Methods of a Java interface are implicitly abstract
and cannot have implementations. A Java abstract class can have
instance methods that implements a default behaviour.
Variables declared in a Java interface are by default final. An
abstract class may contain non-final variables.
Members of a Java interface are public by default. A Java abstract
class can have the usual flavours of class members like private,
protected, etc.
A Java interface should be implemented using keyword “implements”; A
Java abstract class should be extended using keyword “extends”.
An interface can extend another Java interface only, an abstract class
can extend another Java class and implement multiple Java interfaces.
A Java class can implement multiple interfaces but it can extend only
one abstract class.
A Java interface should only be used as an interface in the above generic sense, to define how the class behaves for the benefit of client code using the class, without specifying any implementation. Thus, an interface includes method signatures - the names, return types, and argument lists - for methods expected to be called by client code, and in principle should have plenty of Javadoc for each method describing what that method does. The most compelling reason for using an interface is if you plan to have multiple different implementations of the interface, perhaps selecting an implementation depending on deployment configuration.
A Java abstract class, in contrast, provides a partial implementation of the class, rather than having a primary purpose of specifying an interface. It should be used when multiple classes share code, but when the subclasses are also expected to provide part of the implementation. This permits the shared code to appear in only one place - the abstract class - while making it clear that parts of the implementation are not present in the abstract class and are expected to be provided by subclasses.
package adventure;
import java.awt.*;
public interface Playable {
public void playSound(String s);
public Image loadPicture(String s);
public abstract class World...
public Playable owner;
public Playable getOwner() {
return owner;
public void setOwner(Playable owner) {
this.owner = owner;