问题是如何将JavaScript Date格式化为一个字符串,声明时间经过,类似于您在Stack Overflow上看到的时间显示方式。
1分钟前 1小时前 1天前 1个月前 一年前
问题是如何将JavaScript Date格式化为一个字符串,声明时间经过,类似于您在Stack Overflow上看到的时间显示方式。
1分钟前 1小时前 1天前 1个月前 一年前
function timeago(date) {
var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000);
if(Math.round(seconds/(60*60*24*365.25)) >= 2) return Math.round(seconds/(60*60*24*365.25)) + " years ago";
else if(Math.round(seconds/(60*60*24*365.25)) >= 1) return "1 year ago";
else if(Math.round(seconds/(60*60*24*30.4)) >= 2) return Math.round(seconds/(60*60*24*30.4)) + " months ago";
else if(Math.round(seconds/(60*60*24*30.4)) >= 1) return "1 month ago";
else if(Math.round(seconds/(60*60*24*7)) >= 2) return Math.round(seconds/(60*60*24*7)) + " weeks ago";
else if(Math.round(seconds/(60*60*24*7)) >= 1) return "1 week ago";
else if(Math.round(seconds/(60*60*24)) >= 2) return Math.round(seconds/(60*60*24)) + " days ago";
else if(Math.round(seconds/(60*60*24)) >= 1) return "1 day ago";
else if(Math.round(seconds/(60*60)) >= 2) return Math.round(seconds/(60*60)) + " hours ago";
else if(Math.round(seconds/(60*60)) >= 1) return "1 hour ago";
else if(Math.round(seconds/60) >= 2) return Math.round(seconds/60) + " minutes ago";
else if(Math.round(seconds/60) >= 1) return "1 minute ago";
else if(seconds >= 2)return seconds + " seconds ago";
else return seconds + "1 second ago";
const relativeTimePeriods = [
[31536000, 'year'],
[2419200, 'month'],
[604800, 'week'],
[86400, 'day'],
[3600, 'hour'],
[60, 'minute'],
[1, 'second']
function relativeTime(date, isUtc=true) {
if (!(date instanceof Date)) date = new Date(date * 1000);
const seconds = (new Date() - date) / 1000;
for (let [secondsPer, name] of relativeTimePeriods) {
if (seconds >= secondsPer) {
const amount = Math.floor(seconds / secondsPer);
return `${amount} ${name}${amount ? 's' : ''}s ago`;
return 'Just now';
function timeSince(ts){
now = new Date();
ts = new Date(ts*1000);
var delta = now.getTime() - ts.getTime();
delta = delta/1000; //us to s
var ps, pm, ph, pd, min, hou, sec, days;
ps = (delta>1) ? "s": "";
return delta+" second"+ps
if(delta>=60 && delta<=3599){
min = Math.floor(delta/60);
sec = delta-(min*60);
pm = (min>1) ? "s": "";
ps = (sec>1) ? "s": "";
return min+" minute"+pm+" "+sec+" second"+ps;
if(delta>=3600 && delta<=86399){
hou = Math.floor(delta/3600);
min = Math.floor((delta-(hou*3600))/60);
ph = (hou>1) ? "s": "";
pm = (min>1) ? "s": "";
return hou+" hour"+ph+" "+min+" minute"+pm;
days = Math.floor(delta/86400);
hou = Math.floor((delta-(days*86400))/60/60);
pd = (days>1) ? "s": "";
ph = (hou>1) ? "s": "";
return days+" day"+pd+" "+hou+" hour"+ph;
const createdAt = moment(created_at).fromNow()
const duration = moment.duration(moment().diff(moment(created_at)))
const createdAt = duration.as('week') >= 1
? `${Math.floor(duration.as('week'))} week(s)`
: duration.as('day') >= 1
? `${Math.floor(duration.as('day'))} day(s)`
: duration.as('hour') >= 1
? `${Math.floor(duration.as('hour'))} hour(s)`
: `${Math.floor(duration.as('minute'))} minute(s)`
function timeSince(post_date, reference) { var reference = reference ? new Date(reference) : new Date(), diff = reference - new Date(post_date + ' GMT-0000'), date = new Date(diff), object = { unit: null, value: null }; if (diff < 86400000) { var secs = date.getSeconds(), mins = date.getMinutes(), hours = date.getHours(), array = [ ['second', secs], ['minute', mins], ['hour', hours] ]; } else { var days = date.getDate(), weeks = Math.floor(days / 7), months = date.getMonth(), years = date.getFullYear() - 1970, array = [ ['day', days], ['week', weeks], ['month', months], ['year', years] ]; } for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i][0] += array[i][1] != 1 ? 's' : ''; object.unit = array[i][1] >= 1 ? array[i][0] : object.unit; object.value = array[i][1] >= 1 ? array[i][1] : object.value; } return object; }