



import random
import re as regex
from rich import color
from rich import print

def create_dynamic_regex(search_words):
    This function is used to create a dynamic regular expression
    string and a list of random colors. Both these elements will
    be used in the function colorize_text()

    :param search_words: list of search terms
    :return: regular expression search string and a list of colors
    :rtype: string, list
    colors_required = create_list_of_colors(len(search_words))
    number_of_search_words = len(search_words)
    combined_string = ''
    for search_word in search_words:
        number_of_search_words -= 1
        if number_of_search_words != 0:
            current_string = ''.join(r'(\b' + search_word + r'\b)|')
            combined_string = (combined_string + current_string)
        elif number_of_search_words == 0:
            current_string = ''.join(r'(\b' + search_word + r'\b)')
            combined_string = (combined_string + current_string)
    return combined_string, colors_required

def random_color():
    This function is used to create a random color using the
    Python package rich.
    :return: color name
    :rtype: string
    selected_color = random.choice(list(color.ANSI_COLOR_NAMES.keys()))
    return selected_color

def create_list_of_colors(number_of_colors):
    This function is used to generate a list of colors,
    which will be used in the function colorize_text()
    :param number_of_colors:
    :return: list of colors
    :rtype: list
    list_of_colors = [random_color() for _ in range(number_of_colors)]
    return list_of_colors

def colorize_text(text, regex_string, array_of_colors):
    This function is used to colorize specific words in a text string.
    :param text: text string potentially containing specific words to colorize.
    :param regex_string: regular expression search string
    :param array_of_colors: list of colors
    :return: colorized text
    :rtype: string
    available_colors = array_of_colors
    word_regex = regex.compile(f"{regex_string}", regex.IGNORECASE)
    i = 0
    output = ""
    for word in word_regex.finditer(text):
        get_color = available_colors[word.lastindex - 1]
        output += "".join([text[i:word.start()],
                           "[%s]" % available_colors[word.lastindex - 1],
                           text[word.start():word.end()], "[/%s]" % available_colors[word.lastindex - 1]])
        i = word.end()
    return ''.join([output, text[word.end():]])

def generate_console_output(text_to_search, words_to_find):
    This function is used generate colorized text that will
    be outputting to the console.

    :param text_to_search: text string potentially containing specific words to colorize.
    :param words_to_find: list of search terms.
    :return: A string containing colorized words.
    :rtype: string
    search_terms, colors = create_dynamic_regex(words_to_find)
    colorize_html = colorize_text(text_to_search, search_terms, colors)

text = "The dog chased the cat that was looking for the mouse that the dog was playing with."
words = ['dog', 'cat', 'mouse']
generate_console_output(text, words)






class PrintColored:
    DEFAULT = '\033[0m'
    # Styles
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    ITALIC = '\033[3m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
    UNDERLINE_THICK = '\033[21m'
    HIGHLIGHTED = '\033[7m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_BLACK = '\033[40m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_RED = '\033[41m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_GREEN = '\033[42m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_YELLOW = '\033[43m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_BLUE = '\033[44m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_PURPLE = '\033[45m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_CYAN = '\033[46m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_GREY = '\033[47m'

    HIGHLIGHTED_GREY_LIGHT = '\033[100m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_RED_LIGHT = '\033[101m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_BLUE_LIGHT = '\033[104m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_CYAN_LIGHT = '\033[106m'

    STRIKE_THROUGH = '\033[9m'
    MARGIN_1 = '\033[51m'
    MARGIN_2 = '\033[52m' # seems equal to MARGIN_1
    # colors
    BLACK = '\033[30m'
    RED_DARK = '\033[31m'
    GREEN_DARK = '\033[32m'
    YELLOW_DARK = '\033[33m'
    BLUE_DARK = '\033[34m'
    PURPLE_DARK = '\033[35m'
    CYAN_DARK = '\033[36m'
    GREY_DARK = '\033[37m'

    BLACK_LIGHT = '\033[90m'
    RED = '\033[91m'
    GREEN = '\033[92m'
    YELLOW = '\033[93m'
    BLUE = '\033[94m'
    PURPLE = '\033[95m'
    CYAN = '\033[96m'
    WHITE = '\033[96m'

    def __init__(self):
        self.print_original = print # old value to the original print function
        self.current_color = self.DEFAULT

    def __call__(self,
                 *values: object, sep: str | None = None,
                 end: str | None = None,
                 file: str | None = None,
                 flush: bool = False,
                 color: str|None = None,
                 default_color: str|None = None,
        if default_color:
            self.current_color = default_color

        default = self.current_color
        if color:
            values = (color, *values, default)  # wrap the content within a selected color an a default
            values = (*values, default)  # wrap the content within a selected color an a default
        self.print_original(*values, end=end, file=file, flush=flush)


class PrintColored:
    DEFAULT = '\033[0m'
    # Styles
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    ITALIC = '\033[3m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
    UNDERLINE_THICK = '\033[21m'
    HIGHLIGHTED = '\033[7m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_BLACK = '\033[40m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_RED = '\033[41m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_GREEN = '\033[42m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_YELLOW = '\033[43m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_BLUE = '\033[44m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_PURPLE = '\033[45m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_CYAN = '\033[46m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_GREY = '\033[47m'

    HIGHLIGHTED_GREY_LIGHT = '\033[100m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_RED_LIGHT = '\033[101m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_BLUE_LIGHT = '\033[104m'
    HIGHLIGHTED_CYAN_LIGHT = '\033[106m'

    STRIKE_THROUGH = '\033[9m'
    MARGIN_1 = '\033[51m'
    MARGIN_2 = '\033[52m' # seems equal to MARGIN_1
    # colors
    BLACK = '\033[30m'
    RED_DARK = '\033[31m'
    GREEN_DARK = '\033[32m'
    YELLOW_DARK = '\033[33m'
    BLUE_DARK = '\033[34m'
    PURPLE_DARK = '\033[35m'
    CYAN_DARK = '\033[36m'
    GREY_DARK = '\033[37m'

    BLACK_LIGHT = '\033[90m'
    RED = '\033[91m'
    GREEN = '\033[92m'
    YELLOW = '\033[93m'
    BLUE = '\033[94m'
    PURPLE = '\033[95m'
    CYAN = '\033[96m'
    WHITE = '\033[96m'

    def __init__(self):
        self.print_original = print # old value to the original print function
        self.current_color = self.DEFAULT

    def __call__(self,
                 *values: object, sep: str | None = None,
                 end: str | None = None,
                 file: str | None = None,
                 flush: bool = False,
                 color: str|None = None,
                 default_color: str|None = None,
        if default_color:
            self.current_color = default_color

        default = self.current_color
        if color:
            values = (color, *values, default)  # wrap the content within a selected color an a default
            values = (*values, default)  # wrap the content within a selected color an a default
        self.print_original(*values, end=end, file=file, flush=flush)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print = PrintColored()

    print("Hello world - default")
    print("Hello world - Bold", color=print.BOLD)
    print("Hello world - Italic", color=print.ITALIC)
    print("Hello world - Underline", color=print.UNDERLINE)
    print("Hello world - UNDERLINE_THICK", color=print.UNDERLINE_THICK)
    print("Hello world - HighLithted", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_BLACK", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_BLACK)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_RED", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_RED)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_GREEN", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_GREEN)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_YELLOW", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_YELLOW)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_BLUE", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_BLUE)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_PURPLE", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_PURPLE)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_CYAN", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_CYAN)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_GREY", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_GREY)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_GREY_LIGHT", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_GREY_LIGHT)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_RED_LIGHT", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_RED_LIGHT)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_GREEN_LIGHT", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_GREEN_LIGHT)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_BLUE_LIGHT", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_BLUE_LIGHT)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_CYAN_LIGHT", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_CYAN_LIGHT)
    print("Hello world - HIGHLIGHTED_WHITE_LIGHT", color=print.HIGHLIGHTED_WHITE_LIGHT)
    print("Hello world - STRIKE_THROUGH", color=print.STRIKE_THROUGH)
    print("Hello world - MARGIN_1", color=print.MARGIN_1)
    print("Hello world - MARGIN_2", color=print.MARGIN_2)

    print("Hello world - BLACK", color=print.BLACK)
    print("Hello world - RED_DARK", color=print.RED_DARK)
    print("Hello world - GREEN_DARK", color=print.GREEN_DARK)
    print("Hello world - YELLOW_DARK", color=print.YELLOW_DARK)
    print("Hello world - BLUE_DARK", color=print.BLUE_DARK)
    print("Hello world - PURPLE_DARK", color=print.PURPLE_DARK)
    print("Hello world - CYAN_DARK", color=print.CYAN_DARK)
    print("Hello world - GREY_DARK", color=print.GREY_DARK)
    print("Hello world - BLACK_LIGHT", color=print.BLACK_LIGHT)
    print("Hello world - BLACK_LIGHT", color=print.BLACK_LIGHT)
    print("Hello world - RED", color=print.RED)
    print("Hello world - GREEN", color=print.GREEN)
    print("Hello world - YELLOW", color=print.YELLOW)
    print("Hello world - BLUE", color=print.BLUE)
    print("Hello world - PURPLE", color=print.PURPLE)
    print("Hello world - CYAN", color=print.CYAN)
    print("Hello world - WHITE", color=print.WHITE)

    # Back to normal
    print("", default_color=print.DEFAULT)
    print("Hello world - default")



def print_in_color(txt_msg, fore_tuple, back_tuple, ):
    # Prints the text_msg in the foreground color specified by fore_tuple with the background specified by back_tuple
    # text_msg is the text, fore_tuple is foreground color tuple (r,g,b), back_tuple is background tuple (r,g,b)
    rf,bf,gf = fore_tuple
    rb,gb,bb = back_tuple
    msg = '{0}' + txt_msg
    mat = '\33[38;2;' + str(rf) + ';' + str(gf) + ';' + str(bf) + ';48;2;' + str(rb) + ';' +str(gb) + ';' + str(bb) + 'm'
    print(msg .format(mat))
    print('\33[0m') # Returns default print color to back to black

# Example of use using a message with variables
fore_color = 'cyan'
back_color = 'dark green'
msg = 'foreground color is {0} and the background color is {1}'.format(fore_color, back_color)
print_in_color(msg, (0,255,255), (0,127,127))



sudo apt-get install python-pip
pip install pycolorterm


from pycolorterm import pycolorterm

with pycolorterm.pretty_output(pycolorterm.FG_GREEN) as out:
    out.write('Works OK!')


对于Windows,除非使用Win32 API,否则无法使用颜色打印到控制台。




import click

click.secho('Hello, World!', fg='green')
click.secho('Some more text', bg='blue', fg='white')
click.secho('ATTENTION', blink=True, bold=True)
