就目前而言,我是一名Java和c#开发人员。我对Ruby on Rails看得越多,我就越想学习它。


是否有一种IDE可以与Visual Studio的健壮性相匹配?有什么程序可以给我们一个很好的开销吗?有什么好书吗?



和你一样,我是一名java/ c#开发人员,试图学习更多的Ruby On Rails。

我正在学习免费的在线课程《Ruby on Rails Programming with Passion》,这是一门很好的入门课程,可以去看看。

我们使用NetBeans作为IDE (win/mac/linux/solaris),如果你习惯Eclipse或Visual Studio,你很有可能会喜欢它。


实际上,我有一篇关于如何开始使用rails的文章应该会有所帮助。你的问题中唯一没有涉及到的是操作系统。不管你信不信,Mac是这里的主导者!但是我很喜欢使用Ubuntu。有gedit插件让你非常接近TextMate -事实上,我更喜欢gedit。


要学习Ruby,请阅读David Black的《The Well-Grounded Rubyist》。它非常清晰,文笔优美,组织有序。这是我读过的最好的技术书籍(大概十几本,因为我是一个相对较新的程序员)。

要学习Rails,请阅读“Head First Rails”。它们解释了所有神秘的部分是如何协同工作的。对这些愚蠢之处要有耐心,并按照自己的方式完成这些例子——它会有回报的。(此外,为了一致性,使用他们使用的任何版本的Rails。您可以稍后升级。)

这两本书都假设你对OOP编程和MVC架构几乎一无所知。如果你确实知道一点,不要略读,因为你可能会错误地假设事情。(例如,Ruby对象没有公共属性,只有getter和setter。但是你可以用一行自动创建多个getter /setter,比如attr_accessor:attr1,:attr2,:attr3。)

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Ruby Bruno R. Preiss | Published in 2004 Learn to Program Chris Pine | Pragmatic Bookshelf Published in 2006, 176 pages Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book Jeremy McAnally | Published in 2006, 147 pages Programming Ruby: A Pragmatic Programmer's Guide David Thomas, Andrew Hunt | Addison-Wesley Published in 2000, 608 pages Rails in a Nutshell C. Fauser, J. MacAulay, E. Ocampo-Gooding, J. Guenin | O'Reilly Media Published in 2009, 352 pages Ruby Best Practices Gregory T. Brown | O'Reilly Media Published in 2009, 328 pages Ruby Essentials | Techotopia Published in 2007 Ruby on Rails Security Heiko Webers | OWASP Published in 2009, 48 pages Ruby User's Guide Mark Slagell | Published in 2005 The Book Of Ruby Huw Collingbourne | Published in 2009, 425 pages The Little Book of Ruby Huw Collingbourne | Dark Neon Ltd. Published in 2008, 87 pages why's (poignant) guide to Ruby why the lucky stiff | Published in 2008


Have a simple web project in mind. Go to rubyonrails.org and look at their "Blog in 15 minutes" screencast to get excited. Get a copy of O'Reilly Media's Learning Ruby Get a Mac or Linux box. (Fewer early Rails frustrations due to the fact that Rails is generally developed on these.) Get a copy of Agile Web Development with Rails. Get the version of Ruby and Rails described in that book. Run through that book's first section to get a feel for what it's like. Go to railscasts.com and view at the earliest videos for a closer look. Buy The Rails Way by Obie Fernandez to get a deeper understanding of Rails and what it's doing. Then upgrade to the newest production version of Rails, and view the latest railscasts.com videos.

Ruby: 我用过Learn to programming(在一个周末),Ruby Visual QuickStart(信不信由你) 书是“脱离困境”优秀)。这花了大约一周的时间。

Rails: 我刚刚在一个“积极”的星期里完成了Learn Rails。我觉得我已经掌握了所有的细节。这是我认为重要的2009年!


IDE: VIM与rails插件是伟大的,如果你是一个VIM上瘾。否则,试试上面的建议。
