在Scala中解析命令行参数的最佳方法是什么? 我个人更喜欢一些不需要外部罐子的轻量级的东西。


我如何解析Java中的命令行参数? c++有哪些参数解析器库? 在c#中解析命令行参数的最佳方法



val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Config]("scopt") {
  head("scopt", "3.x")

  opt[Int]('f', "foo") action { (x, c) =>
    c.copy(foo = x) } text("foo is an integer property")

  opt[File]('o', "out") required() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
    c.copy(out = x) } text("out is a required file property")

  opt[(String, Int)]("max") action { case ((k, v), c) =>
    c.copy(libName = k, maxCount = v) } validate { x =>
    if (x._2 > 0) success
    else failure("Value <max> must be >0") 
  } keyValueName("<libname>", "<max>") text("maximum count for <libname>")

  opt[Unit]("verbose") action { (_, c) =>
    c.copy(verbose = true) } text("verbose is a flag")

  note("some notes.\n")

  help("help") text("prints this usage text")

  arg[File]("<file>...") unbounded() optional() action { (x, c) =>
    c.copy(files = c.files :+ x) } text("optional unbounded args")

  cmd("update") action { (_, c) =>
    c.copy(mode = "update") } text("update is a command.") children(
    opt[Unit]("not-keepalive") abbr("nk") action { (_, c) =>
      c.copy(keepalive = false) } text("disable keepalive"),
    opt[Boolean]("xyz") action { (x, c) =>
      c.copy(xyz = x) } text("xyz is a boolean property")
// parser.parse returns Option[C]
parser.parse(args, Config()) map { config =>
  // do stuff
} getOrElse {
  // arguments are bad, usage message will have been displayed


scopt 3.x
Usage: scopt [update] [options] [<file>...]

  -f <value> | --foo <value>
        foo is an integer property
  -o <file> | --out <file>
        out is a required file property
        maximum count for <libname>
        verbose is a flag
some notes.

        prints this usage text
        optional unbounded args

Command: update
update is a command.

  -nk | --not-keepalive
        disable keepalive    
  --xyz <value>
        xyz is a boolean property

这是我目前使用的。使用干净,没有太多包袱。 (免责声明:我现在维护这个项目)




val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Config]("scopt") {
  head("scopt", "3.x")

  opt[Int]('f', "foo") action { (x, c) =>
    c.copy(foo = x) } text("foo is an integer property")

  opt[File]('o', "out") required() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
    c.copy(out = x) } text("out is a required file property")

  opt[(String, Int)]("max") action { case ((k, v), c) =>
    c.copy(libName = k, maxCount = v) } validate { x =>
    if (x._2 > 0) success
    else failure("Value <max> must be >0") 
  } keyValueName("<libname>", "<max>") text("maximum count for <libname>")

  opt[Unit]("verbose") action { (_, c) =>
    c.copy(verbose = true) } text("verbose is a flag")

  note("some notes.\n")

  help("help") text("prints this usage text")

  arg[File]("<file>...") unbounded() optional() action { (x, c) =>
    c.copy(files = c.files :+ x) } text("optional unbounded args")

  cmd("update") action { (_, c) =>
    c.copy(mode = "update") } text("update is a command.") children(
    opt[Unit]("not-keepalive") abbr("nk") action { (_, c) =>
      c.copy(keepalive = false) } text("disable keepalive"),
    opt[Boolean]("xyz") action { (x, c) =>
      c.copy(xyz = x) } text("xyz is a boolean property")
// parser.parse returns Option[C]
parser.parse(args, Config()) map { config =>
  // do stuff
} getOrElse {
  // arguments are bad, usage message will have been displayed


scopt 3.x
Usage: scopt [update] [options] [<file>...]

  -f <value> | --foo <value>
        foo is an integer property
  -o <file> | --out <file>
        out is a required file property
        maximum count for <libname>
        verbose is a flag
some notes.

        prints this usage text
        optional unbounded args

Command: update
update is a command.

  -nk | --not-keepalive
        disable keepalive    
  --xyz <value>
        xyz is a boolean property

这是我目前使用的。使用干净,没有太多包袱。 (免责声明:我现在维护这个项目)




import org.kohsuke.args4j.{CmdLineException, CmdLineParser, Option}

object CliArgs {

  @Option(name = "-list", required = true,
    usage = "List of Nutch Segment(s) Part(s)")
  var pathsList: String = null

  @Option(name = "-workdir", required = true,
    usage = "Work directory.")
  var workDir: String = null

  @Option(name = "-master",
    usage = "Spark master url")
  var masterUrl: String = "local[2]"



//var args = "-listt in.txt -workdir out-2".split(" ")
val parser = new CmdLineParser(CliArgs)
try {
} catch {
  case e: CmdLineException =>
    print(s"Error:${e.getMessage}\n Usage:\n")
println("workDir  :" + CliArgs.workDir)
println("listFile :" + CliArgs.pathsList)
println("master   :" + CliArgs.masterUrl)


Error:Option "-list" is required
 -list VAL    : List of Nutch Segment(s) Part(s)
 -master VAL  : Spark master url (default: local[2])
 -workdir VAL : Work directory.


case class AppArgs(
              seed1: String,
              seed2: String,
              ip: String,
              port: Int
object AppArgs {
  def empty = new AppArgs("", "", "", 0)

val args = Array[String](
  "--seed1", "akka.tcp://seed1",
  "--seed2", "akka.tcp://seed2",
  "--nodeip", "",
  "--nodeport", "2551"

val argsInstance = args.sliding(2, 1).toList.foldLeft(AppArgs.empty) { case (accumArgs, currArgs) => currArgs match {
    case Array("--seed1", seed1) => accumArgs.copy(seed1 = seed1)
    case Array("--seed2", seed2) => accumArgs.copy(seed2 = seed2)
    case Array("--nodeip", ip) => accumArgs.copy(ip = ip)
    case Array("--nodeport", port) => accumArgs.copy(port = port.toInt)
    case unknownArg => accumArgs // Do whatever you want for this case


import org.docopt.Docopt

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

val doc =
Usage: my_program [options] <input>

 --sorted   fancy sorting

//def args = "--sorted test.dat".split(" ").toList
var results = new Docopt(doc).
  map {case(key, value)=>key ->value.toString}

val inputFile = new File(results("<input>"))
val sorted = results("--sorted").toBoolean