前一段时间,我在微软做一个项目,当时微软。net CLR产品团队的人来拜访我们。这个人编写了例子,当他定义变量时,他使用“Int32”与“int”和“String”与“String”。
前几天我确实发现了不同!编译器不允许你使用" Int32 "输入enum,但当你使用" int "时,它允许你输入enum。别问我为什么,因为我还不知道。
public enum MyEnum : Int32
AEnum = 0
public enum MyEnum : int
AEnum = 0
取自:Int32符号vs. int
It happenned before, where some had trouble remembering a db is a byte, a dw is a word, a dd is a double word, but how many bits was that about ? And that will likely happen again on C# 43.0 on a 256-bits platform... where the (future) boys never heard of "by convention, use int instead of Int32". That's the 2% where Int32 matters over int. MSDN saying today it's recommended to use int is irrelevant, it usually works with current C# version, but that may get dropped in future MSDN pages, in 2028, or 2034 ? Fewer and fewer people have WORD and DWORD encouters today, yet, two decades ago, they were common. The same thing will happen to int, in the very case of dealing with precise-fixed-length data.
在内存中,ushort (UInt16)可以是Decimal,只要它的小数部分是空的,它是正的或空的,并且不超过65535。但在文件中,它必须是短的16位长。当您阅读关于来自另一个时代的文件结构的文档时(在源代码中),您会发现有3545个记录定义,其中一些嵌套在其他记录中,每个记录有几个到数百个不同类型的字段。
Somewhere in 2028 a boy thought he could just get away by Ctrl-H-ing int to Int32, whole word only and match case... ~67000 changes in whole solution. Hit Run and still get CTDs. Clap clap clap. Go figure which int you should have changed to Int32 and which ones you should have changed to var. Also worth to point out Pointers are useful, when you deal with terabytes of datas (have a virtual representation of an entire planet on some cloud, download on demand, and render to user screen). Pointers are really fast in the ~1% of cases where there are so many datas to compute in realtime, you must trade with unsafe code. Again, it's to come up with an actually useful application, instead of being fancy and waste time porting to managed. So, be carefull, IntPtr is 32-bits or 64-bits already ? Could you get away with your code without caring how many bytes you read/skip ? Or just go (Int32*) int32Ptr = (Int32*) int64Ptr;...
IfTest record in file says : if value equals someConstant, jump to address. Where address is a 16-bits integer representing a relative pointer inside the file (you can go back towards the start of the file up to 32768 bytes, or up to 32767 bytes further down). But 10 years later, platforms can handle larger files and larger datas, and now you have 32-bits relative address. Your method in the source code were named IfTestMethod(...), now how would you name the new one ? IfTestMethodInt() or IfTestMethod32() ? Would you also rename the old method IfTestMethodShort() or IfTestMethod16() ? Then a decade later, you get a new command with long (Int64) relative address... What about a 128 bits command some 10 years later ? Be consistent ! Principles are great, but sometimes logic is better.
问题不在于我或你今天写的代码,对我们来说似乎没问题。它是在一个人试图理解我们所写的东西的地方,10年或20年后,提出一个工作更新代码需要花费多少时间(=金钱)?明确或写多余的注释实际上会节省时间。你喜欢哪一种?Int32 val;或var val;/ / 32位。
Also, working with foreign data from other platforms or compile directives is a concept (today involves Interop, COM, PInvoke...) And that's a concept we cannot get rid of, whatever the era, because it takes time to update (reformat) datas (via serialization for ex.) Upgrading DLLs to managed code also takes time. We took time to leave assembler behind and go full-C. We are taking time to move from 32-bits datas to 64-bits, yet, we still need to care about 8 and 16-bits. What next in the future ? Move from 128-bits to 256 or directly to 1024 ? Do not assume a keyword explicit to you will remain explicit for the guys reading your documentation 20 years later (and documentation usually contains errors, mainly because of copy/paste).
这就是:今天在哪里使用Int32而不是int ?
It's when you are producing code that is data-size sensible (IO, network, cross-platform data...), and at some point in the future - could be decades later - someone will have to understand and port your code. The key reason is era-based. 1000 lines of code, it's okay to use int, 100000 lines, it's not anymore. That's a rare duty only a few will have to do, and hell yeah, they have struggle, if only some were a little more explicit instead of relying on "by convention" or "it looks pretty in the IDE, Int32 is so ugly" or "they are the same, don't bother, it's a waste of time to write that two numbers and holding shift key", or "int is unambiguous", or "those who don't like int are just VB fanboys - go learn C# you noob" (yeah, that's the underlying meaning of a few comments right here)
不要把我所写的作为一种普遍的看法,也不要试图在所有情况下推广Int32。我清楚地陈述了具体的情况(在我看来,从其他答案中不清楚这一点),以支持少数人因为编写Int32而受到主管的指责,同时也是同一个主管不理解为什么要花这么长时间将C DLL重写为c#。这是一个边缘情况,但至少对于那些阅读“Int32”的人来说,它的生命中至少有一个目的。
int和Int32之间没有区别,但由于int是一个语言关键字,许多人在风格上更喜欢它(就像string vs string)。
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