








However! See if whatever list-populating mechanism populated that list in a particular order. Are they in a well-defined pattern where you can know with certainty that the largest magnitude of numbers will be found in a certain region of the list or on a certain interval? There may be a pattern to it. If that is so, for example if they are guaranteed to be in some sort of normal distribution with the characteristic hump in the middle, always have repeating upward trends among defined subsets, have a prolonged spike at some time T in the middle of the data set like perhaps an incidence of insider trading or equipment failure, or maybe just have a "spike" every Nth number as in analysis of forces after a catastrophe, you can reduce the number of records you have to check significantly.



import bisect

def kLargest(A, k):
    '''returns list of k largest integers in A'''
    ret = []
    for i, a in enumerate(A):
        # For first k elements, simply construct sorted temp list
        # It is treated similarly to a priority queue
        if i < k:
            bisect.insort(ret, a) # properly inserts a into sorted list ret
        # Iterate over rest of array
        # Replace and update return array when more optimal element is found
            if a > ret[0]:
                del ret[0] # pop min element off queue
                bisect.insort(ret, a) # properly inserts a into sorted list ret
    return ret


>>> from so import kLargest
>>> kLargest(range(100000000), 100)
[99999900, 99999901, 99999902, 99999903, 99999904, 99999905, 99999906, 99999907,
 99999908, 99999909, 99999910, 99999911, 99999912, 99999913, 99999914, 99999915,
 99999916, 99999917, 99999918, 99999919, 99999920, 99999921, 99999922, 99999923,
 99999924, 99999925, 99999926, 99999927, 99999928, 99999929, 99999930, 99999931,
 99999932, 99999933, 99999934, 99999935, 99999936, 99999937, 99999938, 99999939,
 99999940, 99999941, 99999942, 99999943, 99999944, 99999945, 99999946, 99999947,
 99999948, 99999949, 99999950, 99999951, 99999952, 99999953, 99999954, 99999955,
 99999956, 99999957, 99999958, 99999959, 99999960, 99999961, 99999962, 99999963,
 99999964, 99999965, 99999966, 99999967, 99999968, 99999969, 99999970, 99999971,
 99999972, 99999973, 99999974, 99999975, 99999976, 99999977, 99999978, 99999979,
 99999980, 99999981, 99999982, 99999983, 99999984, 99999985, 99999986, 99999987,
 99999988, 99999989, 99999990, 99999991, 99999992, 99999993, 99999994, 99999995,
 99999996, 99999997, 99999998, 99999999]


虽然其他的quickselect解决方案已经被否决,但事实是quickselect将比使用大小为100的队列更快地找到解决方案。在比较方面,Quickselect的预期运行时间为2n + o(n)。一个非常简单的实现是

array = input array of length n
r = Quickselect(array,n-100)
result = array of length 100
for(i = 1 to n)
     add array[i] to result

这平均需要3n + o(n)次比较。此外,quickselect将数组中最大的100个项保留在最右边的100个位置,这可以提高效率。所以实际上,运行时间可以提高到2n+o(n)。


事实上,通过使用优化的抽样策略(例如随机抽样平方根(n)个元素,并选择第99百分位数),对于任意小的c(假设K,要选择的元素数量为o(n)),运行时间可以降至(1+c)n + o(n)。


如果我们从更抽象的意义上考虑这个问题,即从大小为N的数组中选择最大的K个元素,其中K=o(N),但K和N都趋于无穷大,那么快速选择版本的运行时间将是o(N),队列版本的运行时间将是o(N log K),因此在这种意义上,快速选择也渐近地更好。

在注释中,提到队列解决方案将在随机输入的预期时间N + K log N内运行。当然,随机输入假设永远不会成立,除非问题明确地说明了这一点。队列解决方案可以以随机顺序遍历数组,但这将产生对随机数生成器的N次调用的额外成本,以及排列整个输入数组或分配一个长度为N的包含随机索引的新数组。


这个问题只需一行c++代码就可以用N log(100)的复杂度(而不是N log N)来回答。

 std::vector<int> myvector = ...; // Define your 1 billion numbers. 
                                 // Assumed integer just for concreteness 
 std::partial_sort (myvector.begin(), myvector.begin()+100, myvector.end());


c++ STL(标准库)对于这类问题非常方便。


I would find out who had the time to put a billion numbers into an array and fire him. Must work for government. At least if you had a linked list you could insert a number into the middle without moving half a billion to make room. Even better a Btree allows for a binary search. Each comparison eliminates half of your total. A hash algorithm would allow you to populate the data structure like a checkerboard but not so good for sparse data. As it is your best bet is to have a solution array of 100 integers and keep track of the lowest number in your solution array so you can replace it when you come across a higher number in the original array. You would have to look at every element in the original array assuming it is not sorted to begin with.