在PostgreSQL 9.4中,我们实现了以下python函数。它也可以用于PostgreSQL 9.3。
create language plpython2u;
create or replace function json_set(jdata jsonb, jpaths jsonb, jvalue jsonb) returns jsonb as $$
import json
a = json.loads(jdata)
b = json.loads(jpaths)
if a.__class__.__name__ != 'dict' and a.__class__.__name__ != 'list':
raise plpy.Error("The json data must be an object or a string.")
if b.__class__.__name__ != 'list':
raise plpy.Error("The json path must be an array of paths to traverse.")
c = a
for i in range(0, len(b)):
p = b[i]
plpy.notice('p == ' + str(p))
if i == len(b) - 1:
c[p] = json.loads(jvalue)
if p.__class__.__name__ == 'unicode':
plpy.notice("Traversing '" + p + "'")
if c.__class__.__name__ != 'dict':
raise plpy.Error(" The value here is not a dictionary.")
c = c[p]
if p.__class__.__name__ == 'int':
plpy.notice("Traversing " + str(p))
if c.__class__.__name__ != 'list':
raise plpy.Error(" The value here is not a list.")
c = c[p]
if c is None:
return json.dumps(a)
$$ language plpython2u ;
create table jsonb_table (jsonb_column jsonb);
insert into jsonb_table values
('{"cars":["Jaguar", {"type":"Unknown","partsList":[12, 34, 56]}, "Atom"]}');
select jsonb_column->'cars'->1->'partsList'->2, jsonb_column from jsonb_table;
update jsonb_table
set jsonb_column = json_set(jsonb_column, '["cars",1,"partsList",2]', '99');
select jsonb_column->'cars'->1->'partsList'->2, jsonb_column from jsonb_table;
Note that for a previous employer, I have written a set of C functions for manipulating JSON data as text (not as a json or jsonb type) for PostgreSQL 7, 8 and 9. For example, extracting data with json_path('{"obj":[12, 34, {"num":-45.67}]}', '$.obj[2]['num']'), setting data with json_path_set('{"obj":[12, 34, {"num":-45.67}]}', '$.obj[2]['num']', '99.87') and so on. It took about 3 days work, so if you need it to run on legacy systems and have the time to spare, it may be worth the effort. I imagine the C version is much faster than the python version.