





然后合并5、6和7-9 -> 10-14,合并0-1和2-4 -> 5-9,最后合并5-9和10-14 -> 0-9




As a software and hardware engineer this absolutely screams FPGA to me. I don't know what kind of conclusions you need to draw from the sorted set of numbers or where the data comes from, but I know it would be almost trivial to process somewhere between one hundred million and a billion of these "sort-and-analyze" operations per second. I've done FPGA-assisted DNA sequencing work in the past. It is nearly impossible to beat the massive processing power of FPGAs when the problem is well suited for that type of a solution.


As a point of reference, I designed a high performance real-time image processor that received 32 bit RGB image data at a rate of about 300 million pixels per second. The data streamed through FIR filters, matrix multipliers, lookup tables, spatial edge detection blocks and a number of other operations before coming out the other end. All of this on a relatively small Xilinx Virtex2 FPGA with internal clocking spanning from about 33 MHz to, if I remember correctly, 400 MHz. Oh, yes, it also had a DDR2 controller implementation and ran two banks of DDR2 memory.






x86 SSE确实为4个32位整型的向量提供了打包的32位整型的min和max指令。AVX2 (Haswell及后续版本)具有相同的功能,但用于256b的8个整型向量。还有高效的洗牌指令。

如果你有很多独立的小排序,用向量并行地做4到8个排序是可能的。特别是,如果你随机选择元素(所以要排序的数据在内存中不会连续),你可以避免打乱,只需要按照你需要的顺序进行比较。10个寄存器保存来自4个(AVX2: 8) 10个整数列表的所有数据,仍然留下6个reg作为临时空间。

如果还需要对相关数据进行排序,则向量排序网络的效率较低。在这种情况下,最有效的方法似乎是使用wrapped -compare来获得更改元素的掩码,并使用该掩码来混合相关数据的(引用)向量。

以下是运行在10个CUDA线程上的CUDA内核(秩排序算法),在42毫秒内对1000个数组排序1000次,每次排序42纳秒或每次排序~70个周期(1.7 GHz):

__device__ int findOrder(const int mask, const int data0)
    const int order1 = data0>__shfl_sync(mask,data0,0);
    const int order2 = data0>__shfl_sync(mask,data0,1);
    const int order3 = data0>__shfl_sync(mask,data0,2);
    const int order4 = data0>__shfl_sync(mask,data0,3);
    const int order5 = data0>__shfl_sync(mask,data0,4);
    const int order6 = data0>__shfl_sync(mask,data0,5);
    const int order7 = data0>__shfl_sync(mask,data0,6);
    const int order8 = data0>__shfl_sync(mask,data0,7);
    const int order9 = data0>__shfl_sync(mask,data0,8);
    const int order10 = data0>__shfl_sync(mask,data0,9);
    return order1 + order2 + order3 + order4 + order5 + order6 + order7 + order8 + order9 + order10;

// launch this with 10 CUDA threads in 1 block in 1 grid
// sorts 10 elements using only SIMT registers
__global__ void rankSort(int * __restrict__ buffer)
    const int id  = threadIdx.x;

    // enable first 10 lanes of warp for shuffling 
    const int mask = __activemask();

    __shared__ int data[10000];

    for(int i=0;i<1000;i++)
        data[id+i*10] = buffer[id+i*10];
    // benchmark 1000 times
    for(int k=0;k<1000;k++)

        // sort 1000 arrays
        for(int j=0;j<1000;j+=5)
            // sort 5 arrays at once to hide latency
            const int data1 = data[id+j*10];
            const int data2 = data[id+(j+1)*10];
            const int data3 = data[id+(j+2)*10];
            const int data4 = data[id+(j+3)*10];
            const int data5 = data[id+(j+4)*10];

            const int order1 = findOrder(mask,data1);        
            const int order2 = findOrder(mask,data2);
            const int order3 = findOrder(mask,data3);
            const int order4 = findOrder(mask,data4);
            const int order5 = findOrder(mask,data5);


    for(int i=0;i<1000;i++)
        buffer[id+i*10] = data[id+i*10];


该算法假设元素是唯一的。对于重复的数据,需要一个额外的缩减步骤来将重复的顺序值解压缩为10个元素。首先,它计算每个元素的秩,然后直接将它们复制到数组中作为索引的秩。顺序值需要蛮力(O(N x N))次比较,为了减少延迟,使用warp-shuffles从(向量寄存器的)不同的warp-lanes收集数据。



function sortNet10(data) { // ten-input sorting network by Waksman, 1969 var swap; if (data[0] > data[5]) { swap = data[0]; data[0] = data[5]; data[5] = swap; } if (data[1] > data[6]) { swap = data[1]; data[1] = data[6]; data[6] = swap; } if (data[2] > data[7]) { swap = data[2]; data[2] = data[7]; data[7] = swap; } if (data[3] > data[8]) { swap = data[3]; data[3] = data[8]; data[8] = swap; } if (data[4] > data[9]) { swap = data[4]; data[4] = data[9]; data[9] = swap; } if (data[0] > data[3]) { swap = data[0]; data[0] = data[3]; data[3] = swap; } if (data[5] > data[8]) { swap = data[5]; data[5] = data[8]; data[8] = swap; } if (data[1] > data[4]) { swap = data[1]; data[1] = data[4]; data[4] = swap; } if (data[6] > data[9]) { swap = data[6]; data[6] = data[9]; data[9] = swap; } if (data[0] > data[2]) { swap = data[0]; data[0] = data[2]; data[2] = swap; } if (data[3] > data[6]) { swap = data[3]; data[3] = data[6]; data[6] = swap; } if (data[7] > data[9]) { swap = data[7]; data[7] = data[9]; data[9] = swap; } if (data[0] > data[1]) { swap = data[0]; data[0] = data[1]; data[1] = swap; } if (data[2] > data[4]) { swap = data[2]; data[2] = data[4]; data[4] = swap; } if (data[5] > data[7]) { swap = data[5]; data[5] = data[7]; data[7] = swap; } if (data[8] > data[9]) { swap = data[8]; data[8] = data[9]; data[9] = swap; } if (data[1] > data[2]) { swap = data[1]; data[1] = data[2]; data[2] = swap; } if (data[3] > data[5]) { swap = data[3]; data[3] = data[5]; data[5] = swap; } if (data[4] > data[6]) { swap = data[4]; data[4] = data[6]; data[6] = swap; } if (data[7] > data[8]) { swap = data[7]; data[7] = data[8]; data[8] = swap; } if (data[1] > data[3]) { swap = data[1]; data[1] = data[3]; data[3] = swap; } if (data[4] > data[7]) { swap = data[4]; data[4] = data[7]; data[7] = swap; } if (data[2] > data[5]) { swap = data[2]; data[2] = data[5]; data[5] = swap; } if (data[6] > data[8]) { swap = data[6]; data[6] = data[8]; data[8] = swap; } if (data[2] > data[3]) { swap = data[2]; data[2] = data[3]; data[3] = swap; } if (data[4] > data[5]) { swap = data[4]; data[4] = data[5]; data[5] = swap; } if (data[6] > data[7]) { swap = data[6]; data[6] = data[7]; data[7] = swap; } if (data[3] > data[4]) { swap = data[3]; data[3] = data[4]; data[4] = swap; } if (data[5] > data[6]) { swap = data[5]; data[5] = data[6]; data[6] = swap; } return(data); } document.write(sortNet10([5,7,1,8,4,3,6,9,2,0]));


为了利用并行处理的优势,可以将5-4-3-3 - 4-4-2 -3-2分组改为4-4-4-2 -4-4-3-2分组。


    final int a=in[0]<in[1]?in[0]:in[1];
    final int b=in[0]<in[1]?in[1]:in[0];
for(int x=2;x<10;x+=2)
    final int a=in[x]<in[x+1]?in[x]:in[x+1];
    final int b=in[x]<in[x+1]?in[x+1]:in[x];
    int y= x-1;

        in[y+2]= in[y];
        in[y+1]= in[y];