然而,代码目前使用java.util.Random的方式是这样的——它实例化java.security. securerrandom类,然后使用securerrandom . nextlong()方法来获得用于实例化java.util.Randomclass的种子。然后它使用java.util.Random.nextLong()方法生成令牌。
所以我现在的问题是——考虑到java.util.Random是使用java.security.SecureRandom进行播种的,它仍然是不安全的吗?我是否需要修改代码,以便它专门使用java.security. securerrandom来生成令牌?
标准的Oracle JDK 7实现使用所谓的线性同余生成器在java.util.Random中生成随机值。
摘自java.util.Random源代码(JDK 7u2),摘自protected int next(int bits)方法的注释,该方法生成随机值:
由D. H. Lehmer定义,Donald E. Knuth描述
Hugo Krawczyk写了一篇关于如何预测这些lcg的很好的论文(“如何预测同分生成器”)。如果你足够幸运并且感兴趣,你还可以在网上找到一个免费的、可下载的版本。还有更多的研究清楚地表明,您永远不应该将LCG用于安全关键目的。这也意味着你的随机数现在是可预测的,这是你不希望会话id之类的东西。
A random has only 48 bits where as SecureRandom can have upto 128 bits. So the chances of repeating in securerandom is very small. Random uses the system clock as the seed/or to generate the seed. So they can be reproduced easily if the attacker knows the time at which the seed was generated. But SecureRandom takes Random Data from your os(they can be interval between keystrokes etc - most os collect these data store them in files - /dev/random and /dev/urandom in case of linux/solaris) and uses that as the seed. So if the small token size is okay(in case of Random), you can continue using your code without any changes, since you are using SecureRandom to generate the seed. But if you want larger tokens(which cannot be subject to brute force attacks) go with SecureRandom - In case of random just 2^48 attempts are required, with todays advanced cpu's it is possible to break it in practical time. But for securerandom 2^128 attempts will be required, which will take years and years to break even with today's advanced machines.
See this link for more details.
After reading the links provided by @emboss, it is clear that the seed, however random it maybe,
should not be used with java.util.Random. It is very easy to calculate the seed by observing the output.
Go for SecureRandom - Use Native PRNG (as given in the link above) because it takes random values from the /dev/random file for each call to nextBytes(). This way an attacker observing the output will not be able to make out anything unless he is controlling the contents of the /dev/random file(which is very unlikely)
The sha1 prng algorithm calculates the seed only once and if your VM is running for months using the same seed, it might be cracked by an attacker who is passively observing the output.
NOTE - If you are calling the nextBytes() faster than your os is able to write random bytes(entropy) into the /dev/random, you might land into trouble when using NATIVE PRNG. In that case use a SHA1 PRNG instance of SecureRandom and every few minutes(or some interval), seed this instance with the value from nextBytes() of a NATIVE PRNG instance of SecureRandom. Running these two parallely will ensure that you are seeding regularly with true random values, while also not exhausting the entropy obtained by the Operating System.
protected int next(int bits) {
long nextseed;
// calculate next seed: ...
// and store it in the private "seed" field.
return (int)(nextseed >>> (48 - bits));
public long nextLong() {
// it's okay that the bottom word remains signed.
return ((long)(next(32)) << 32) + next(32);