在我的应用程序中,我使用第三方库(Spring Data for MongoDB准确地说)。




您可以使用Eclipse Collections工厂:

Iterable<String> iterable = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3");

MutableList<String> list = Lists.mutable.withAll(iterable);
MutableSet<String> set = Sets.mutable.withAll(iterable);
MutableSortedSet<String> sortedSet = SortedSets.mutable.withAll(iterable);
MutableBag<String> bag = Bags.mutable.withAll(iterable);
MutableSortedBag<String> sortedBag = SortedBags.mutable.withAll(iterable);


Iterable<String> iterable = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3");
LazyIterable<String> lazy = LazyIterate.adapt(iterable);

MutableList<String> list = lazy.toList();
MutableSet<String> set = lazy.toSet();
MutableSortedSet<String> sortedSet = lazy.toSortedSet();
MutableBag<String> bag = lazy.toBag();
MutableSortedBag<String> sortedBag = lazy.toSortedBag();


注意:我是Eclipse Collections的提交者。


来自common -collections的IteratorUtils可能会有所帮助(尽管它们在最新的稳定版本3.2.1中不支持泛型):

Collection<Type> list = IteratorUtils.toList(iterable.iterator());



我经常使用fluentiatable .from(myIterable). tolist()。

只要你调用contains, containsAll, equals, hashCode, remove, retainAll, size或toArray,你就必须遍历元素。




There is no need to convert Iterable to Collection to use foreach loop - Iterable may be used in such loop directly, there is no syntactical difference, so I hardly understand why the original question was asked at all. Suggested way to convert Iterable to Collection is unsafe (the same relates to CollectionUtils) - there is no guarantee that subsequent calls to the next() method return different object instances. Moreover, this concern is not pure theoretical. E.g. Iterable implementation used to pass values to a reduce method of Hadoop Reducer always returns the same value instance, just with different field values. So if you apply makeCollection from above (or CollectionUtils.addAll(Iterator)) you will end up with a collection with all identical elements.

With Guava you can use Lists.newArrayList(Iterable) or Sets.newHashSet(Iterable), among other similar methods. This will of course copy all the elements in to memory. If that isn't acceptable, I think your code that works with these ought to take Iterable rather than Collection. Guava also happens to provide convenient methods for doing things you can do on a Collection using an Iterable (such as Iterables.isEmpty(Iterable) or Iterables.contains(Iterable, Object)), but the performance implications are more obvious.