


这是我的版本。它正在使用new Object。ES5中引入的keys特性以及+、+和+的想法/测试:

function objectEquals(x, y) { 'use strict'; if (x === null || x === undefined || y === null || y === undefined) { return x === y; } // after this just checking type of one would be enough if (x.constructor !== y.constructor) { return false; } // if they are functions, they should exactly refer to same one (because of closures) if (x instanceof Function) { return x === y; } // if they are regexps, they should exactly refer to same one (it is hard to better equality check on current ES) if (x instanceof RegExp) { return x === y; } if (x === y || x.valueOf() === y.valueOf()) { return true; } if (Array.isArray(x) && x.length !== y.length) { return false; } // if they are dates, they must had equal valueOf if (x instanceof Date) { return false; } // if they are strictly equal, they both need to be object at least if (!(x instanceof Object)) { return false; } if (!(y instanceof Object)) { return false; } // recursive object equality check var p = Object.keys(x); return Object.keys(y).every(function (i) { return p.indexOf(i) !== -1; }) && p.every(function (i) { return objectEquals(x[i], y[i]); }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The borrowed tests, run them by clicking "Run code snippet" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var printResult = function (x) { if (x) { document.write('<div style="color: green;">Passed</div>'); } else { document.write('<div style="color: red;">Failed</div>'); } }; var assert = { isTrue: function (x) { printResult(x); }, isFalse: function (x) { printResult(!x); } } assert.isTrue(objectEquals(null,null)); assert.isFalse(objectEquals(null,undefined)); assert.isFalse(objectEquals(/abc/, /abc/)); assert.isFalse(objectEquals(/abc/, /123/)); var r = /abc/; assert.isTrue(objectEquals(r, r)); assert.isTrue(objectEquals("hi","hi")); assert.isTrue(objectEquals(5,5)); assert.isFalse(objectEquals(5,10)); assert.isTrue(objectEquals([],[])); assert.isTrue(objectEquals([1,2],[1,2])); assert.isFalse(objectEquals([1,2],[2,1])); assert.isFalse(objectEquals([1,2],[1,2,3])); assert.isTrue(objectEquals({},{})); assert.isTrue(objectEquals({a:1,b:2},{a:1,b:2})); assert.isTrue(objectEquals({a:1,b:2},{b:2,a:1})); assert.isFalse(objectEquals({a:1,b:2},{a:1,b:3})); assert.isTrue(objectEquals({1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:26}},{1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:26}})); assert.isFalse(objectEquals({1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:26}},{1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:27}})); Object.prototype.equals = function (obj) { return objectEquals(this, obj); }; var assertFalse = assert.isFalse, assertTrue = assert.isTrue; assertFalse({}.equals(null)); assertFalse({}.equals(undefined)); assertTrue("hi".equals("hi")); assertTrue(new Number(5).equals(5)); assertFalse(new Number(5).equals(10)); assertFalse(new Number(1).equals("1")); assertTrue([].equals([])); assertTrue([1,2].equals([1,2])); assertFalse([1,2].equals([2,1])); assertFalse([1,2].equals([1,2,3])); assertTrue(new Date("2011-03-31").equals(new Date("2011-03-31"))); assertFalse(new Date("2011-03-31").equals(new Date("1970-01-01"))); assertTrue({}.equals({})); assertTrue({a:1,b:2}.equals({a:1,b:2})); assertTrue({a:1,b:2}.equals({b:2,a:1})); assertFalse({a:1,b:2}.equals({a:1,b:3})); assertTrue({1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:26}}.equals({1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:26}})); assertFalse({1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:26}}.equals({1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:27}})); var a = {a: 'text', b:[0,1]}; var b = {a: 'text', b:[0,1]}; var c = {a: 'text', b: 0}; var d = {a: 'text', b: false}; var e = {a: 'text', b:[1,0]}; var i = { a: 'text', c: { b: [1, 0] } }; var j = { a: 'text', c: { b: [1, 0] } }; var k = {a: 'text', b: null}; var l = {a: 'text', b: undefined}; assertTrue(a.equals(b)); assertFalse(a.equals(c)); assertFalse(c.equals(d)); assertFalse(a.equals(e)); assertTrue(i.equals(j)); assertFalse(d.equals(k)); assertFalse(k.equals(l)); // from comments on stackoverflow post assert.isFalse(objectEquals([1, 2, undefined], [1, 2])); assert.isFalse(objectEquals([1, 2, 3], { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3 })); assert.isFalse(objectEquals(new Date(1234), 1234)); // no two different function is equal really, they capture their context variables // so even if they have same toString(), they won't have same functionality var func = function (x) { return true; }; var func2 = function (x) { return true; }; assert.isTrue(objectEquals(func, func)); assert.isFalse(objectEquals(func, func2)); assert.isTrue(objectEquals({ a: { b: func } }, { a: { b: func } })); assert.isFalse(objectEquals({ a: { b: func } }, { a: { b: func2 } }));



Array.prototype.equals = Object.prototype.equals = function(b) {
    var ar = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(b));
    var err = false;
    for(var key in this) {
        if(this.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            var found = ar.find(this[key]);
            if(found > -1) {
                if(Object.prototype.toString.call(ar) === "[object Object]") {
                    delete ar[Object.keys(ar)[found]];
                else {
                    ar.splice(found, 1);
            else {
                err = true;
    if(Object.keys(ar).length > 0 || err) {
        return false;
    return true;

Array.prototype.find = Object.prototype.find = function(v) {
    var f = -1;
    for(var i in this) {
        if(this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            if(Object.prototype.toString.call(this[i]) === "[object Array]" || Object.prototype.toString.call(this[i]) === "[object Object]") {
                if(this[i].equals(v)) {
                    f = (typeof(i) == "number") ? i : Object.keys(this).indexOf(i);
            else if(this[i] === v) {
                f = (typeof(i) == "number") ? i : Object.keys(this).indexOf(i);
    return f;



({a: 1, b: "h"}).equals({a: 1, b: "h"});

函数返回true或false,在本例中为true。 算法als允许在非常复杂的对象之间进行比较:

({a: 1, b: "hello", c: ["w", "o", "r", "l", "d", {answer1: "should be", answer2: true}]}).equals({b: "hello", a: 1, c: ["w", "d", "o", "r", {answer1: "should be", answer2: true}, "l"]})


在JavaScript for Objects中,当它们引用内存中的相同位置时,默认的相等运算符将产生true。

var x = {};
var y = {};
var z = x;

x === y; // => false
x === z; // => true



function Card(rank, suit) {
  this.rank = rank;
  this.suit = suit;
  this.equals = function(other) {
     return other.rank == this.rank && other.suit == this.suit;

var queenOfClubs = new Card(12, "C");
var kingOfSpades = new Card(13, "S");

queenOfClubs.equals(kingOfSpades); // => false
kingOfSpades.equals(new Card(13, "S")); // => true

这是我的版本。它正在使用new Object。ES5中引入的keys特性以及+、+和+的想法/测试:

function objectEquals(x, y) { 'use strict'; if (x === null || x === undefined || y === null || y === undefined) { return x === y; } // after this just checking type of one would be enough if (x.constructor !== y.constructor) { return false; } // if they are functions, they should exactly refer to same one (because of closures) if (x instanceof Function) { return x === y; } // if they are regexps, they should exactly refer to same one (it is hard to better equality check on current ES) if (x instanceof RegExp) { return x === y; } if (x === y || x.valueOf() === y.valueOf()) { return true; } if (Array.isArray(x) && x.length !== y.length) { return false; } // if they are dates, they must had equal valueOf if (x instanceof Date) { return false; } // if they are strictly equal, they both need to be object at least if (!(x instanceof Object)) { return false; } if (!(y instanceof Object)) { return false; } // recursive object equality check var p = Object.keys(x); return Object.keys(y).every(function (i) { return p.indexOf(i) !== -1; }) && p.every(function (i) { return objectEquals(x[i], y[i]); }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The borrowed tests, run them by clicking "Run code snippet" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var printResult = function (x) { if (x) { document.write('<div style="color: green;">Passed</div>'); } else { document.write('<div style="color: red;">Failed</div>'); } }; var assert = { isTrue: function (x) { printResult(x); }, isFalse: function (x) { printResult(!x); } } assert.isTrue(objectEquals(null,null)); assert.isFalse(objectEquals(null,undefined)); assert.isFalse(objectEquals(/abc/, /abc/)); assert.isFalse(objectEquals(/abc/, /123/)); var r = /abc/; assert.isTrue(objectEquals(r, r)); assert.isTrue(objectEquals("hi","hi")); assert.isTrue(objectEquals(5,5)); assert.isFalse(objectEquals(5,10)); assert.isTrue(objectEquals([],[])); assert.isTrue(objectEquals([1,2],[1,2])); assert.isFalse(objectEquals([1,2],[2,1])); assert.isFalse(objectEquals([1,2],[1,2,3])); assert.isTrue(objectEquals({},{})); assert.isTrue(objectEquals({a:1,b:2},{a:1,b:2})); assert.isTrue(objectEquals({a:1,b:2},{b:2,a:1})); assert.isFalse(objectEquals({a:1,b:2},{a:1,b:3})); assert.isTrue(objectEquals({1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:26}},{1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:26}})); assert.isFalse(objectEquals({1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:26}},{1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:27}})); Object.prototype.equals = function (obj) { return objectEquals(this, obj); }; var assertFalse = assert.isFalse, assertTrue = assert.isTrue; assertFalse({}.equals(null)); assertFalse({}.equals(undefined)); assertTrue("hi".equals("hi")); assertTrue(new Number(5).equals(5)); assertFalse(new Number(5).equals(10)); assertFalse(new Number(1).equals("1")); assertTrue([].equals([])); assertTrue([1,2].equals([1,2])); assertFalse([1,2].equals([2,1])); assertFalse([1,2].equals([1,2,3])); assertTrue(new Date("2011-03-31").equals(new Date("2011-03-31"))); assertFalse(new Date("2011-03-31").equals(new Date("1970-01-01"))); assertTrue({}.equals({})); assertTrue({a:1,b:2}.equals({a:1,b:2})); assertTrue({a:1,b:2}.equals({b:2,a:1})); assertFalse({a:1,b:2}.equals({a:1,b:3})); assertTrue({1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:26}}.equals({1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:26}})); assertFalse({1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:26}}.equals({1:{name:"mhc",age:28}, 2:{name:"arb",age:27}})); var a = {a: 'text', b:[0,1]}; var b = {a: 'text', b:[0,1]}; var c = {a: 'text', b: 0}; var d = {a: 'text', b: false}; var e = {a: 'text', b:[1,0]}; var i = { a: 'text', c: { b: [1, 0] } }; var j = { a: 'text', c: { b: [1, 0] } }; var k = {a: 'text', b: null}; var l = {a: 'text', b: undefined}; assertTrue(a.equals(b)); assertFalse(a.equals(c)); assertFalse(c.equals(d)); assertFalse(a.equals(e)); assertTrue(i.equals(j)); assertFalse(d.equals(k)); assertFalse(k.equals(l)); // from comments on stackoverflow post assert.isFalse(objectEquals([1, 2, undefined], [1, 2])); assert.isFalse(objectEquals([1, 2, 3], { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3 })); assert.isFalse(objectEquals(new Date(1234), 1234)); // no two different function is equal really, they capture their context variables // so even if they have same toString(), they won't have same functionality var func = function (x) { return true; }; var func2 = function (x) { return true; }; assert.isTrue(objectEquals(func, func)); assert.isFalse(objectEquals(func, func2)); assert.isTrue(objectEquals({ a: { b: func } }, { a: { b: func } })); assert.isFalse(objectEquals({ a: { b: func } }, { a: { b: func2 } }));


Object::equals = (other) ->
  typeOf = Object::toString

  return false if typeOf.call(this) isnt typeOf.call(other)
  return `this == other` unless typeOf.call(other) is '[object Object]' or
                                typeOf.call(other) is '[object Array]'

  (return false unless this[key].equals other[key]) for key, value of this
  (return false if typeof this[key] is 'undefined') for key of other



  describe "equals", ->

    it "should consider two numbers to be equal", ->
      assert 5.equals(5)

    it "should consider two empty objects to be equal", ->
      assert {}.equals({})

    it "should consider two objects with one key to be equal", ->
      assert {a: "banana"}.equals {a: "banana"}

    it "should consider two objects with keys in different orders to be equal", ->
      assert {a: "banana", kendall: "garrus"}.equals {kendall: "garrus", a: "banana"}

    it "should consider two objects with nested objects to be equal", ->
      assert {a: {fruit: "banana"}}.equals {a: {fruit: "banana"}}

    it "should consider two objects with nested objects that are jumbled to be equal", ->
      assert {a: {a: "banana", kendall: "garrus"}}.equals {a: {kendall: "garrus", a: "banana"}}

    it "should consider two objects with arrays as values to be equal", ->
      assert {a: ["apple", "banana"]}.equals {a: ["apple", "banana"]}

    it "should not consider an object to be equal to null", ->
      assert !({a: "banana"}.equals null)

    it "should not consider two objects with different keys to be equal", ->
      assert !({a: "banana"}.equals {})

    it "should not consider two objects with different values to be equal", ->
      assert !({a: "banana"}.equals {a: "grapefruit"})


Var可比= o => (typeof o != '对象' || !o)?o: 种(o) .sort()。减少((c键)= > (c[主要]=可比(o(例子)),c), {}); / /演示: var = {1, c: 4 b:[2、3],d: {e:“5”,f:零}}; var b = {b:[2、3],c: 4 d: {f: null, e:“5”},答:1}; console.log (JSON.stringify(可比(a))); console.log (JSON.stringify(可比(b))); console.log(JSON.stringify(comparable(a)) == JSON.stringify(comparable(b))); < div id = " div " > < / div >


is(JSON.stringify(comparable(x)), JSON.stringify(comparable(y)), 'x must match y');


x must match y
got      {"a":1,"b":{"0":2,"1":3},"c":7,"d":{"e":"5","f":null}},
expected {"a":1,"b":{"0":2,"1":3},"c":4,"d":{"e":"5","f":null}}.