


def run_command(cmd):
    # ??????

print run_command('mysqladmin create test -uroot -pmysqladmin12')
# Should output something like:
# mysqladmin: CREATE DATABASE failed; error: 'Can't create database 'test'; database exists'


例如,execute('ls -ahl') 区分三/四种可能的回报和操作系统平台:

没有输出,但运行成功 输出空行,运行成功 运行失败 输出一些东西,成功运行


def execute(cmd, output=True, DEBUG_MODE=False):
"""Executes a bash command.
(cmd, output=True)
output: whether print shell output to screen, only affects screen display, does not affect returned values
return: ...regardless of output=True/False...
        returns shell output as a list with each elment is a line of string (whitespace stripped both sides) from output
        could be 
        [], ie, len()=0 --> no output;    
        [''] --> output empty line;     
        None --> error occured, see below

        if error ocurs, returns None (ie, is None), print out the error message to screen
if not DEBUG_MODE:
    print "Command: " + cmd

    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/40139101/2292993
    def _execute_cmd(cmd):
        if os.name == 'nt' or platform.system() == 'Windows':
            # set stdin, out, err all to PIPE to get results (other than None) after run the Popen() instance
            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
            # Use bash; the default is sh
            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")

        # the Popen() instance starts running once instantiated (??)
        # additionally, communicate(), or poll() and wait process to terminate
        # communicate() accepts optional input as stdin to the pipe (requires setting stdin=subprocess.PIPE above), return out, err as tuple
        # if communicate(), the results are buffered in memory

        # Read stdout from subprocess until the buffer is empty !
        # if error occurs, the stdout is '', which means the below loop is essentially skipped
        # A prefix of 'b' or 'B' is ignored in Python 2; 
        # it indicates that the literal should become a bytes literal in Python 3 
        # (e.g. when code is automatically converted with 2to3).
        # return iter(p.stdout.readline, b'')
        for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
            # # Windows has \r\n, Unix has \n, Old mac has \r
            # if line not in ['','\n','\r','\r\n']: # Don't print blank lines
                yield line
        while p.poll() is None:                                                                                                                                        
            sleep(.1) #Don't waste CPU-cycles
        # Empty STDERR buffer
        err = p.stderr.read()
        if p.returncode != 0:
            # responsible for logging STDERR 
            print("Error: " + str(err))
            yield None

    out = []
    for line in _execute_cmd(cmd):
        # error did not occur earlier
        if line is not None:
            # trailing comma to avoid a newline (by print itself) being printed
            if output: print line,
            # error occured earlier
            out = None
    return out
    print "Simulation! The command is " + cmd
    print ""


如果你使用subprocess python模块,你可以分别处理命令的STDOUT、STDERR和返回码。您可以看到完整命令调用器实现的示例。当然你可以用try.扩展它,除非你想。

下面的函数返回STDOUT, STDERR和Return代码,以便您可以在另一个脚本中处理它们。

import subprocess

def command_caller(command=None)
    sp = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
    out, err = sp.communicate()
    if sp.returncode:
            "Return code: %(ret_code)s Error message: %(err_msg)s"
            % {"ret_code": sp.returncode, "err_msg": err}
    return sp.returncode, out, err

改进以获得更好的日志记录。 为了获得更好的输出,可以使用迭代器。 从下面开始,我们变得更好

from subprocess import Popen, getstatusoutput, PIPE
def shell_command(cmd):
    result = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

    output = iter(result.stdout.readline, b'')
    error = iter(result.stderr.readline, b'')
    print("##### OutPut ###")
    for line in output:
    print("###### Error ########")
    for line in error:
        print(error.decode("utf-8")) # Convert bytes to str

    status, terminal_output = run_command(cmd)

shell_command("ls") # this will display all the files & folders in directory


from subprocess import Popen, getstatusoutput, PIPE

status_Code, output = getstausoutput(command)
print(output) # this will give the terminal output

# status_code, output = getstatusoutput("ls") # this will print the all files & folder available in the directory


import os
import subprocess

# Define a function for running commands and capturing stdout line by line
# (Modified from Vartec's solution because it wasn't printing all lines)
def runProcess(exe):    
    p = subprocess.Popen(exe, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    return iter(p.stdout.readline, b'')

# Get all filenames in working directory
for filename in os.listdir('./'):
    # This command will be run on each file
    cmd = 'nm ' + filename

    # Run the command and capture the output line by line.
    for line in runProcess(cmd.split()):
        # Eliminate leading and trailing whitespace
        # Split the output 
        output = line.split()

        # Filter the output and print relevant lines
        if len(output) > 2:
            if ((output[2] == 'set_program_name')):
                print filename
                print line

编辑:刚刚看到Max Persson的解决方案和J.F. Sebastian的建议。继续把它整合进去。


捕获并返回STDOUT消息,因为它们在STDOUT缓冲区中累积(即实时)。 @vartec用python方法解决了这个问题,他使用生成器和“yield” 上面的字 打印所有STDOUT行(即使进程在STDOUT缓冲区可以完全读取之前退出) 不要浪费CPU周期以高频轮询进程 检查子流程的返回代码 如果得到非零错误返回码,则打印STDERR(与STDOUT分开)。


import subprocess
from time import sleep

def run_command(command):
    p = subprocess.Popen(command,
    # Read stdout from subprocess until the buffer is empty !
    for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
        if line: # Don't print blank lines
            yield line
    # This ensures the process has completed, AND sets the 'returncode' attr
    while p.poll() is None:                                                                                                                                        
        sleep(.1) #Don't waste CPU-cycles
    # Empty STDERR buffer
    err = p.stderr.read()
    if p.returncode != 0:
       # The run_command() function is responsible for logging STDERR 
       print("Error: " + str(err))


for line in run_command(cmd):

在Python 3.7+中,使用subprocess.run并传递capture_output=True:

import subprocess
result = subprocess.run(['echo', 'hello', 'world'], capture_output=True)


b'hello world\n'


result = subprocess.run(['echo', 'hello', 'world'], capture_output=True, text=True)


'hello world\n'

如果你需要手动指定不同的编码,使用encoding="your encoding"而不是text=True:

result = subprocess.run(['echo', 'hello', 'world'], capture_output=True, encoding="utf8")