c# /。NET依赖注入框架值得一看? 你对它们的复杂性和速度有什么看法?
Spring.NET is the most mature as it comes out of Spring from the Java world. Spring has a very rich set of framework libraries that extend it to support Web, Windows, etc. Castle Windsor is one of the most widely used in the .NET platform and has the largest ecosystem, is highly configurable / extensible, has custom lifetime management, AOP support, has inherent NHibernate support and is an all around awesome container. Windsor is part of an entire stack which includes Monorail, Active Record, etc. NHibernate itself builds on top of Windsor. Structure Map has very rich and fine grained configuration through an internal DSL. Autofac is an IoC container of the new age with all of it's inherent functional programming support. It also takes a different approach on managing lifetime than the others. Autofac is still very new, but it pushes the bar on what is possible with IoC. Ninject I have heard is more bare bones with a less is more approach (heard not experienced). The biggest discriminator of Unity is: it's from and supported by Microsoft (p&p). Unity has very good performance, and great documentation. It is also highly configurable. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of say Castle / Structure Map.
因此,当涉及到DI时(有很多选择,这真的是一个品味问题)是Spring.NET。此外,研究项目背后的人总是明智的。我建议使用SourceGear产品进行源代码控制(在使用它们之外),因为我尊重Eric Sink。我看过马克·波拉克的演讲,我能说什么呢,他就是懂。
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