为什么不允许获取临时对象的非const引用, getx()返回哪个函数?显然,这是c++标准所禁止的 但我感兴趣的是这种限制的目的,而不是参考标准。

struct X
    X& ref() { return *this; }

X getx() { return X();}

void g(X & x) {}    

int f()
    const X& x = getx(); // OK
    X& x = getx(); // error
    X& x = getx().ref(); // OK
    g(getx()); //error
    g(getx().ref()); //OK
    return 0;

很明显,对象的生存期不可能是原因,因为 c++标准不禁止对对象的常量引用。 很明显,在上面的示例中,临时对象不是常量,因为允许调用非常量函数。例如,ref()可以修改临时对象。 此外,ref()允许你欺骗编译器并获得到这个临时对象的链接,这解决了我们的问题。


他们说“给const引用赋值一个临时对象可以延长这个对象的生命周期”和“尽管没有提到非const引用”。 我还有一个问题。下面的赋值是否会延长临时对象的生命周期?

X& x = getx().ref(); // OK




void incr(int& a) { ++a; }
int i = 0;
incr(i);    // i becomes 1
incr(0);    // error: 0 is not an lvalue



为什么你想要x & x = getx();?只需使用X X = getx();并依赖RVO。



但这整个想法非常令人困惑。例如const X &x = X();const x &x = x ().ref();will NOT(谁知道ref()实际返回了什么)。在后一种情况下,X的析构函数在这一行的末尾被调用。(这可以通过非平凡析构函数观察到。)


[来自sbi comment]:请注意,将其绑定到const引用可以增强a Temporary的生命周期是一个故意添加的异常 (TTBOMK,以便允许手动优化)。没有 为非const引用添加的异常,因为绑定是临时的 对非const的引用被认为最有可能是程序员 错误。


[另一个sbi评论]Stroustrup给出的(在D&E中)不允许绑定的原因 对非const引用的右值是,如果Alexey的g()会修改 对象(可以从接受非const参数的函数中得到) 引用),它会修改一个即将死亡的对象,所以没有人 无论如何都可以得到修改后的值。他说,这是最 很可能,是一个错误。

很明显,在上面的示例中,临时对象不是常量,因为调用 对于非常数函数是允许的。例如,ref()可以修改临时的 对象。”

在你的例子中,getX()不会返回一个const X,所以你可以像调用X().ref()一样调用ref()。你正在返回一个非const引用,因此可以调用非const方法,你不能做的是将ref赋值给一个非const引用。


我想分享一个场景,我希望我能做到Alexey要求的事情。在一个Maya c++插件中,我必须做以下的恶作剧,以获得一个值到一个节点属性:

MFnDoubleArrayData myArrayData;
MObject myArrayObj = myArrayData.create(myArray);   
MPlug myPlug = myNode.findPlug(attributeName);


MPlug operator | (MFnDependencyNode& node, MObject& attribute){
    MStatus status;
    MPlug returnValue = node.findPlug(attribute, &status);
    return returnValue;

void operator << (MPlug& plug, MDoubleArray& doubleArray){
    MStatus status;
    MFnDoubleArrayData doubleArrayData;
    MObject doubleArrayObject = doubleArrayData.create(doubleArray, &status);
    status = plug.setValue(doubleArrayObject);


(myNode | attributeName) << myArray;

问题是它不能在Visual c++之外编译,因为它试图将从|操作符返回的临时变量绑定到<<操作符的MPlug引用。我想它是一个参考,因为这段代码被多次调用,我宁愿没有MPlug被复制这么多。我只需要临时对象存活到第二个函数结束。



这篇关于右值引用的Visual c++博客文章:

... c++不希望你意外地 修改临时对象,但是要直接修改 在上调用非const成员函数 可修改的右值是显式的,所以 这是允许的……

Basically, you shouldn't try to modify temporaries for the very reason that they are temporary objects and will die any moment now. The reason you are allowed to call non-const methods is that, well, you are welcome to do some "stupid" things as long as you know what you are doing and you are explicit about it (like, using reinterpret_cast). But if you bind a temporary to a non-const reference, you can keep passing it around "forever" just to have your manipulation of the object disappear, because somewhere along the way you completely forgot this was a temporary.



Edit: Addressing questions in comment: 1) `X& x = getx().ref(); // OK when will x die?` - I don't know and I don't care, because this is exactly what I mean by "going against the language". The language says "temporaries die at the end of the statement, unless they are bound to const reference, in which case they die when the reference goes out of scope". Applying that rule, it seems x is already dead at the beginning of the next statement, since it's not bound to const reference (the compiler doesn't know what ref() returns). This is just a guess however.

我清楚地说明了目的:不允许修改临时对象,因为这没有意义(忽略c++ 0x右值引用)。“那么为什么允许我调用非const成员?”这个问题很好,但我没有比上面已经提到的更好的答案了。 好吧,如果我对x中的x是正确的& x = getx().ref();在声明的最后,问题是显而易见的。

Anyway, based on your question and comments I don't think even these extra answers will satisfy you. Here is a final attempt/summary: The C++ committee decided it doesn't make sense to modify temporaries, therefore, they disallowed binding to non-const references. May be some compiler implementation or historic issues were also involved, I don't know. Then, some specific case emerged, and it was decided that against all odds, they will still allow direct modification through calling non-const method. But that's an exception - you are generally not allowed to modify temporaries. Yes, C++ is often that weird.