


The name for a 16-bit integer is Int16. For a 64 bit integer it's Int64, and for a 32-bit integer the intuitive choice is: int or Int32? The question of the size of a variable of type Int16, Int32, or Int64 is self-referencing, but the question of the size of a variable of type int is a perfectly valid question and questions, no matter how trivial, are distracting, lead to confusion, waste time, hinder discussion, etc. (the fact this question exists proves the point). Using Int32 promotes that the developer is conscious of their choice of type. How big is an int again? Oh yeah, 32. The likelihood that the size of the type will actually be considered is greater when the size is included in the name. Using Int32 also promotes knowledge of the other choices. When people aren't forced to at least recognize there are alternatives it become far too easy for int to become "THE integer type". The class within the framework intended to interact with 32-bit integers is named Int32. Once again, which is: more intuitive, less confusing, lacks an (unnecessary) translation (not a translation in the system, but in the mind of the developer), etc. int lMax = Int32.MaxValue or Int32 lMax = Int32.MaxValue? int isn't a keyword in all .NET languages. Although there are arguments why it's not likely to ever change, int may not always be an Int32.



public enum MyEnum : Int32
    AEnum = 0


public enum MyEnum : int
    AEnum = 0






在f#中(尽管我从未使用过它),它们定义了int, int32和nativeint。同样的问题也会出现,“我该用哪一个?”正如其他人所提到的,在大多数情况下,它不应该是重要的(应该是透明的)。但我个人会选择int32和uint32来消除歧义。


附录: 顺便说一句,自从我几年前回答了这个问题之后,我就开始同时使用f#和Rust了。f#,它都是关于类型推断,以及c#和f#之间的桥接/互操作,本机类型匹配,所以不用担心;我很少需要在f#中显式地定义类型(如果不使用类型推断,这几乎是一种罪过)。在Rust中,他们完全消除了这种歧义,你必须使用i32 vs u32;总而言之,减少歧义有助于减少bug。


The name for a 16-bit integer is Int16. For a 64 bit integer it's Int64, and for a 32-bit integer the intuitive choice is: int or Int32? The question of the size of a variable of type Int16, Int32, or Int64 is self-referencing, but the question of the size of a variable of type int is a perfectly valid question and questions, no matter how trivial, are distracting, lead to confusion, waste time, hinder discussion, etc. (the fact this question exists proves the point). Using Int32 promotes that the developer is conscious of their choice of type. How big is an int again? Oh yeah, 32. The likelihood that the size of the type will actually be considered is greater when the size is included in the name. Using Int32 also promotes knowledge of the other choices. When people aren't forced to at least recognize there are alternatives it become far too easy for int to become "THE integer type". The class within the framework intended to interact with 32-bit integers is named Int32. Once again, which is: more intuitive, less confusing, lacks an (unnecessary) translation (not a translation in the system, but in the mind of the developer), etc. int lMax = Int32.MaxValue or Int32 lMax = Int32.MaxValue? int isn't a keyword in all .NET languages. Although there are arguments why it's not likely to ever change, int may not always be an Int32.



public enum MyEnum : Int32
    AEnum = 0


public enum MyEnum : int
    AEnum = 0


打字更快。 对于典型的c#开发人员来说更加熟悉。 默认visual studio语法高亮显示的不同颜色。


我总是在定义变量时使用别名类型(int, string等),在访问静态方法时使用真实名称:

int x, y;
String.Format ("{0}x{1}", x, y);


int和Int32之间没有区别,但由于int是一个语言关键字,许多人在风格上更喜欢它(就像string vs string)。