


Setting Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture will be used to localize the exceptions. If you need two kinds of exceptions (one for the user, one for you) you can use the following function to translate the exception-message. It's searching in the .NET-Libraries resources for the original text to get the resource-key and then return the translated value. But there's one weakness I didn't find a good solution yet: Messages, that contains {0} in resources will not be found. If anyone has a good solution I would be grateful.

public static string TranslateExceptionMessage(Exception ex, CultureInfo targetCulture)
        Assembly assembly = ex.GetType().Assembly;
        ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager(assembly.GetName().Name, assembly);
        ResourceSet originalResources = resourceManager.GetResourceSet(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture, createIfNotExists: true, tryParents: true);
        ResourceSet targetResources = resourceManager.GetResourceSet(targetCulture, createIfNotExists: true, tryParents: true);
        foreach (DictionaryEntry originalResource in originalResources)
            if (originalResource.Value.ToString().Equals(ex.Message.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                return targetResources.GetString(originalResource.Key.ToString(), ignoreCase: false); // success

    catch { }
    return ex.Message; // failed (error or cause it's not smart enough to find texts with '{0}'-patterns)



在异常记录器中,您可以记录ex.GetType。ToString,它将保存异常类的名称。我希望类的名称应该是独立于语言的,因此总是用英语表示(例如。“system . filenotfoundexception”),尽管目前我还没有一个外语系统来测试这个想法。



强制异常语言为英文 c# -当应用程序在另一种语言时,获得英语异常消息? 调试时如何将Visual Studio异常消息语言更改为英文 如何处理异常消息的翻译? 如何完全避免本地化的.NET异常消息

线程。CurrentUICulture改变了。net异常的语言,但是Win32Exception没有改变,Win32Exception使用Windows UI本身语言中的Windows资源。因此,我从来没有设法用英语而不是德语打印Win32Exception的消息,甚至没有使用中所描述的FormatMessage() 如何获得Win32Exception的英文?


该类的静态函数可以在使用不同语言的Windows安装上执行: CreateMessages()创建特定于区域性的文本 SaveMessagesToXML()将它们保存到创建或加载语言时的尽可能多的XML文件中 LoadMessagesFromXML()用特定于语言的消息加载所有XML文件

在使用不同语言的不同Windows安装上创建XML文件时,您很快就会拥有所需的所有语言。 也许当你安装了多个MUI语言包时,你可以在1个Windows上为不同的语言创建文本,但我还没有测试过。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml;

public struct CException
  public CException(Exception i_oException)
    m_oException = i_oException;
    m_oCultureInfo = null;
    m_sMessage = null;

  public CException(Exception i_oException, string i_sCulture)
    m_oException = i_oException;
    { m_oCultureInfo = new CultureInfo(i_sCulture); }
    { m_oCultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; }
    m_sMessage = null;

  public CException(Exception i_oException, CultureInfo i_oCultureInfo)
    m_oException = i_oException;
    m_oCultureInfo = i_oCultureInfo == null ? CultureInfo.InvariantCulture : i_oCultureInfo;
    m_sMessage = null;

  // GetMessage
  public string GetMessage() { return GetMessage(m_oException, m_oCultureInfo); }

  public string GetMessage(String i_sCulture) { return GetMessage(m_oException, i_sCulture); }

  public string GetMessage(CultureInfo i_oCultureInfo) { return GetMessage(m_oException, i_oCultureInfo); }

  public static string GetMessage(Exception i_oException) { return GetMessage(i_oException, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }

  public static string GetMessage(Exception i_oException, string i_sCulture)
    CultureInfo oCultureInfo = null;
    { oCultureInfo = new CultureInfo(i_sCulture); }
    { oCultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; }
    return GetMessage(i_oException, oCultureInfo);

  public static string GetMessage(Exception i_oException, CultureInfo i_oCultureInfo)
    if (i_oException == null) return null;
    if (i_oCultureInfo == null) i_oCultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

    if (ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages == null) return null;
    if (!ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages.ContainsKey(i_oCultureInfo))
      return CreateMessage(i_oException, i_oCultureInfo);

    Dictionary<string, string> dictExceptionMessage = ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages[i_oCultureInfo];
    string sExceptionName = i_oException.GetType().FullName;
    sExceptionName = MakeXMLCompliant(sExceptionName);
    Win32Exception oWin32Exception = (Win32Exception)i_oException;
    if (oWin32Exception != null)
      sExceptionName += "_" + oWin32Exception.NativeErrorCode;
    if (dictExceptionMessage.ContainsKey(sExceptionName))
      return dictExceptionMessage[sExceptionName];
      return CreateMessage(i_oException, i_oCultureInfo);

  // CreateMessages
  public static void CreateMessages(CultureInfo i_oCultureInfo)
    Thread oTH = new Thread(new ThreadStart(CreateMessagesInThread));
    if (i_oCultureInfo != null)
      oTH.CurrentCulture = i_oCultureInfo;
      oTH.CurrentUICulture = i_oCultureInfo;
    while (oTH.IsAlive)
    { Thread.Sleep(10); }

  // LoadMessagesFromXML
  public static void LoadMessagesFromXML(string i_sPath, string i_sBaseFilename)
    if (i_sBaseFilename == null) i_sBaseFilename = msc_sBaseFilename;

    string[] asFiles = null;
      asFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(i_sPath, i_sBaseFilename + "_*.xml");
    catch { return; }

    for (int ixFile = 0; ixFile < asFiles.Length; ixFile++)
      string sXmlPathFilename = asFiles[ixFile];

      XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNode xmlnodeRoot = xmldoc.SelectSingleNode("/" + msc_sXmlGroup_Root);

        string sCulture = xmlnodeRoot.SelectSingleNode(msc_sXmlGroup_Info + "/" + msc_sXmlData_Culture).Value;
        CultureInfo oCultureInfo = new CultureInfo(sCulture);

        XmlNode xmlnodeMessages = xmlnodeRoot.SelectSingleNode(msc_sXmlGroup_Messages);
        XmlNodeList xmlnodelistMessage = xmlnodeMessages.ChildNodes;
        Dictionary<string, string> dictExceptionMessage = new Dictionary<string, string>(xmlnodelistMessage.Count + 10);
        for (int ixNode = 0; ixNode < xmlnodelistMessage.Count; ixNode++)
          dictExceptionMessage.Add(xmlnodelistMessage[ixNode].Name, xmlnodelistMessage[ixNode].InnerText);
        ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages.Add(oCultureInfo, dictExceptionMessage);
      { return; }

  // SaveMessagesToXML
  public static void SaveMessagesToXML(string i_sPath, string i_sBaseFilename)
    if (i_sBaseFilename == null) i_sBaseFilename = msc_sBaseFilename;

    foreach (KeyValuePair<CultureInfo, Dictionary<string, string>> kvpCultureExceptionMessages in ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages)
      string sXmlPathFilename = i_sPath + i_sBaseFilename + "_" + kvpCultureExceptionMessages.Key.TwoLetterISOLanguageName + ".xml";
      Dictionary<string, string> dictExceptionMessage = kvpCultureExceptionMessages.Value;

      XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
      XmlWriter xmlwriter = null;
      XmlWriterSettings writerSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
      writerSettings.Indent = true;

        XmlNode xmlnodeRoot = xmldoc.CreateElement(msc_sXmlGroup_Root);
        XmlNode xmlnodeInfo = xmldoc.CreateElement(msc_sXmlGroup_Info);
        XmlNode xmlnodeMessages = xmldoc.CreateElement(msc_sXmlGroup_Messages);

        XmlNode xmlnodeCulture = xmldoc.CreateElement(msc_sXmlData_Culture);
        xmlnodeCulture.InnerText = kvpCultureExceptionMessages.Key.Name;

        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvpExceptionMessage in dictExceptionMessage)
          XmlNode xmlnodeMsg = xmldoc.CreateElement(kvpExceptionMessage.Key);
          xmlnodeMsg.InnerText = kvpExceptionMessage.Value;

        xmlwriter = XmlWriter.Create(sXmlPathFilename, writerSettings);
      catch (Exception e)
      { return; }
      { if (xmlwriter != null) xmlwriter.Close(); }

  // CreateMessagesInThread
  private static void CreateMessagesInThread()
    Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "CException.CreateMessagesInThread";

    Dictionary<string, string> dictExceptionMessage = new Dictionary<string, string>(0x1000);


    ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages.Add(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture, dictExceptionMessage);

  // GetExceptionTypes
  private static List<Type> GetExceptionTypes()
    Assembly[] aoAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();

    List<Type> listoExceptionType = new List<Type>();

    Type oExceptionType = typeof(Exception);
    for (int ixAssm = 0; ixAssm < aoAssembly.Length; ixAssm++)
      if (!aoAssembly[ixAssm].GlobalAssemblyCache) continue;
      Type[] aoType = aoAssembly[ixAssm].GetTypes();
      for (int ixType = 0; ixType < aoType.Length; ixType++)
        if (aoType[ixType].IsSubclassOf(oExceptionType))

    return listoExceptionType;

  // GetExceptionMessages
  private static void GetExceptionMessages(Dictionary<string, string> i_dictExceptionMessage)
    List<Type> listoExceptionType = GetExceptionTypes();
    for (int ixException = 0; ixException < listoExceptionType.Count; ixException++)
      Type oExceptionType = listoExceptionType[ixException];
      string sExceptionName = MakeXMLCompliant(oExceptionType.FullName);
        if (i_dictExceptionMessage.ContainsKey(sExceptionName))
        Exception e = (Exception)(Activator.CreateInstance(oExceptionType));
        i_dictExceptionMessage.Add(sExceptionName, e.Message);
      catch (Exception)
      { i_dictExceptionMessage.Add(sExceptionName, null); }

  // GetExceptionMessagesWin32
  private static void GetExceptionMessagesWin32(Dictionary<string, string> i_dictExceptionMessage)
    string sTypeName = MakeXMLCompliant(typeof(Win32Exception).FullName) + "_";
    for (int iError = 0; iError < 0x4000; iError++)  // Win32 errors may range from 0 to 0xFFFF
      Exception e = new Win32Exception(iError);
      if (!e.Message.StartsWith("Unknown error (", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        i_dictExceptionMessage.Add(sTypeName + iError, e.Message);

  // CreateMessage
  private static string CreateMessage(Exception i_oException, CultureInfo i_oCultureInfo)
    CException oEx = new CException(i_oException, i_oCultureInfo);
    Thread oTH = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(CreateMessageInThread));
    while (oTH.IsAlive)
    { Thread.Sleep(10); }
    return oEx.m_sMessage;

  // CreateMessageInThread
  private static void CreateMessageInThread(Object i_oData)
    if (i_oData == null) return;
    CException oEx = (CException)i_oData;
    if (oEx.m_oException == null) return;

    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = oEx.m_oCultureInfo == null ? CultureInfo.InvariantCulture : oEx.m_oCultureInfo;
    // create new exception in desired culture
    Exception e = null;
    Win32Exception oWin32Exception = (Win32Exception)(oEx.m_oException);
    if (oWin32Exception != null)
      e = new Win32Exception(oWin32Exception.NativeErrorCode);
        e = (Exception)(Activator.CreateInstance(oEx.m_oException.GetType()));
      catch { }
    if (e != null)
      oEx.m_sMessage = e.Message;

  // MakeXMLCompliant
  // from https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/
  private static string MakeXMLCompliant(string i_sName)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(i_sName))
      return "_";

    System.Text.StringBuilder oSB = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
    for (int ixChar = 0; ixChar < (i_sName == null ? 0 : i_sName.Length); ixChar++)
      char character = i_sName[ixChar];
      if (IsXmlNodeNameCharacterValid(ixChar, character))
    if (oSB.Length <= 0)
    return oSB.ToString();

  private static bool IsXmlNodeNameCharacterValid(int i_ixPos, char i_character)
    if (i_character == ':') return true;
    if (i_character == '_') return true;
    if (i_character >= 'A' && i_character <= 'Z') return true;
    if (i_character >= 'a' && i_character <= 'z') return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x00C0 && i_character <= 0x00D6) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x00D8 && i_character <= 0x00F6) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x00F8 && i_character <= 0x02FF) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x0370 && i_character <= 0x037D) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x037F && i_character <= 0x1FFF) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x200C && i_character <= 0x200D) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x2070 && i_character <= 0x218F) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x2C00 && i_character <= 0x2FEF) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x3001 && i_character <= 0xD7FF) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0xF900 && i_character <= 0xFDCF) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0xFDF0 && i_character <= 0xFFFD) return true;
    // if (i_character >= 0x10000 && i_character <= 0xEFFFF) return true;

    if (i_ixPos > 0)
      if (i_character == '-') return true;
      if (i_character == '.') return true;
      if (i_character >= '0' && i_character <= '9') return true;
      if (i_character == 0xB7) return true;
      if (i_character >= 0x0300 && i_character <= 0x036F) return true;
      if (i_character >= 0x203F && i_character <= 0x2040) return true;
    return false;

  private static string msc_sBaseFilename = "exception_messages";
  private static string msc_sXmlGroup_Root = "exception_messages";
  private static string msc_sXmlGroup_Info = "info";
  private static string msc_sXmlGroup_Messages = "messages";
  private static string msc_sXmlData_Culture = "culture";

  private Exception m_oException;
  private CultureInfo m_oCultureInfo;
  private string m_sMessage;

  static Dictionary<CultureInfo, Dictionary<string, string>> ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages = new Dictionary<CultureInfo, Dictionary<string, string>>();

internal class Program
  public static void Main()
    CException.SaveMessagesToXML(@"d:\temp\", "emsg");
    CException.LoadMessagesFromXML(@"d:\temp\", "emsg");


public static string TranslateExceptionMessage(Exception exception, CultureInfo targetCulture)
    Assembly a = exception.GetType().Assembly;
    ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager(a.GetName().Name, a);
    ResourceSet rsOriginal = rm.GetResourceSet(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture, true, true);
    ResourceSet rsTranslated = rm.GetResourceSet(targetCulture, true, true);

    var result = exception.Message;

    foreach (DictionaryEntry item in rsOriginal)
        if (!(item.Value is string message))

        string translated = rsTranslated.GetString(item.Key.ToString(), false);

        if (!message.Contains("{"))
            result = result.Replace(message, translated);
            var pattern = $"{Regex.Escape(message)}";
            pattern = Regex.Replace(pattern, @"\\{([0-9]+)\}", "(?<group$1>.*)");

            var regex = new Regex(pattern);

            var replacePattern = translated;
            replacePattern = Regex.Replace(replacePattern, @"{([0-9]+)}", @"${group$1}");
            replacePattern = replacePattern.Replace("\\$", "$");

            result = regex.Replace(result, replacePattern);

    return result;


必须在IIS上进行更改。进入IIS管理器>选择站点> . net全球化>在那里将UI文化设置为英文。
