这里有人用过c++的“placement new”吗?如果有,为什么?在我看来,它只在内存映射硬件上有用。
vector<Foo> vec;
// Allocate memory for a thousand Foos:
... 其实也造不出一千个foo。它只是为它们分配/保留内存。如果vector没有在这里使用放置new,它将在所有地方默认构造foo,并且必须调用它们的析构函数,即使是对于你从未在第一个位置插入的元素。
我讨厌std::allocator的设计,但这是一个不同的主题,我将避免咆哮。: - d
So anyway, I tend to use it a lot since I've written a number of general-purpose standard-compliant C++ containers that could not be built in terms of the existing ones. Included among them is a small vector implementation I built a couple decades ago to avoid heap allocations in common cases, and a memory-efficient trie (doesn't allocate one node at a time). In both cases I couldn't really implement them using the existing containers, and so I had to use placement new to avoid superfluously invoking constructors and destructors on things unnecessary left and right.
当然,如果你曾经使用自定义分配器来单独分配对象,比如一个free list,那么你通常也会想使用placement new,就像这样(基本的例子,不需要担心异常安全或RAII):
Foo* foo = new(free_list.allocate()) Foo(...);
这里有人用过c++的“placement new”吗?如果有,为什么?在我看来,它只在内存映射硬件上有用。
不可复制的对象(例如:operator=()被自动删除,因为该类包含一个const成员)或 不可平凡复制的对象(其中使用memcpy()是未定义的行为)
在c++中,当operator=()(赋值操作符)被删除时,for =的替换,你需要“复制”(实际上是复制-构造)一个因此不可复制的对象到给定的内存位置。 在c++中,当你的对象不可简单复制时,memcpy()的替换,这意味着使用memcpy()来复制这个不可简单复制的对象“可能是未定义的”。
Important: a "non-copyable" object is NOT truly non-copyable. It is simply not copyable via the = operator is all, which is a call to a class's underlying operator=() overload function. This means that when you do B = C;, what is actually happening is a call to B.operator=(C);, and when you do A = B = C;, what is actually happening is A.operator=(B.operator=(C));. Therefore, "non-copyable" objects are only copyable via other means, such as via the class's copy constructor, since, again, the class has no operator=() method. "Placement new" can be used to call any one of the many constructors which may exist in a class in order to construct an object into a desired pre-allocated memory location. Since "placement new" syntax allows for calling any constructor in a class, this includes passing it an existing instance of a class in order to have placement new call a class's copy-constructor to copy-construct a new object from the passed-in object into another place in memory. Copy-constructing one object into another place in memory...is a copy. This action creates a copy of that original object. When done, you CAN have two objects (instances), that are byte-identical, literally byte for byte (depending on your copy constructor's implementation), located in two separate places in memory. That, by definition, is a copy. It just wasn't done using the class's operator=() method is all.
1. 什么是不可复制对象?
在这里,复制构造是可以的,但是禁止复制,因为我们已经显式删除了赋值操作符。试着做nc2 = nc1;导致编译时错误:
错误:使用已删除的函数' NonCopyable1& NonCopyable1::operator=(const NonCopyable1&) '
#include <stdio.h>
class NonCopyable1
int i = 5;
// Delete the assignment operator to make this class non-copyable
NonCopyable1& operator=(const NonCopyable1& other) = delete;
int main()
printf("Hello World\n");
NonCopyable1 nc1;
NonCopyable1 nc2;
nc2 = nc1; // copy assignment; compile-time error!
NonCopyable1 nc3 = nc1; // copy constructor; works fine!
return 0;
在这里,复制构造是可以的,但是禁止复制,因为该类包含一个不能写入的const成员(假设是这样,因为显然有替代方法)。试着做nc2 = nc1;导致编译时错误:
错误:使用已删除的函数' NonCopyable1& NonCopyable1::operator=(const NonCopyable1&) ' 注意:' NonCopyable1& NonCopyable1::operator=(const NonCopyable1&) '被隐式删除,因为默认定义是格式错误的: const int NonCopyable1::i,不能使用默认的赋值操作符
#include <stdio.h>
class NonCopyable1
const int i = 5; // classes with `const` members are non-copyable by default
int main()
printf("Hello World\n");
NonCopyable1 nc1;
NonCopyable1 nc2;
nc2 = nc1; // copy assignment; compile-time error!
NonCopyable1 nc3 = nc1; // copy constructor; works fine!
return 0;
所以,如果一个类是不可复制的,你就不能通过下面的方法获取它的副本作为输出!line outputData = data;将导致编译失败,出现上面最后一个示例中所示的错误消息!
#include <functional>
#include <stdio.h>
class NonCopyable1
const int i; // classes with `const` members are non-copyable by default
// Constructor to custom-initialize `i`
NonCopyable1(int val = 5) : i(val)
// nothing else to do
// Some class which (perhaps asynchronously) processes data. You attach a
// callback, which gets called later.
// - Also, this may be a shared library over which you have no or little
// control, so you cannot easily change the prototype of the callable/callback
// function.
class ProcessData
void attachCallback(std::function<void(void)> callable)
callback_ = callable;
void callCallback()
std::function<void(void)> callback_;
int main()
printf("Hello World\n");
NonCopyable1 outputData; // we need to receive back data through this object
printf("outputData.i (before) = %i\n", outputData.i); // is 5
ProcessData processData;
// Attach a lambda function as a callback, capturing `outputData` by
// reference so we can receive back the data from inside the callback via
// this object even though the callable prototype returns `void` (is a
// `void(void)` callable/function).
int someRandomData = 999;
NonCopyable1 data(someRandomData);
// AUTO-DELETED since the class has a `const` data member!
outputData = data;
// verify we get 999 here, NOT 5!
printf("outputData.i (after) = %i\n", outputData.i);
return 0;
笔记 普通可复制类型的对象是唯一可以使用std::memcpy安全地复制的c++对象,或者使用std::ofstream::write()/std::ifstream::read()安全地序列化到二进制文件的c++对象。
int someRandomData = 999;
NonCopyable1 data(someRandomData);
// AUTO-DELETED since the class has a `const` data member!
outputData = data;
// (added to top)
#include <cstring> // for `memcpy()`
#include <type_traits> // for `std::is_trivially_copyable<>()`
// Attach a lambda function as a callback, capturing `outputData` by
// reference so we can receive back the data from inside the callback via
// this object even though the callable prototype returns `void` (is a
// `void(void)` callable/function).
int someRandomData = 999;
NonCopyable1 data(someRandomData);
static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<NonCopyable1>::value, "NonCopyable1 must "
"be a trivially-copyable type in order to guarantee that `memcpy()` is safe "
"to use on it.");
memcpy(&outputData, &data, sizeof(data));
你好世界 outputData。I (before) = 5 outputData。I (after) = 999
int someRandomData = 999;
NonCopyable1 data(someRandomData);
static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<NonCopyable1>::value, "NonCopyable1 must "
"be a trivially-copyable type in order to guarantee that `memcpy()` is safe "
"to use on it.");
outputData.~NonCopyable1(); // manually call destructor before overwriting this object
memcpy(&outputData, &data, sizeof(data));
但是,如果上面的static_assert()失败了,那么就不应该使用memcpy()。因此,一个始终安全且更好的c++替代方案是使用“placement new”。
Here, we simply copy-construct data right into the memory region occupied by outputData. That's what this "placement new" syntax does for us! It does NOT dynamically allocate memory, like the new operator normally does. Normally, the new operator first dynamically allocates memory on the heap and then constructs an object into that memory by calling the object's constructor. However, placement new does NOT do the allocation part. Instead, it simply skips that part and constructs an object into memory at an address you specify! YOU have to be the one to allocate that memory, either statically or dynamically, beforehand, and YOU have to ensure that memory is properly aligned for that object (see alignof and alignas and the Placement new example here) (it will be in this case since we explicitly created the outputData object as an object, calling it's constructor with NonCopyable1 outputData;), and YOU have to ensure that the memory buffer/pool is large enough to hold the data you are about to construct into it.
// Call`T`'s specified constructor below, constructing it as an object right into
// the memory location pointed to by `ptr_to_buffer`. No dynamic memory allocation
// whatsoever happens at this time. The object `T` is simply constructed into this
// address in memory.
T* ptr_to_T = new(ptr_to_buffer) T(optional_input_args_to_T's_constructor);
// copy-construct `data` right into the address at `&outputData`, using placement new syntax
new(&outputData) NonCopyable1(data);
我们最终的attachCallback lambda现在看起来像这样,在memcpy()的位置使用了新语法。注意,确保对象可普通复制的检查不再需要。
===>最好的c++解决方案全方位-避免memcpy通过复制构造直接到目标内存位置使用放置new: <====使用此!= = = =
int someRandomData = 999;
NonCopyable1 data(someRandomData);
outputData.~NonCopyable1(); // manually call destructor before overwriting this object
// copy-construct `data` right into the address at `&outputData`, using placement new syntax
new(&outputData) NonCopyable1(data);
// Assume that `data` will be further manipulated and used below now, but we needed
// its state at this moment in time.
// Note also that under the most trivial of cases, we could have also just called
// out custom constructor right here too, like this. You can call whatever
// constructor you want!
// new(&outputData) NonCopyable1(999);
// ...
2. 什么是非平凡可复制对象?
A non-trivially-copyable object may be one which contains virtual methods and things, as this can lead to the class having to track "vee pointers" (vptr) and "vee tables" (vtbls), to point to the proper virtual implementation in memory. Read more about that here: Dr. Dobb's "Storage Layout of Polymorphic Objects". However, even in this case, so long as you're memcpy()ing from the same process to the same process (ie: within the same virtual memory space), and NOT between processes, and NOT deserializing from disk to RAM, it seems to me that memcpy() would technically work fine and produce no bugs (and I've proven this in a handful of examples to myself), but it technically seems to be behavior which is not defined by the C++ standard, so therefore it is undefined behavior, so therefore it can't be relied upon 100% from compiler to compiler, and from one version of C++ to the next, so...it is undefined behavior and you shouldn't memcpy() in that case.
// Custom copy/assignment operator declaration:
NonCopyable1& operator=(const NonCopyable1& other);
// OR:
// Custom copy/assignment operator definition:
NonCopyable1& operator=(const NonCopyable1& other)
// Check for, **and don't allow**, self assignment!
// ie: only copy the contents from the other object
// to this object if it is not the same object (ie: if it is not
// self-assignment)!
if(this != &other)
// copy all non-const members manually here, if the class had any; ex:
// j = other.j;
// k = other.k;
// etc.
// Do deep copy of data via any member **pointers**, if such members exist
// the assignment function (`operator=()`) expects you to return the
// contents of your own object (the left side), passed by reference, so
// that constructs such as `test1 = test2 = test3;` are valid!
// See this reference, from Stanford, p11, here!:
// http://web.stanford.edu/class/archive/cs/cs106b/cs106b.1084/cs106l/handouts/170_Copy_Constructor_Assignment_Operator.pdf
// MyClass one, two, three;
// three = two = one;
return *this;
(更多关于自定义复制构造函数、赋值操作符等的例子,以及“三原则”和“五原则”,请参阅这里的hello world存储库和示例。)
int someRandomData = 999;
NonCopyable1 data(someRandomData);
static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<NonCopyable1>::value, "NonCopyable1 must "
"be a trivially-copyable type in order to guarantee that `memcpy()` is safe "
"to use on it.");
outputData.~NonCopyable1(); // manually call destructor before overwriting this object
memcpy(&outputData, &data, sizeof(data));
main.cpp: main.cpp:151:13: error: static断言失败:NonCopyable1必须是一个普通可复制的类型,以保证' memcpy() '对其使用是安全的。 static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<NonCopyable1>::value, "NonCopyable1必须" ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
所以,你必须/(真的应该)使用“placement new”来代替,就像上面所描述的那样:
int someRandomData = 999;
NonCopyable1 data(someRandomData);
outputData.~NonCopyable1(); // manually call destructor before overwriting this object
// copy-construct `data` right into the address at `&outputData`, using placement new syntax
new(&outputData) NonCopyable1(data);
更多关于使用"placement new"预分配缓冲区/内存池的信息
如果你真的只是使用placement new来复制构造到内存池/共享内存/预分配的对象空间中,没有必要使用NonCopyable1 outputData;在内存中构造一个无用的实例,不管怎样我们都要销毁它。相反,您可以只使用字节的内存池。格式如下:
// within any scope...
char buf[sizeof(T)]; // Statically allocate memory large enough for any object of
// type `T`; it may be misaligned!
// OR, to force proper alignment of your memory buffer for your object of type `T`,
// you may specify memory alignment with `alignas()` like this instead:
alignas(alignof(T)) char buf[sizeof(T)];
T* tptr = new(buf) T; // Construct a `T` object, placing it directly into your
// pre-allocated storage at memory address `buf`.
tptr->~T(); // You must **manually** call the object's destructor.
} // Leaving scope here auto-deallocates your statically-allocated
// memory `buf`.
// This constructs an actual object here, calling the `NonCopyable1` class's
// default constructor.
NonCopyable1 outputData;
// This is just a statically-allocated memory pool. No constructor is called.
// Statically allocate an output buffer properly aligned, and large enough,
// to store 1 single `NonCopyable1` object.
alignas(alignof(NonCopyable1)) uint8_t outputData[sizeof(NonCopyable1)];
NonCopyable1* outputDataPtr = (NonCopyable1*)(&outputData[0]);
The former method (NonCopyable1 outputData;) is best if a constructor for this class exists which requires no input parameters you do NOT have access to at the time of the creation of this buffer, and if you only intend to store this one data type into this buffer, whereas the latter uint8_t buffer method is best if you either A) do NOT have access to all of the input parameters required to even construct the object at the location you need to create this buffer, OR B) if you plan to store multiple data types into this memory pool, perhaps for communicating between threads, modules, processes, etc, in a union-sort of way.
So, this whole "placement new" thing in C++, and the need for it, took me a lot of study and a long time to wrap my mind around it. After thinking about it, it has occurred to me that the paradigm of C (where I come from) is to manually allocate some memory, then stick some stuff into it. These are intended to be separate actions when dealing with both static and dynamic memory allocation (remember: you can't even set default values for structs!). There is no concept of a constructor or destructor, and even getting the behavior of a scope-based destructor which gets automatically called as a variable exits a given scope is a pain-in-the-butt and requires some fancy gcc extension __attribute__((__cleanup__(my_variable))) magic as I demonstrate in my answer here. Arbitrarily copying from one object to another, however, is super easy. Just copy the objects around! This is contrasted to the paradigm of C++, which is RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization). This paradigm focuses on objects being ready for use the instant they are created. To accomplish this, they rely on constructors and destructors. This means that creating an object like this: NonCopyable1 data(someRandomData);, doesn't just allocate memory for that object, it also calls the object's constuctor and constructs (places) that object right into that memory. It tries to do multiple things in one. So, in C++, memcpy() and the assignment operator (=; AKA: operator=() function) are explicitly more limited by the nature of C++. This is why we have to go through the hoops of this weird "copy-construct my object into a given memory location via placement new" process in C++ instead of just creating a variable and copying stuff into it later, or memcpy()ing stuff into it later if it contains a const member, like we would do in C. C++ really tries to enforce RAII, and this is in part how they do it.
从c++ 17开始,你也可以使用std::optional<>作为包装器。现代c++的各种容器和包装器的emplace()函数做的是我们上面手动做的“placement new”(也见我在这里的回答和关于std::vector<T,Allocator>::emplace_back“通常使用place -new来构造元素in-place”的引用)。
NonCopyable1 outputData;
// OR
alignas(alignof(NonCopyable1)) uint8_t outputData[sizeof(NonCopyable1)];
NonCopyable1* outputDataPtr = (NonCopyable1*)(&outputData[0]);
# include <optional>
std::optional<NonCopyable1> outputData = std::nullopt;
int someRandomData = 999;
NonCopyable1 data(someRandomData);
outputData.~NonCopyable1(); // manually call destructor before overwriting this object
// copy-construct `data` right into the address at `&outputData`, using placement new syntax
new(&outputData) NonCopyable1(data);
int someRandomData = 999;
NonCopyable1 data(someRandomData);
// emplace `data` right into the `outputData` object
// verify we get 999 here!
if (outputData.has_value())
printf("(*outputData).i (after) = %i\n", (*outputData).i);
// OR
printf("outputData.value().i (after) = %i\n", outputData.value().i);
printf("outputData.has_value() is false!");
你好世界 (* outputData)。I (after) = 999 outputData.value()。I (after) = 999
*****+[some of the most-useful and simplest "placement new" examples Iv'e ever seen!] https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/placement-new-operator-cpp/ [great example] https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/new --> see the "Placement new" section and example here! (I helped write the example). How do I make this C++ object non-copyable? [makes the really important point that calling the placement new line calls the object's constructor as it constructs it!: Line #3 (Fred* f = new(place) Fred();) essentially just calls the constructor Fred::Fred(). This means "the this pointer in the Fred constructor will be equal to place".] http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/users/yechiel/c++-faq/placement-new.html http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/users/yechiel/c++-faq/memory-pools.html Dr. Dobb's "Storage Layout of Polymorphic Objects" [good pre-C++11 intro to the C++ "Rule of Three"] http://web.stanford.edu/class/archive/cs/cs106b/cs106b.1084/cs106l/handouts/170_Copy_Constructor_Assignment_Operator.pdf My "hello world" example and repository, demoing custom copy constructors, assignment operators, etc., related to the C++ "Rule of Three" / "Rule of Five" / "Rule of Zero" / "Rule of 0/3/5": https://github.com/ElectricRCAircraftGuy/eRCaGuy_hello_world/blob/master/cpp/copy_constructor_and_assignment_operator/copy_constructor_and_assignment_operator.cpp [an excellent writeup by Microsoft on the usage of C++17's std::optional<> type] https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/stdoptional-how-when-and-why/ [related, since "placement new" very clearly solves this problem too, as this problem was the crux of and driving force behind most of my solutions and examples here!] const member and assignment operator. How to avoid the undefined behavior?
但这是我用来获得小类型的快速性能的棘手技巧:如果所持有的值可以放入void*中,我实际上不需要分配一个新对象,而是使用placement new将其强制到指针本身。
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