"Definition" refers to the place where the variable is created or assigned storage; "declaration" refers to the places where the nature of the variable is stated but no storage is allocated. [p. 33] ... It is important to distinguish between the declaration of an external variable and its definition. A declaration announces the properties of a variable (primarily its type); a definition also causes storage to be set aside. If the lines int sp; double val[MAXVAL] appear outside of any function, they define the external variables sp and val, cause storage to be set aside, and also serve as the declaration for the rest of that source file. On the other hand, the lines extern int sp; extern double val[]; declare for the rest of the source file that sp is an int and that val is a double array (whose size is determined elsewhere), but they do not create the variables or reserve storage for them. There must be only one definition of an external variable among all the files that make up the source program. ... Array sizes must be specified with the definition, but are optional with an extern declaration. [pp. 80-81] ... Declarations specify the interpretation given to each identifier; they do not necessarily reserve storage associated with the identifier. Declarations that reserve storage are called definitions. [p. 210]
c++ 11更新
由于我没有看到与c++ 11相关的答案,这里有一个。
opaque enum - enum X: int; 模板参数-模板参数- MyArray 参数声明- x和y在int add(int x, int y); 别名声明-使用IntVector = std::vector<int>; - static_assert(sizeof(int) == 4, "Yikes!") 属性声明(实现定义的) 空声明;
以上列表从c++ 03继承的附加子句:
函数声明- add in int add(int x, int y); Extern说明符包含声明或链接说明符- Extern int a;或extern "C"{…}; 类中的静态数据成员-类C中的x{静态int x;}; 类/struct声明- struct Point; typedef int int; 使用声明-使用std::cout; 使用命名空间NS;
// except one all these are definitions
int a; // defines a
extern const int c = 1; // defines c
int f(int x) { return x + a; } // defines f and defines x
struct S { int a; int b; }; // defines S, S::a, and S::b
struct X { // defines X
int x; // defines non-static data member x
static int y; // DECLARES static data member y
X(): x(0) { } // defines a constructor of X
int X::y = 1; // defines X::y
enum { up , down }; // defines up and down
namespace N { int d; } // defines N and N::d
namespace N1 = N; // defines N1
X anX; // defines anX
// all these are declarations
extern int a; // declares a
extern const int c; // declares c
int f(int); // declares f
struct S; // declares S
typedef int Int; // declares Int
extern X anotherX; // declares anotherX
using N::d; // declares N::d
// specific to C++11 - these are not from the standard
enum X : int; // declares X with int as the underlying type
using IntVector = std::vector<int>; // declares IntVector as an alias to std::vector<int>
static_assert(X::y == 1, "Oops!"); // declares a static_assert which can render the program ill-formed or have no effect like an empty declaration, depending on the result of expr
template <class T> class C; // declares template class C
; // declares nothing
声明- - - - - - 宣布:正式宣布;宣告
定义- - - - - - 清晰完整地显示或描述(某人或某事
// declaration
int sum(int, int);
// definition
int sum(int x, int y)
return x + y;
int i;
int max(int, int);
i = 20;
int max(int a, int b)
if(a>b) return a;
return b;
int i=20;
int max(int a, int b)
if(a>b) return a;
return b;
T t;
typedef void T();
T t; // declaration of function "t"
struct X {
T t; // declaration of function "t".
typedef int T;
T t; // definition of object "t".
template <typename T>
struct X {
static int member; // declaration
template<typename T>
int X<T>::member; // definition
int X<bool>::member; // declaration!
int X<bool>::member = 1; // definition, belongs into a .cpp file.
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