身份验证是确定某人确实是他们所声称的那个人的过程。 授权是指决定谁可以做什么的规则。例如,亚当可能被授权创建和删除数据库, 而Usama只被授权阅读。
Authentication is the mechanism whereby systems may securely identify their users. Authentication systems provide an answers to the questions: Who is the user? Is the user really who he/she represents himself to be? Authorization, by contrast, is the mechanism by which a system determines what level of access a particular authenticated user should have to secured resources controlled by the system. For example, a database management system might be designed so as to provide certain specified individuals with the ability to retrieve information from a database but not the ability to change data stored in the datbase, while giving other individuals the ability to change data. Authorization systems provide answers to the questions: Is user X authorized to access resource R? Is user X authorized to perform operation P? Is user X authorized to perform operation P on resource R?
Authentication | Authorization | |
What does it do? | Verifies credentials | Grants or denies permissions |
How does it work? | Through passwords, biometrics, one-time pins, or apps | Through settings maintained by security teams |
Is it visible to the user? | Yes | No |
It is changeable by the user? | Partially | No |
How does data move? | Through ID tokens | Through access tokens |
On blogging site (eg. medium.com) users can create an account and write a post and publish. And users can read all posts published by others as well. Here the blogging server first authenticates the user with the user login credentials (login/password) and then it authorizes to read all others post and write/modify the post only created by the user. Here authorization is used by the server to limit which all post each user can modify. Users can create a free google account by which google server provides free services like mail, calendar, chat, drives etc. But the storage provided for all these services to free users are 15GB (as of now). User can pay a monthly or annual fee to google server to increase the storage space. Here google server authorizes every authenticated user to limit the amount of resource usage.
身份验证是确定某人确实是他们所声称的那个人的过程。 授权是指决定谁可以做什么的规则。例如,亚当可能被授权创建和删除数据库, 而Usama只被授权阅读。
用于授权的JWT: JWT是一种基于JSON的安全令牌格式,它基本上是一个base64 url编码的字符串,用于传输 保护两个应用程序之间的内容。它们用于保护Web api中的请求数据。这些都包含在授权HTTP报头中,作为承载身份验证方案的一部分。
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