
I mean, they probably have real-world data in some form, certainly including distances but also perhaps things like driving speeds, presence of sidewalks, train schedules, etc. But suppose the data were in a simpler format, say a very large directed graph with edge weights reflecting distances. I want to be able to quickly compute directions from one arbitrary point to another. Sometimes these points will be close together (within one city) while sometimes they will be far apart (cross-country).

Graph algorithms like Dijkstra's algorithm will not work because the graph is enormous. Luckily, heuristic algorithms like A* will probably work. However, our data is very structured, and perhaps some kind of tiered approach might work? (For example, store precomputed directions between certain "key" points far apart, as well as some local directions. Then directions for two far-away points will involve local directions to a key points, global directions to another key point, and then local directions again.)



pp。这是对三角不等式的另一个违反,这表明(对我来说)他们使用了某种分层方法:X-Z vs X-Y-Z。前者似乎使用了著名的塞瓦斯托波尔大道(Boulevard de Sebastopol),尽管它有点偏僻。







我已经在路由方面工作了几年,最近由于客户的需求而引起了大量的活动,我发现a *很容易就足够快了;真的没有必要去寻找优化或更复杂的算法。在一个巨大的图上路由不是问题。


The other important thing is to be able to re-use the network for as many routing calculations as you like. If your algorithm has marked the nodes in some way to record the best route (total cost to current node, and best arc to it) - as it has to in A* - you have to reset or clear out this old information. Rather than going through hundreds of thousands of nodes, it's easier to use a generation number system. Mark each node with the generation number of its data; increment the generation number when you calculate a new route; any node with an older generation number is stale and its information can be ignored.






Instead of doing Dijkstra's once from source to dest, you start at each end, and expand both sides until they meet in the middle. This eliminates roughly half the work (2*pi*(r/2)^2 vs pi*r^2). To avoid exploring the back-alleys of every city between your source and destination, you can have several layers of map data: A 'highways' layer that contains only highways, a 'secondary' layer that contains only secondary streets, and so forth. Then, you explore only smaller sections of the more detailed layers, expanding as necessary. Obviously this description leaves out a lot of detail, but you get the idea.


地图从不考虑整个地图。 我猜是:- 1. 根据你的位置,它们加载一个地方和那个地方的地标。 2. 当你搜索目的地时,他们会加载地图的另一部分,然后用两个地方做一个图,然后应用最短路径算法。


I was very curious about the heuristics used, when a while back we got routes from the same starting location near Santa Rosa, to two different campgrounds in Yosemite National Park. These different destinations produced quite different routes (via I-580 or CA-12) despite the fact that both routes converged for the last 100 miles (along CA-120) before diverging again by a few miles at the end. This was quite repeatable. The two routes were up to 50 miles apart for around 100 miles, but the distances/times were pretty close to each other as you would expect.
