这里有人用过c++的“placement new”吗?如果有,为什么?在我看来,它只在内存映射硬件上有用。



Even when a very good malloc implementation is used (or similar memory management function) it's very difficult to deal with fragmentation for a long time. At some point if you don't manage cleverly the memory reservation/release calls you could end up with a lot of small gaps that are difficult to reuse (assign to new reservations). So, one of the solutions that are used in this case is to use a memory pool to allocate before hand the memory for the application objects. After-wards each time you need memory for some object you just use the new placement to create a new object on the already reserved memory.


我在实践中看到过这种情况,特别是在VxWorks RTOS中,因为它的默认内存分配系统受到了很多碎片的影响。因此,通过标准的new/malloc方法分配内存在项目中基本上是被禁止的。所有的内存预留都应该到一个专用的内存池中。






标准c++也支持放置 New操作符,它构造 对象在预先分配的缓冲区上。这 在构建内存池时很有用, 垃圾收集器或简单的什么时候 性能和异常安全是重要的 派拉蒙(没有危险 内存分配失败 已经分配了,然后呢 对象上构造对象 预分配缓冲区占用的时间更少):

char *buf  = new char[sizeof(string)]; // pre-allocated buffer
string *p = new (buf) string("hi");    // placement new
string *q = new string("hi");          // ordinary heap allocation

您可能还希望确保在关键代码的特定部分(例如,在由起搏器执行的代码中)不存在分配失败。在这种情况下,您可能希望更早地分配内存,然后在临界区中使用placement new。






vector<Foo> vec;

// Allocate memory for a thousand Foos:

... 其实也造不出一千个foo。它只是为它们分配/保留内存。如果vector没有在这里使用放置new,它将在所有地方默认构造foo,并且必须调用它们的析构函数,即使是对于你从未在第一个位置插入的元素。




我讨厌std::allocator的设计,但这是一个不同的主题,我将避免咆哮。: - d

So anyway, I tend to use it a lot since I've written a number of general-purpose standard-compliant C++ containers that could not be built in terms of the existing ones. Included among them is a small vector implementation I built a couple decades ago to avoid heap allocations in common cases, and a memory-efficient trie (doesn't allocate one node at a time). In both cases I couldn't really implement them using the existing containers, and so I had to use placement new to avoid superfluously invoking constructors and destructors on things unnecessary left and right.

当然,如果你曾经使用自定义分配器来单独分配对象,比如一个free list,那么你通常也会想使用placement new,就像这样(基本的例子,不需要担心异常安全或RAII):

Foo* foo = new(free_list.allocate()) Foo(...);

这里是c++ in-place构造函数的杀手级用法:对齐缓存线,以及其他2边界的幂。以下是我的超快速指针对齐算法,使用5个或更少的单周期指令,达到2边界的任意幂:

/* Quickly aligns the given pointer to a power of two boundary IN BYTES.
@return An aligned pointer of typename T.
@brief Algorithm is a 2's compliment trick that works by masking off
the desired number in 2's compliment and adding them to the
@param pointer The pointer to align.
@param boundary_byte_count The boundary byte count that must be an even
power of 2.
@warning Function does not check if the boundary is a power of 2! */
template <typename T = char>
inline T* AlignUp(void* pointer, uintptr_t boundary_byte_count) {
  uintptr_t value = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pointer);
  value += (((~value) + 1) & (boundary_byte_count - 1));
  return reinterpret_cast<T*>(value);

struct Foo { Foo () {} };
char buffer[sizeof (Foo) + 64];
Foo* foo = new (AlignUp<Foo> (buffer, 64)) Foo ();

这是不是让你的脸上露出了微笑(:)。我♥♥♥c++ 1x

Head Geek: BINGO! You got it totally - that's exactly what it's perfect for. In many embedded environments, external constraints and/or the overall use scenario forces the programmer to separate the allocation of an object from its initialization. Lumped together, C++ calls this "instantiation"; but whenever the constructor's action must be explicitly invoked WITHOUT dynamic or automatic allocation, placement new is the way to do it. It's also the perfect way to locate a global C++ object that is pinned to the address of a hardware component (memory-mapped I/O), or for any static object that, for whatever reason, must reside at a fixed address.