








在我看来,您已经构建了自己的IoC容器(使用Martin Fowler描述的各种模式),并且正在询问为什么其他人的实现比您的更好。



你可以免费修理bug 图书馆的设计可能比你的好 人们可能已经熟悉了特定的库 图书馆可能比你的快 它可能有一些您希望实现但没有时间实现的特性(您有服务定位器吗?)


你可以免费引入bug:) 图书馆的设计可能比你的还差 你必须学习一个新的API 太多你永远不会用到的功能 调试不是你写的代码通常比较困难 从以前的IoC容器迁移可能很乏味




public class CustomerPresenter
  public CustomerPresenter() : this(new CustomerView(), new CustomerService())

  public CustomerPresenter(ICustomerView view, ICustomerService service)
    // init view/service fields
  // readonly view/service fields


public class CustomerPresenter
  public CustomerPresenter() : this(IoC.Resolve<ICustomerView>(), IoC.Resolve<ICustomerService>())

  public CustomerPresenter(ICustomerView view, ICustomerService service)
    // init view/service fields
  // readonly view/service fields


public static IoC
   private static readonly IUnityContainer _container;
   static IoC()

   static void InitializeIoC()
      _container = new UnityContainer();
      _container.RegisterType<ICustomerView, CustomerView>();
      _container.RegisterType<ICustomerService, CustomerService>();
      // all other RegisterTypes and RegisterInstances can go here in one file.
      // one place to change dependencies is good.

I've found that correctly implementing Dependency Injection tends to force programmers to use a variety of other programming practices that help to improve the testability, flexibility, maintainability, and scalability of code: practices like the Single Responsibility Principle, Separations of Concerns, and coding against APIs. It feels like I'm being compelled to write more modular, bite-sized classes and methods, which makes the code easier to read, because it can be taken in bite-sized chunks.


var merger = new SimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger(
    new BitFactoryLog(typeof(SimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger).FullName), 
    new WorkflowAnswerRowUtil(
        new WorkflowFieldAnswerEntMapper(),
        new ActivityFormFieldDisplayInfoEntMapper(),
        new FieldEntMapper()),
    new AnswerRowMergeInfoRepository());


Having spent some time studying the answers and comments on this question, I am convinced that the people who are opposed to using an IoC container aren't practicing true dependency injection. The examples I've seen are of practices that are commonly confused with dependency injection. Some people are complaining about difficulty "reading" the code. If done correctly, the vast majority of your code should be identical when using DI by hand as when using an IoC container. The difference should reside entirely in a few "launching points" within the application.


另一点:如果你在任何地方都使用反射,依赖注入真的不能手工完成。虽然我讨厌反射对代码导航造成的影响,但您必须认识到,在某些领域,它确实是无法避免的。ASP。例如,NET MVC尝试通过对每个请求的反射来实例化控制器。要手动进行依赖注入,你必须让每个控制器都成为“上下文根”,如下所示:

public class MyController : Controller
    private readonly ISimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger _simpleMerger;
    public MyController()
        _simpleMerger = new SimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger(
            new BitFactoryLog(typeof(SimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger).FullName), 
            new WorkflowAnswerRowUtil(
                new WorkflowFieldAnswerEntMapper(),
                new ActivityFormFieldDisplayInfoEntMapper(),
                new FieldEntMapper()),
            new AnswerRowMergeInfoRepository())


public MyController : Controller
    private readonly ISimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger _simpleMerger;
    public MyController(ISimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger simpleMerger)
        _simpleMerger = simpleMerger;


I can unit-test this class. By creating a mock ISimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger, I can test that it gets used the way I anticipate, without the need for a database connection or anything. I use far less code, and the code is much easier to read. If one of my dependency's dependency's changes, I don't have to make any changes to the controller. This is especially nice when you consider that multiple controllers are likely to use some of the same dependencies. I never explicitly reference classes from my data layer. My web application can just include a reference to the project containing the ISimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger interface. This allows me to break the application up into separate modules, and maintain a true multi-tier architecture, which in turn makes things much more flexible.

A typical web application will have quite a few controllers. All of the pain of doing DI by hand in each controller will really add up as your application grows. If you have an application with only one context root, which never tries to instantiate a service by reflection, then this isn't as big a problem. Nevertheless, any application that uses Dependency Injection will become extremely expensive to manage once it reaches a certain size, unless you use a framework of some kind to manage the dependency graph.




The trouble is you have to construct objects somewhere. A Factory pattern is one way to shift the coupling out of your POXOs (Plain Old "insert your OO language here" Objects). If you and your co-workers are all writing code like this then an IoC container is the next "Incremental Improvement" you can make to your codebase. It'll shift all that nasty Factory boilerplate code out of your clean objects and business logic. They'll get it and love it. Heck, give a company talk on why you love it and get everyone enthused.
