foo * f;
void bar(foo g) {
g.i = 10;
f->i = 2;
g.i += 5;
g.i = 15;
f->i = 2;
因为它知道f和g不在同一个位置。如果g是一个引用(foo &),编译器不可能假设。因为g.i可以用f->i作为别名,所以它的值必须是7。因此编译器必须从内存中重新获取g.i的新值。
对于更实用的规则,可以在Move Constructors文章(强烈推荐阅读)中找到一组很好的规则。
如果函数打算将实参作为副作用更改,则通过非const引用获取它。 如果函数没有修改其实参,且实参为基本类型,则按值获取它。 否则通过const引用获取,以下情况除外 如果函数无论如何都需要复制const引用,则按值获取。
"Primitive" above means basically small data types that are a few bytes long and aren't polymorphic (iterators, function objects, etc...) or expensive to copy. In that paper, there is one other rule. The idea is that sometimes one wants to make a copy (in case the argument can't be modified), and sometimes one doesn't want (in case one wants to use the argument itself in the function if the argument was a temporary anyway, for example). The paper explains in detail how that can be done. In C++1x that technique can be used natively with language support. Until then, i would go with the above rules.
my::string uppercase(my::string s) { /* change s and return it */ }
bool all_uppercase(my::string const& s) {
/* check to see whether any character is uppercase */
bool try_parse(T text, my::string &out) {
/* try to parse, write result into out */
但是,在c++ 11中,如果您要使用数据,则通过值传递,因为您可以利用move语义。例如:
class Person {
Person(std::string name) : name_(std::move(name)) {}
std::string name_;
Person p(std::string("Albert"));
作为一个规则,通过const引用传递更好。 但是如果你需要在本地修改你的函数参数,你最好使用按值传递。 对于一些基本类型,通过值传递和通过引用传递的性能通常是相同的。实际上,内部引用是由指针表示的,这就是为什么你可以期望,例如,对于指针来说,两个传递在性能方面是相同的,甚至通过值传递可以更快,因为不必要的解引用。
Pass by value if the function does not want to modify the parameter and the value is cheap to copy (int, double, float, char, bool, etc... Notice that std::string, std::vector, and the rest of the containers in the standard library are NOT) Pass by const pointer if the value is expensive to copy and the function does not want to modify the value pointed to and NULL is a value that the function handles. Pass by non-const pointer if the value is expensive to copy and the function wants to modify the value pointed to and NULL is a value that the function handles. Pass by const reference when the value is expensive to copy and the function does not want to modify the value referred to and NULL would not be a valid value if a pointer was used instead. Pass by non-const reference when the value is expensive to copy and the function wants to modify the value referred to and NULL would not be a valid value if a pointer was used instead.
根据经验,value用于非类类型,const引用用于类。 如果一个类非常小,最好是通过值传递,但区别很小。你真正想要避免的是按值传递一些巨大的类,并将其全部复制——如果你传递的是一个std::vector,其中包含相当多的元素,这将产生巨大的差异。
foo * f;
void bar(foo g) {
g.i = 10;
f->i = 2;
g.i += 5;
g.i = 15;
f->i = 2;
因为它知道f和g不在同一个位置。如果g是一个引用(foo &),编译器不可能假设。因为g.i可以用f->i作为别名,所以它的值必须是7。因此编译器必须从内存中重新获取g.i的新值。
对于更实用的规则,可以在Move Constructors文章(强烈推荐阅读)中找到一组很好的规则。
如果函数打算将实参作为副作用更改,则通过非const引用获取它。 如果函数没有修改其实参,且实参为基本类型,则按值获取它。 否则通过const引用获取,以下情况除外 如果函数无论如何都需要复制const引用,则按值获取。
"Primitive" above means basically small data types that are a few bytes long and aren't polymorphic (iterators, function objects, etc...) or expensive to copy. In that paper, there is one other rule. The idea is that sometimes one wants to make a copy (in case the argument can't be modified), and sometimes one doesn't want (in case one wants to use the argument itself in the function if the argument was a temporary anyway, for example). The paper explains in detail how that can be done. In C++1x that technique can be used natively with language support. Until then, i would go with the above rules.
my::string uppercase(my::string s) { /* change s and return it */ }
bool all_uppercase(my::string const& s) {
/* check to see whether any character is uppercase */
bool try_parse(T text, my::string &out) {
/* try to parse, write result into out */