就目前而言,我是一名Java和c#开发人员。我对Ruby on Rails看得越多,我就越想学习它。


是否有一种IDE可以与Visual Studio的健壮性相匹配?有什么程序可以给我们一个很好的开销吗?有什么好书吗?



我买了Patrick Lenz写的《Simply Rails 2》。 这本书是对Ruby和Ruby on Rails的很好的介绍。 至于我的ruby安装和db,我使用Cygwin。 它与PostgreSQL, ruby和svn一起提供。 我喜欢PostgreSQL,因为我来自Oracle 所以它感觉比MySQL更舒服。

我发现另一个非常有用的实用程序是pgAdmin 访问PostgreSQL数据库。

我需要做的第一件事就是安装宝石。 我从鲁比弗吉拿了宝石tar文件 wget“http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/60718/rubygems-1.3.5.tgz”


rails ruby-postgres postgres 架

我还需要一个问题跟踪系统,所以我安装了redmine。 wget“http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/60718/rubygems-1.3.5.tgz”

我发现使用类unix环境(Cygwin)是很困难的 对我来说更可取,因为许多教程都是这样 泰勒为OS X或Linux。

我使用的文本编辑器是Textpad。我正在寻找替代方案。 我认为带有rails插件的vim可能工作得很好。



Switch to Mac! The tools that are available to you and the development environment on Mac allows you to be far more productive than on Windows. railcasts.com has a wealth of informative screencasts from beginner to expert. You can always find new and more efficient ways of doing things from Ryan's posts. Scaling Rails screencasts coupled with NewRelic has provided powerful insight into the performance of our application and allows us to develop effectively while keeping our eyes open for future scalability issues.


http://railsforzombies.org/是一个不错的网站。介绍了一种在浏览器中学习Ruby on Rails的全新方法,无需额外配置。

My first suggestion would be to learn a little about symbols first. Rails isn't the smallest framework ever, and while there's definitely lots to learn, most of it will start to make sense if you have at least a little bit of understanding what makes it different ("special") from other languages. As pointed out, there's no exact analog in any of the major languages, but they're heavily used by Rails, in order to make things read straightforwardly and perform well, which is the reason I brought it up. My very first exposure to Rails was also my first time looking at Ruby (well before 2.0), and the first thing that caught my eye was the goofy :things they were passing around, and I asked, "WTF is that?"
