




Hashtable inside contains cans in which it stores the key sets. The Hashtable uses the hashcode to decide to which the key pair should plan. The capacity to get the container area from Key's hashcode is known as hash work. In principle, a hash work is a capacity which when given a key, creates an address in the table. A hash work consistently returns a number for an item. Two equivalent items will consistently have a similar number while two inconsistent objects may not generally have various numbers. When we put objects into a hashtable then it is conceivable that various objects may have equal/ same hashcode. This is known as a collision. To determine collision, hashtable utilizes a variety of lists. The sets mapped to a single array index are stored in a list and then the list reference is stored in the index.



(void) addValue : (object) value
   int bucket = calculate_bucket_from_val(value);
   if (bucket) 
       //do nothing, just overwrite
   else   //create bucket

(bool) exists : (object) value
   int bucket = calculate_bucket_from_val(value);
   return bucket;


经验法则是: 对于要插入的给定值,bucket必须是唯一的,并且派生自它应该存储的值。





This is where storing vectors of key/value pairs in the array come in. Because the set of values that can be indexes in the array is typically smaller than the number of all possible values that the type can have, it is possible that your hash algorithm is going to generate the same value for two separate keys. A good hash algorithm will prevent this as much as possible (which is why it is relegated to the type usually because it has specific information which a general hash algorithm can't possibly know), but it's impossible to prevent.




Generally, in applications the size of universe of keys is very large than number of elements I want to add to the hash table(I don't wanna waste a 1 GB memory to hash ,say, 10000 or 100000 integer values because they are 32 bit long in binary reprsentaion). So, we use this hashing. It's sort of a mixing kind of "mathematical" operation, which maps my large universe to a small set of values that I can accomodate in memory. In practical cases, often space of a hash table is of the same "order"(big-O) as the (number of elements *size of each element), So, we don't waste much memory.

现在,一个大集合映射到一个小集合,映射必须是多对一的。因此,不同的键将被分配相同的空间(?? ?不公平)。有几种方法可以解决这个问题,我只知道其中最流行的两种:

Use the space that was to be allocated to the value as a reference to a linked list. This linked list will store one or more values, that come to reside in same slot in many to one mapping. The linked list also contains keys to help someone who comes searching. It's like many people in same apartment, when a delivery-man comes, he goes to the room and asks specifically for the guy. Use a double hash function in an array which gives the same sequence of values every time rather than a single value. When I go to store a value, I see whether the required memory location is free or occupied. If it's free, I can store my value there, if it's occupied I take next value from the sequence and so on until I find a free location and I store my value there. When searching or retreiving the value, I go back on same path as given by the sequence and at each location ask for the vaue if it's there until I find it or search all possible locations in the array.


Hashtable inside contains cans in which it stores the key sets. The Hashtable uses the hashcode to decide to which the key pair should plan. The capacity to get the container area from Key's hashcode is known as hash work. In principle, a hash work is a capacity which when given a key, creates an address in the table. A hash work consistently returns a number for an item. Two equivalent items will consistently have a similar number while two inconsistent objects may not generally have various numbers. When we put objects into a hashtable then it is conceivable that various objects may have equal/ same hashcode. This is known as a collision. To determine collision, hashtable utilizes a variety of lists. The sets mapped to a single array index are stored in a list and then the list reference is stored in the index.








Now to make this work as a hashtable: Imagine you didn't care about memory usage. Then you can create an array as long as your indexing set (all uint32's, for example). As you add something to the table, you hash it's key and look at the array at that index. If there is nothing there, you put your value there. If there is already something there, you add this new entry to a list of things at that address, along with enough information (your original key, or something clever) to find which entry actually belongs to which key.


