就目前而言,我是一名Java和c#开发人员。我对Ruby on Rails看得越多,我就越想学习它。


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http://railsforphp.com/还有一本书《Rails for PHP Developers》



在这份指南之后,我将推荐其他人推荐的书籍之一,或者跟随学习Rails的系列视频,这是我如何学会足够多的Ruby on Rails的。一旦你完成了学习Rails系列。你想用Rails做的事情将开始与一般的教程有所不同,这就是Railscasts成为一个很棒的工具的地方。Railscasts在某些方面没有涉及到Rails可以做的事情。

我发现Obie Fernandez写的《The Rails Way》非常棒,当使用Rails进行敏捷Web开发还不够深入的时候,我经常会参考它。Obie Fernandez也有一个不错的博客。

要学习Ruby,请阅读David Black的《The Well-Grounded Rubyist》。它非常清晰,文笔优美,组织有序。这是我读过的最好的技术书籍(大概十几本,因为我是一个相对较新的程序员)。

要学习Rails,请阅读“Head First Rails”。它们解释了所有神秘的部分是如何协同工作的。对这些愚蠢之处要有耐心,并按照自己的方式完成这些例子——它会有回报的。(此外,为了一致性,使用他们使用的任何版本的Rails。您可以稍后升级。)

这两本书都假设你对OOP编程和MVC架构几乎一无所知。如果你确实知道一点,不要略读,因为你可能会错误地假设事情。(例如,Ruby对象没有公共属性,只有getter和setter。但是你可以用一行自动创建多个getter /setter,比如attr_accessor:attr1,:attr2,:attr3。)

我没有编程背景。我自学了PHP,最近加入了一家专门研究Ruby on Rails的公司。他们有一个全面的Rails培训计划,它足够灵活,可以适应我们想要实现的任何更改。虽然我不是rails专家,但我愿意分享我使用rails的经验。我希望这能有所帮助。


Start with a simple ruby guide. It will help a lot, since entire rails framework revolves around classes and objects. Environment and OS are not important. Though I am working on a Mac, I frequently work on Linux and Windows, and I do not face any problems. Start with a good book which explains using a demo app. [I am using Agile Web Development with Rails - By The Pragmatic Bookshelf]. There are many other good books as well. Once you are done with the application, you will have a good idea of the framework. Try to understand the SQL queries generated by Active Record module. Go through the Rails Guides. You will find the framework a lot easier. Keep practicing.


It takes years to learn a language completely. So be patient and do not stop learning. Go through rails api as when required. [While developing your first app] Google the things which you do not understand. People have written great articles on almost all topics. Use Stackoverflow :-) [Only when you are not able to find the solution on your own.] Load railscasts on your phone or video player. Watch 'em while travelling or in your free time. They are of few minutes each. You will learn a great deal of things and also learn the best way of doing things.


Shell[在Mac和Ubuntu中] 编辑器[Mac中的Textmate, Ubuntu中的Gedit和Windows中的notepad++] 安装了Firebug的Firefox进行测试。
