




delegate int testDel();

static void Main(string[] args)
    int foo = 4;
    testDel myClosure = delegate()
        return foo;
    int bar = myClosure();





public delegate T Iterator<T>() where T : class;

public Iterator<T> CreateIterator<T>(IList<T> x) where T : class
    var i = 0; 
    return delegate { return (i < x.Count) ? x[i++] : null; };


var iterator = CreateIterator(new string[3] { "Foo", "Bar", "Baz"});

// So, although CreateIterator() has been called and returned, the variable 
// "i" within CreateIterator() will live on because of a closure created 
// within that method, so that every time the anonymous delegate returned 
// from it is called (by calling iterator()) it's value will increment.

string currentString;    
currentString = iterator(); // currentString is now "Foo"
currentString = iterator(); // currentString is now "Bar"
currentString = iterator(); // currentString is now "Baz"
currentString = iterator(); // currentString is now null


A closure aims to simplify functional thinking, and it allows the runtime to manage state, releasing extra complexity for the developer. A closure is a first-class function with free variables that are bound in the lexical environment. Behind these buzzwords hides a simple concept: closures are a more convenient way to give functions access to local state and to pass data into background operations. They are special functions that carry an implicit binding to all the nonlocal variables (also called free variables or up-values) referenced. Moreover, a closure allows a function to access one or more nonlocal variables even when invoked outside its immediate lexical scope, and the body of this special function can transport these free variables as a single entity, defined in its enclosing scope. More importantly, a closure encapsulates behavior and passes it around like any other object, granting access to the context in which the closure was created, reading, and updating these values.

Func<int, int> GetMultiplier(int a)
     return delegate(int b) { return a * b; } ;
var fn2 = GetMultiplier(2);
var fn3 = GetMultiplier(3);
Console.WriteLine(fn2(2));  //outputs 4
Console.WriteLine(fn2(3));  //outputs 6
Console.WriteLine(fn3(2));  //outputs 6
Console.WriteLine(fn3(3));  //outputs 9

闭包是传递到创建闭包的函数外部的匿名函数。 它维护它所使用的函数中的任何变量。


public string GetByName(string name)
    List<things> theThings = new List<things>();
    return  theThings.Find<things>(t => t.Name == name)[0];


t => t.Name == name



这里有一个简单的例子: 列表。Find方法可以接受并执行一段代码(闭包)来查找列表的项。

// Passing a block of code as a function argument
List<int> ints = new List<int> {1, 2, 3};
ints.Find(delegate(int value) { return value == 1; });

使用c# 3.0语法,我们可以这样写:

ints.Find(value => value == 1);