new Center(
child: condition == true ? new Container() : new Container()
new Center(
if(condition == true){
new Container();
new Container();
有趣的是,我尝试了一个switch case语句,它给了我同样的警告,因此我不能运行代码。我做错了什么,或者它是这样的,不能使用if/else或开关语句而不颤振认为有死代码?
return Card(
elevation: 0,
margin: EdgeInsets.all(1),
child: conditions(widget.coupon)[widget.coupon.status] ??
(throw ArgumentError('invalid status')));
conditions(Coupon coupon) => {
Status.added_new: CheckableCouponTile(coupon.code),
Status.redeemed: SimpleCouponTile(coupon.code),
Status.invalid: SimpleCouponTile(coupon.code),
Status.valid_not_redeemed: SimpleCouponTile(coupon.code),
var condts = {
0: Container(),
1: Center(),
2: Row(),
3: Column(),
4: Stack(),
class WidgetByCondition extends StatelessWidget {
final int index;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return condts[index];
typedef IfWidget = List<Widget> Function(bool, Widget);
typedef IfElseWidget = Widget Function(bool, Widget, Widget);
typedef ElseEmptyWidget = Widget Function(bool, Widget);
IfWidget ifTrueWidget =
(bool condition, Widget child) => [if (condition) child];
IfElseWidget ifElseWidget =
(bool condition, Widget isTrueChild, Widget isFalseChild) =>
condition ? isTrueChild : isFalseChild;
ElseEmptyWidget elseEmptyWidget = (bool condition, Widget isTrueChild) =>
condition ? isTrueChild : const SizedBox.shrink();
// IfWidget
** Row/ Column / Wrap child etc.
children: <Widget>[
...ifWidget(title != null, Text('Only Display for True Conditon')),
// elseEmptyWidget
** Row/ Column / Wrap child etc.
children: <Widget>[
elseEmptyWidget(title!=null,Text('Only Display for True Conditon')),
// ifElseWidget
** Row/ Column / Wrap child etc.
children: <Widget>[
ifElseWidget(true,Text('Only Display for True Conditon'),Text('Only Display for false Conditon')),
Flutter Widget可以在不破坏代码树的情况下有条件地用父元素包装子树
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
/// Conditionally wrap a subtree with a parent widget without breaking the code tree.
/// [condition]: the condition depending on which the subtree [child] is wrapped with the parent.
/// [child]: The subtree that should always be build.
/// [conditionalBuilder]: builds the parent with the subtree [child].
/// ___________
/// Usage:
/// ```dart
/// return ConditionalParentWidget(
/// condition: shouldIncludeParent,
/// child: Widget1(
/// child: Widget2(
/// child: Widget3(),
/// ),
/// ),
/// conditionalBuilder: (Widget child) => SomeParentWidget(child: child),
/// ```
/// ___________
/// Instead of:
/// ```dart
/// Widget child = Widget1(
/// child: Widget2(
/// child: Widget3(),
/// ),
/// );
/// return shouldIncludeParent ? SomeParentWidget(child: child) : child;
/// ```
class ConditionalParentWidget extends StatelessWidget {
const ConditionalParentWidget({
Key key,
@required this.condition,
@required this.child,
@required this.conditionalBuilder,
}) : super(key: key);
final Widget child;
final bool condition;
final Widget Function(Widget child) conditionalBuilder;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return condition ? this.conditionalBuilder(this.child) : this.child;