就目前而言,我是一名Java和c#开发人员。我对Ruby on Rails看得越多,我就越想学习它。
是否有一种IDE可以与Visual Studio的健壮性相匹配?有什么程序可以给我们一个很好的开销吗?有什么好书吗?
就目前而言,我是一名Java和c#开发人员。我对Ruby on Rails看得越多,我就越想学习它。
是否有一种IDE可以与Visual Studio的健壮性相匹配?有什么程序可以给我们一个很好的开销吗?有什么好书吗?
I have got up to speed with Ruby on Rails fairly quickly via this free online course which is currently being offered by UC Berkeley - Software as a Service - Engineering Long Lasting Software with instruction by Armando Fox and David Patterson. I can't speak highly enough of this course... it really was a privilege to learn Rails from these guys. And there is an active community on the course forums if you run into difficulty along the way. The first offering of the online course has now finished (as of 25 March, 2012) - the next time it will be run will be sometime in September of 2012.
It assumes you are a fairly competent developer and gets you started on ruby in the second week, then Rails runs from the third week up to the end of the course (five weeks). Your assignments are marked by an auto-grader. You get provided with a pre-built Ubuntu VM image with everything you need for development pre-installed on it (e.g. Ruby, Rails, Rake, Gems, RSPec, Cucumber, etc). All you have to do is start up the VM inside the (free) VirtualBox software which runs on MacOSX, Windows and Linux.
Rails on Windows is easy to get going with RailsInstaller, especially if you're using SQLite. If you want to use Ruby gems which need C extensions (e.g. RMagick), installation is difficult and unpredictable. PostgreSQL is a pain to install on Windows, and a pain to hook up to Rails. git doesn't work quite right on Windows. IDEs are bulky (Aptana). Notepad++ is good enough. Rails on Ubuntu is easy, and gems requiring C libraries just work. If your computer is powerful enough, use VirtualBox or VMWare Player, and use an Ubuntu Virtual Machine.
本页面展示了如何在Ubuntu 11.10上安装Ruby/Rails/PostgreSQL。 如果你不喜欢RVM(我不喜欢),使用rbenv。RVM和rbenv是用于管理多个Ruby版本的工具,包括JRuby、Rubinius等。
实时部署可以让你的朋友试用你的应用。它也可以让你更容易与需要回调到Rails服务器的web服务交互(如PayPal IPN或Twilio)。 Heroku.com是我最喜欢部署的地方。 localtunnel.com是一个很好的实用工具,可以将一个公开可见的URL指向本地Rails服务器。(我只在基于windows的Rails服务器上使用它)。
试试网上的教程。 使用stackoverflow.com来提问。 使用“raise Exception, params”。to_s”在你的控制器中停止应用程序,打印出驱动你的控制器的所有参数。这让我对如何在Rails应用程序中来回传输数据有了最深刻的了解。 使用Rails控制台(“Rails控制台”)检查数据,并在将代码片段嵌入模型或控制器之前试用它们。
《敏捷开发与Rails》一书是最好的教学工具。它有一个很好的类似于生活的应用程序,它通过章节向你介绍不同的概念。我使用了两次示例,之后我有了足够的知识来做自己的事情,并依赖于rails API文档(http://api.rubyonrails.org/)。
我同意srboisvert的观点。不要在Windows上操作。您可以将Ubuntu (Linux版本)添加到Windows并进行双启动。这需要一些工作,但这比违背常理,试图让所有事情都在寡妇身上工作要容易得多。
Ubuntu, Heroku和Git工作得很出色。要知道学习曲线一开始是陡峭的。从Guru.com或Elance上雇佣一些人来帮助你。
最后,我最喜欢的书是《Agile Web Development for Rails》。谷歌搜索并不能很好地工作,因为大多数信息来自旧版本的Rails,已经被弃用或不能工作。