I've been working with a small group of people on a coding project for fun. It's an organized and fairly cohesive group. The people I work with all have various skill sets related to programming, but some of them use older or outright wrong methods, such as excessive global variables, poor naming conventions, and other things. While things work, the implementation is poor. What's a good way to politely ask or introduce them to use better methodology, without it coming across as questioning (or insulting) their experience and/or education?







Stay patient and work toward educating others in your direction. Start with the edges (points where your code interacts with others) and when interacting with their code try to take it as an opportunity to discuss the interface they've created and ask them if it would be okay with them if it was changed (by you or them). And fully explain why you want the change ("it will help deal with changing subsystem attributes better" or whatever). Don't nit-pick and try to change everything you see as being wrong. Once you interact with others on the edge, they should start to see how it would benefit them at the core of their code (and if you get enough momentum, go deeper and truly start to discuss modern techniques and the benefits of coding standards). If they still don't see it... maybe you'll need to deal with that within yourself (especially on a "fun" project).



Privately inquire about some of the "bad" code segments with an eye toward the possibility that it is actually reasonable code, (no matter how predisposed you may be), or that there are perhaps extenuating circumstances. If you are still convinced that the code is just plain bad -- and that the source actually is this person -- just go away. One of several things may happen: 1) the person notices and takes some corrective action, 2) the person does nothing (is oblivious, or doesn't care as much as you do).






讨论。 告诉他们为什么 甚至不要认为你总是对的。有时甚至他们也会教你一些新东西。



