就目前而言,我是一名Java和c#开发人员。我对Ruby on Rails看得越多,我就越想学习它。


是否有一种IDE可以与Visual Studio的健壮性相匹配?有什么程序可以给我们一个很好的开销吗?有什么好书吗?






Switch to Mac! The tools that are available to you and the development environment on Mac allows you to be far more productive than on Windows. railcasts.com has a wealth of informative screencasts from beginner to expert. You can always find new and more efficient ways of doing things from Ryan's posts. Scaling Rails screencasts coupled with NewRelic has provided powerful insight into the performance of our application and allows us to develop effectively while keeping our eyes open for future scalability issues.

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Ruby Bruno R. Preiss | Published in 2004 Learn to Program Chris Pine | Pragmatic Bookshelf Published in 2006, 176 pages Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book Jeremy McAnally | Published in 2006, 147 pages Programming Ruby: A Pragmatic Programmer's Guide David Thomas, Andrew Hunt | Addison-Wesley Published in 2000, 608 pages Rails in a Nutshell C. Fauser, J. MacAulay, E. Ocampo-Gooding, J. Guenin | O'Reilly Media Published in 2009, 352 pages Ruby Best Practices Gregory T. Brown | O'Reilly Media Published in 2009, 328 pages Ruby Essentials | Techotopia Published in 2007 Ruby on Rails Security Heiko Webers | OWASP Published in 2009, 48 pages Ruby User's Guide Mark Slagell | Published in 2005 The Book Of Ruby Huw Collingbourne | Published in 2009, 425 pages The Little Book of Ruby Huw Collingbourne | Dark Neon Ltd. Published in 2008, 87 pages why's (poignant) guide to Ruby why the lucky stiff | Published in 2008

http://www.teachmetocode.com是学习Ruby和Ruby on Rails的绝佳来源。这里有一些介绍Rails基础知识的屏幕视频,还有一个由6部分组成的系列,介绍如何使用Ruby on Rails创建Twitter克隆版。

Ruby: 我用过Learn to programming(在一个周末),Ruby Visual QuickStart(信不信由你) 书是“脱离困境”优秀)。这花了大约一周的时间。

Rails: 我刚刚在一个“积极”的星期里完成了Learn Rails。我觉得我已经掌握了所有的细节。这是我认为重要的2009年!


IDE: VIM与rails插件是伟大的,如果你是一个VIM上瘾。否则,试试上面的建议。



SD Ruby——他们在网上有很多视频——我发现他们的Rest演讲SD9和SD10是最好的介绍之一。其他休息演讲假设你无所不知。这些都是非常介绍性和切题的。

Obie Fernandez谈InfoQ - Restful Rails。我也读过他的《Rails Way》一书,发现它内容丰富,但冗长而曲折,质量也有点不稳定。我从这本书中学到了很多东西,但我觉得为了读到好的部分而阅读重复的和不相关的东西有点惩罚人。

