1]);
      seemslegit = false;
  } while(!seemslegit);


void sort(int* array, int length) {
  for(int i=0; i<length-1; ++i) if(array[i]>array[i+1]) {
    swap(data[i], data[i+1]);
    i = -1; // it works, but WTF on the first glance


; P1 states loops
; 11111110 <-
; 11111101  |
; 11111011  |
; 11110111  |
; 11101111  |
; 11011111  |
; |_________|

    MOV P1,#11111110b
    ACALL delay
    MOV A,P1
    RL A
    MOV P1,A
    ACALL delay
    JNB P1.5, init_roll_state
    SJMP next_roll_state


if(valid) {
  do { // while(loop)

// more than one page of code here
// so it is better to comment the meaning
// of the corresponding curly bracket

  } while(loop);
} // if(valid)


if(!valid) goto NOTVALID;

// more than one page of code here

  if(loop) goto LOOPBACK;


我发现do{} while(false)的用法完全令人反感。它可能会让我相信它在某些奇怪的情况下是必要的,但从来没有让我相信它是干净合理的代码。


for (stepfailed=0 ; ! stepfailed ; /*empty*/)

Everybody who is anti-goto cites, directly or indirectly, Edsger Dijkstra's GoTo Considered Harmful article to substantiate their position. Too bad Dijkstra's article has virtually nothing to do with the way goto statements are used these days and thus what the article says has little to no applicability to the modern programming scene. The goto-less meme verges now on a religion, right down to its scriptures dictated from on high, its high priests and the shunning (or worse) of perceived heretics.


When Dijkstra wrote his paper the popular languages of the time were unstructured procedural ones like BASIC, FORTRAN (the earlier dialects) and various assembly languages. It was quite common for people using the higher-level languages to jump all over their code base in twisted, contorted threads of execution that gave rise to the term "spaghetti code". You can see this by hopping on over to the classic Trek game written by Mike Mayfield and trying to figure out how things work. Take a few moments to look that over.

这就是Dijkstra在1968年的论文中谴责的“毫无节制地使用go to语句”。这就是他所生活的环境,促使他写出了那篇论文。在你的代码中,在你喜欢的任何地方跳转的能力是他所批评和要求停止的。将其与C或其他更现代的语言中goto的弱功能进行比较简直是可笑的。


#define _ -F<00||--F-OO--;
int F=00,OO=00;main(){F_OO();printf("%1.3f\n",4.*-F/OO/OO);}F_OO()


a[900];     b;c;d=1     ;e=1;f;     g;h;O;      main(k,
l)char*     *l;{g=      atoi(*      ++l);       for(k=
0;k*k<      g;b=k       ++>>1)      ;for(h=     0;h*h<=
g;++h);     --h;c=(     (h+=g>h     *(h+1))     -1)>>1;
while(d     <=g){       ++O;for     (f=0;f<     O&&d<=g
;++f)a[     b<<5|c]     =d++,b+=    e;for(      f=0;f<O
&&d<=g;     ++f)a[b     <<5|c]=     d++,c+=     e;e= -e
;}for(c     =0;c<h;     ++c){       for(b=0     ;b<k;++
b){if(b     <k/2)a[     b<<5|c]     ^=a[(k      -(b+1))
<<5|c]^=    a[b<<5      |c]^=a[     (k-(b+1     ))<<5|c]
;printf(    a[b<<5|c    ]?"%-4d"    :"    "     ,a[b<<5
|c]);}      putchar(    '\n');}}    /*Mike      Laman*/





Dijkstra's paper on goto statements was written for a programming environment where goto was a lot more potentially damaging than it is in most modern languages that aren't an assembler. Automatically throwing away all uses of goto because of this is about as rational as saying "I tried to have fun once but didn't like it so now I'm against it". There are legitimate uses of the modern (anaemic) goto statements in code that cannot be adequately replaced by other constructs. There are, of course, illegitimate uses of the same statements. There are, too, illegitimate uses of the modern control statements like the "godo" abomination where an always-false do loop is broken out of using break in place of a goto. These are often worse than judicious use of goto.


Perl有一个goto,它允许您实现穷人的尾部调用。: - p

sub factorial {
    my ($n, $acc) = (@_, 1);
    return $acc if $n < 1;
    @_ = ($n - 1, $acc * $n);
    goto &factorial;

# endif

