编辑:从Java 8开始,静态方法现在被允许出现在接口中。


public interface IXMLizable<T>
  static T newInstanceFromXML(Element e);
  Element toXMLElement();









我希望IXMLizable接口允许我将实现它的类转换为XML元素(使用多态性,工作正常)。 如果有人想创建实现IXMLizable接口的类的新实例,他们总是知道会有一个newInstanceFromXML(Element e)静态构造函数。



要解决这个问题: 错误:缺少方法主体,或声明摘要 static void main(String[] args);

interface I
    int x=20;
    void getValue();
    static void main(String[] args){};//Put curly braces 
class InterDemo implements I
    public void getValue()
    public static void main(String[] args)
    InterDemo i=new InterDemo();


输出: 20.



Java 8允许静态接口方法

在Java 8中,接口可以有静态方法。它们也可以有具体的实例方法,但没有实例字段。


为什么在糟糕的过去,接口不能包含静态方法? 为什么静态方法不能被覆盖?


在以前的版本中,接口不能有静态方法并没有强有力的技术原因。一个重复问题的海报很好地总结了这一点。静态接口方法最初被认为是一个小的语言变化,然后有一个官方提议在Java 7中添加它们,但后来由于不可预见的复杂性而被放弃。

最后,Java 8引入了静态接口方法,以及使用默认实现重写实例方法。但它们仍然不能有实例字段。这些特性是lambda表达式支持的一部分,您可以在JSR 335的H部分中阅读有关它们的更多信息。





Pretend that each class has a hash table that maps method signatures (name and parameter types) to an actual chunk of code to implement the method. When the virtual machine attempts to invoke a method on an instance, it queries the object for its class and looks up the requested signature in the class's table. If a method body is found, it is invoked. Otherwise, the parent class of the class is obtained, and the lookup is repeated there. This proceeds until the method is found, or there are no more parent classes—which results in a NoSuchMethodError.






class Foo implements IXMLizable<Foo> {
  public static Foo newInstanceFromXML(Element e) { ... }

Foo obj = Foo.newInstanceFromXML(e);



让我们假设在接口中允许使用静态方法: *它们将强制所有实现类声明该方法。 *接口通常是通过对象来使用的,所以唯一有效的方法是非静态方法。 *任何知道特定接口的类都可以调用它的静态方法。因此,实现类的静态方法将在下面被调用,但调用方类不知道是哪个。怎么知道呢?它没有实例化来猜测!


If we want this to be extended to static methods, we should have the possibility to especify an implementing class before, then pass a reference to the invoking class. This could use the class through the static methods in the interface. But what is the differente between this reference and an object? We just need an object representing what it was the class. Now, the object represents the old class, and could implement a new interface including the old static methods - those are now non-static.





First, all language decisions are decisions made by the language creators. There is nothing in the world of software engineering or language defining or compiler / interpreter writing which says that a static method cannot be part of an interface. I've created a couple of languages and written compilers for them -- it's all just sitting down and defining meaningful semantics. I'd argue that the semantics of a static method in an interface are remarkably clear -- even if the compiler has to defer resolution of the method to run-time.


The most likely correct answer is that there was no perceived need, at the time the language was defined, for static methods in interfaces. Java has grown a lot over the years and this is an item that has apparently gained some interest. That it was looked at for Java 7 indicates that its risen to a level of interest that might result in a language change. I, for one, will be happy when I no longer have to instantiate an object just so I can call my non-static getter method to access a static variable in a subclass instance ...

注释编辑:从Java 8开始,静态方法现在被允许出现在接口中。

这是正确的,静态方法自Java 8以来就被允许在接口中,但您的示例仍然不能工作。你不能只是定义一个静态方法:你必须实现它,否则你会得到一个编译错误。

虽然我意识到Java 8解决了这个问题,但我认为我应该加入我目前正在研究的一个场景(锁定在使用Java 7),在这个场景中,能够在接口中指定静态方法将会很有帮助。

I have several enum definitions where I've defined "id" and "displayName" fields along with helper methods evaluating the values for various reasons. Implementing an interface allows me to ensure that the getter methods are in place but not the static helper methods. Being an enum, there really isn't a clean way to offload the helper methods into an inherited abstract class or something of the like so the methods have to be defined in the enum itself. Also because it is an enum, you wouldn't ever be able to actually pass it as an instanced object and treat it as the interface type, but being able to require the existence of the static helper methods through an interface is what I like about it being supported in Java 8.



public interface IGenericEnum <T extends Enum<T>> {
    String getId();
    String getDisplayName();
    //If I was using Java 8 static helper methods would go here


public enum ExecutionModeType implements IGenericEnum<ExecutionModeType> {
    STANDARD ("Standard", "Standard Mode"),
    DEBUG ("Debug", "Debug Mode");

    String id;
    String displayName;

    //Getter methods
    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public String getDisplayName() {
        return displayName;

    private ExecutionModeType(String id, String displayName) {
        this.id = id;
        this.displayName = displayName;

    //Helper methods - not enforced by Interface
    public static boolean isValidId(String id) {
        return GenericEnumUtility.isValidId(ExecutionModeType.class, id);

    public static String printIdOptions(String delimiter){
        return GenericEnumUtility.printIdOptions(ExecutionModeType.class, delimiter);

    public static String[] getIdArray(){
        return GenericEnumUtility.getIdArray(ExecutionModeType.class);

    public static ExecutionModeType getById(String id) throws NoSuchObjectException {
        return GenericEnumUtility.getById(ExecutionModeType.class, id);


public class GenericEnumUtility {
    public static <T extends Enum<T> & IGenericEnum<T>> boolean isValidId(Class<T> enumType, String id) {       
        for(IGenericEnum<T> enumOption : enumType.getEnumConstants()) {
            if(enumOption.getId().equals(id)) {
                return true;

        return false;

    public static <T extends Enum<T> & IGenericEnum<T>> String printIdOptions(Class<T> enumType, String delimiter){
        String ret = "";
        delimiter = delimiter == null ? " " : delimiter;

        int i = 0;
        for(IGenericEnum<T> enumOption : enumType.getEnumConstants()) {
            if(i == 0) {
                ret = enumOption.getId();
            } else {
                ret += delimiter + enumOption.getId();

        return ret;

    public static <T extends Enum<T> & IGenericEnum<T>> String[] getIdArray(Class<T> enumType){
        List<String> idValues = new ArrayList<String>();

        for(IGenericEnum<T> enumOption : enumType.getEnumConstants()) {

        return idValues.toArray(new String[idValues.size()]);

    public static <T extends Enum<T> & IGenericEnum<T>> T getById(Class<T> enumType, String id) throws NoSuchObjectException {
        id = id == null ? "" : id;
        for(IGenericEnum<T> enumOption : enumType.getEnumConstants()) {
            if(id.equals(enumOption.getId())) {
                return (T)enumOption;

        throw new NoSuchObjectException(String.format("ERROR: \"%s\" is not a valid ID. Valid IDs are: %s.", id, printIdOptions(enumType, " , ")));