在Scala中解析命令行参数的最佳方法是什么? 我个人更喜欢一些不需要外部罐子的轻量级的东西。


我如何解析Java中的命令行参数? c++有哪些参数解析器库? 在c#中解析命令行参数的最佳方法



    def optArg(prefix: String) = args.drop(3).find { _.startsWith(prefix) }.map{_.replaceFirst(prefix, "")}
    def optSpecified(prefix: String) = optArg(prefix) != None
    def optInt(prefix: String, default: Int) = optArg(prefix).map(_.toInt).getOrElse(default)

它删除了3个强制参数,并给出了选项。整数被指定为臭名昭著的-Xmx<size> java选项,加上前缀。您可以像这样简单地解析二进制和整数

val cacheEnabled = optSpecified("cacheOff")
val memSize = optInt("-Xmx", 1000)





def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val cli = args.map(_.split("=") match { case Array(k, v) => k->v } ).toMap
    val saveAs = cli("saveAs")

Here's a scala command line parser that is easy to use. It automatically formats help text, and it converts switch arguments to your desired type. Both short POSIX, and long GNU style switches are supported. Supports switches with required arguments, optional arguments, and multiple value arguments. You can even specify the finite list of acceptable values for a particular switch. Long switch names can be abbreviated on the command line for convenience. Similar to the option parser in the Ruby standard library.


我认为Scala -optparse-applicative是Scala中功能最强大的命令行解析器库。


我喜欢这段代码的简洁外观…从这里的讨论中收集到: http://www.scala-lang.org/old/node/4380

object ArgParser {
  val usage = """
Usage: parser [-v] [-f file] [-s sopt] ...
Where: -v   Run verbosely
       -f F Set input file to F
       -s S Set Show option to S

  var filename: String = ""
  var showme: String = ""
  var debug: Boolean = false
  val unknown = "(^-[^\\s])".r

  val pf: PartialFunction[List[String], List[String]] = {
    case "-v" :: tail => debug = true; tail
    case "-f" :: (arg: String) :: tail => filename = arg; tail
    case "-s" :: (arg: String) :: tail => showme = arg; tail
    case unknown(bad) :: tail => die("unknown argument " + bad + "\n" + usage)

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    // if there are required args:
    if (args.length == 0) die()
    val arglist = args.toList
    val remainingopts = parseArgs(arglist,pf)

    println("debug=" + debug)
    println("showme=" + showme)
    println("filename=" + filename)
    println("remainingopts=" + remainingopts)

  def parseArgs(args: List[String], pf: PartialFunction[List[String], List[String]]): List[String] = args match {
    case Nil => Nil
    case _ => if (pf isDefinedAt args) parseArgs(pf(args),pf) else args.head :: parseArgs(args.tail,pf)

  def die(msg: String = usage) = {
