互斥锁只能由拥有所有权的线程释放,即之前调用Wait函数的线程(或在创建互斥锁时获得所有权的线程)。任何线程都可以释放信号量。 线程可以在互斥锁上重复调用等待函数而不会阻塞。但是,如果你在一个二进制信号量上调用了两次等待函数,而中间没有释放信号量,线程就会阻塞。
二进制信号量和互斥量的区别: 所有权: 信号量甚至可以从非当前所有者发出信号(发布)。这意味着您可以简单地从任何其他线程发布,尽管您不是所有者。
信号量是进程中的公共属性,它可以简单地由非所有者线程发布。 请用粗体字标出这个区别,这意味着很多。
1.互斥锁-> lock和unlock属于锁定互斥锁的线程。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define xUSE_MUTEX 1
#define MAX_SEM_COUNT 1
DWORD WINAPI Thread_no_1( LPVOID lpParam );
DWORD WINAPI Thread_no_2( LPVOID lpParam );
HANDLE Handle_Of_Thread_1 = 0;
HANDLE Handle_Of_Thread_2 = 0;
int Data_Of_Thread_1 = 1;
int Data_Of_Thread_2 = 2;
HANDLE ghMutex = NULL;
HANDLE ghSemaphore = NULL;
int main(void)
#ifdef USE_MUTEX
ghMutex = CreateMutex( NULL, FALSE, NULL);
if (ghMutex == NULL)
printf("CreateMutex error: %d\n", GetLastError());
return 1;
// Create a semaphore with initial and max counts of MAX_SEM_COUNT
ghSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL,MAX_SEM_COUNT,MAX_SEM_COUNT,NULL);
if (ghSemaphore == NULL)
printf("CreateSemaphore error: %d\n", GetLastError());
return 1;
// Create thread 1.
Handle_Of_Thread_1 = CreateThread( NULL, 0,Thread_no_1, &Data_Of_Thread_1, 0, NULL);
if ( Handle_Of_Thread_1 == NULL)
printf("Create first thread problem \n");
return 1;
/* sleep for 5 seconds **/
Sleep(5 * 1000);
/*Create thread 2 */
Handle_Of_Thread_2 = CreateThread( NULL, 0,Thread_no_2, &Data_Of_Thread_2, 0, NULL);
if ( Handle_Of_Thread_2 == NULL)
printf("Create second thread problem \n");
return 1;
// Sleep for 20 seconds
Sleep(20 * 1000);
printf("Out of the program \n");
return 0;
int my_critical_section_code(HANDLE thread_handle)
#ifdef USE_MUTEX
if(thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1)
/* get the lock */
WaitForSingleObject(ghMutex, INFINITE);
printf("Thread 1 holding the mutex \n");
/* get the semaphore */
if(thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1)
WaitForSingleObject(ghSemaphore, INFINITE);
printf("Thread 1 holding semaphore \n");
if(thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1)
/* sleep for 10 seconds */
Sleep(10 * 1000);
#ifdef USE_MUTEX
printf("Thread 1 about to release mutex \n");
printf("Thread 1 about to release semaphore \n");
/* sleep for 3 secconds */
Sleep(3 * 1000);
#ifdef USE_MUTEX
/* release the lock*/
printf("Release Mutex error in thread %d: error # %d\n", (thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1 ? 1:2),GetLastError());
if (!ReleaseSemaphore(ghSemaphore,1,NULL) )
printf("ReleaseSemaphore error in thread %d: error # %d\n",(thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1 ? 1:2), GetLastError());
return 0;
DWORD WINAPI Thread_no_1( LPVOID lpParam )
return 0;
DWORD WINAPI Thread_no_2( LPVOID lpParam )
return 0;
Count down from 5000:
i. Execute the test-and-set instruction
ii. If the mutex is clear, we have acquired it in the previous instruction
so we can exit the loop
iii. When we get to zero, give up our time slice.
A semaphore is a synchronised data structure (typically using a mutex) that has a count and some system call wrappers that interact with the scheduler in a bit more depth than the mutex libraries would. Semaphores are incremented and decremented and used to block tasks until something else is ready. See Producer/Consumer Problem for a simple example of this. Semaphores are initialised to some value - a binary semaphore is just a special case where the semaphore is initialised to 1. Posting to a semaphore has the effect of waking up a waiting process.
(somewhere in the program startup)
Initialise the semaphore to its start-up value.
Acquiring a semaphore
i. (synchronised) Attempt to decrement the semaphore value
ii. If the value would be less than zero, put the task on the tail of the list of tasks waiting on the semaphore and give up the time slice.
Posting a semaphore
i. (synchronised) Increment the semaphore value
ii. If the value is greater or equal to the amount requested in the post at the front of the queue, take that task off the queue and make it runnable.
iii. Repeat (ii) for all tasks until the posted value is exhausted or there are no more tasks waiting.
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