


IInterface classRef = new ObjectWhatever()




program to an interface is a term from the GOF book. i would not directly say it has to do with java interface but rather real interfaces. to achieve clean layer separation, you need to create some separation between systems for example: Let's say you had a concrete database you want to use, you would never "program to the database" , instead you would "program to the storage interface". Likewise you would never "program to a Web Service" but rather you would program to a "client interface". this is so you can easily swap things out.


1. 当我们有多种类型的对象时,我们使用Java接口。如果我只有一个对象,我就看不到意义了。如果某个想法至少有两种具体实现,那么我会使用Java接口。

2. 如果如上所述,您希望从外部系统(存储系统)到自己的系统(本地DB)进行解耦,那么也需要使用接口。








// if I want to add search capabilities to my application and support multiple search
// engines such as Google, Yahoo, Live, etc.

interface ISearchProvider
    string Search(string keywords);

然后我可以创建GoogleSearchProvider, YahooSearchProvider, LiveSearchProvider等。

// if I want to support multiple downloads using different protocols
interface IUrlDownload
    void Download(string url)

// how about an image loader for different kinds of images JPG, GIF, PNG, etc.
interface IImageLoader
    Bitmap LoadImage(string filename)

然后创建JpegImageLoader, GifImageLoader, PngImageLoader等。



interface IZipCodeRepository
    IList<ZipCode> GetZipCodes(string state);

然后我可以创建一个XMLZipCodeRepository, SQLZipCodeRepository, CSVZipCodeRepository等。对于我的web应用程序,我经常在早期创建XML存储库,这样我就可以在SQL数据库准备好之前启动并运行一些东西。一旦数据库准备好了,我就编写一个SQLRepository来替换XML版本。我的其余代码保持不变,因为它完全基于接口运行。


PrintZipCodes(IZipCodeRepository zipCodeRepository, string state)
    foreach (ZipCode zipCode in zipCodeRepository.GetZipCodes(state))



Java Interface构造的创建就是为了帮助实现这一想法(以及其他一些事情),人们过于关注作为意义中心的构造,而不是最初的意图。然而,这也是为什么我们在Java、c++、c#等语言中有公共和私有方法和属性的原因。

It means just interact with an object or system's public interface. Don't worry or even anticipate how it does what it does internally. Don't worry about how it is implemented. In object-oriented code, it is why we have public vs. private methods/attributes. We are intended to use the public methods because the private methods are there only for use internally, within the class. They make up the implementation of the class and can be changed as required without changing the public interface. Assume that regarding functionality, a method on a class will perform the same operation with the same expected result every time you call it with the same parameters. It allows the author to change how the class works, its implementation, without breaking how people interact with it.

And you can program to the interface, not the implementation without ever using an Interface construct. You can program to the interface not the implementation in C++, which does not have an Interface construct. You can integrate two massive enterprise systems much more robustly as long as they interact through public interfaces (contracts) rather than calling methods on objects internal to the systems. The interfaces are expected to always react the same expected way given the same input parameters; if implemented to the interface and not the implementation. The concept works in many places.



//This interface is very flexible and abstract
    addPassenger(Plane seat, Ticket ticket); 

//Boeing is implementation of Plane
    addPassenger(Boeing747 seat, EconomyTicket ticket); 
    addPassenger(Cessna, BusinessClass ticket);

    addPassenger(J15, E87687); 

Using interfaces is a key factor in making your code easily testable in addition to removing unnecessary couplings between your classes. By creating an interface that defines the operations on your class, you allow classes that want to use that functionality the ability to use it without depending on your implementing class directly. If later on you decide to change and use a different implementation, you need only change the part of the code where the implementation is instantiated. The rest of the code need not change because it depends on the interface, not the implementing class.

This is very useful in creating unit tests. In the class under test you have it depend on the interface and inject an instance of the interface into the class (or a factory that allows it to build instances of the interface as needed) via the constructor or a property settor. The class uses the provided (or created) interface in its methods. When you go to write your tests, you can mock or fake the interface and provide an interface that responds with data configured in your unit test. You can do this because your class under test deals only with the interface, not your concrete implementation. Any class implementing the interface, including your mock or fake class, will do.

编辑:下面是一篇文章的链接,其中Erich Gamma讨论了他的引用,“面向接口编程,而不是面向实现编程。”
