
"1.0", "1.0.1", "2.0", "", "2.0.1"



"1.0", "1.0.1", "2.0", "", "2.0.1"

想法很简单… 读第一个数字,然后,第二个,第三个… 但是我不能将版本号转换为浮点数… 你也可以像这样看到版本号:

"", "", "", "", ""

这样可以更清楚地看到背后的想法。 但是,我怎样才能把它转换成计算机程序呢?




function compareVersion(currentVersion, minVersion) { let current = currentVersion.replace(/\./g," .").split(' ').map(x=>parseFloat(x,10)) let min = minVersion.replace(/\./g," .").split(' ').map(x=>parseFloat(x,10)) for(let i = 0; i < Math.max(current.length, min.length); i++) { if((current[i] || 0) < (min[i] || 0)) { return -1 } else if ((current[i] || 0) > (min[i] || 0)) { return 1 } } return 0 } console.log(compareVersion("81.0.1212.121","80.4.1121.121")); console.log(compareVersion("81.0.1212.121","80.4.9921.121")); console.log(compareVersion("80.0.1212.121","80.4.9921.121")); console.log(compareVersion("4.4.0","4.4.1")); console.log(compareVersion("5.24","5.2")); console.log(compareVersion("4.1","4.1.2")); console.log(compareVersion("4.1.2","4.1")); console.log(compareVersion("","")); console.log(compareVersion("","")); console.log(compareVersion("0","1")); console.log(compareVersion("1","1")); console.log(compareVersion("1","1.0.00000.0000")); console.log(compareVersion("","1")); console.log(compareVersion("10.0.1","10.1"));


function versionCompare(version1, version2){
                var a = version1.split('.');
                var b = version2.split('.');
                for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
                    a[i] = Number(a[i]);
                for (var i = 0; i < b.length; ++i) {
                    b[i] = Number(b[i]);
                var length=a.length;

                for(j=0; j<length; j++){
                    if(typeof b[j]=='undefined')b[j]=0;
                    if (a[j] > b[j]) return true;
                    else if(a[j] < b[j])return false;
                    if(j==length-1 && a[j] >= b[j])return true;

                return false;


    // return true if 'installed' (considered as a JRE version string) is
    // greater than or equal to 'required' (again, a JRE version string).
    compareVersions: function (installed, required) {

        var a = installed.split('.');
        var b = required.split('.');

        for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
            a[i] = Number(a[i]);
        for (var i = 0; i < b.length; ++i) {
            b[i] = Number(b[i]);
        if (a.length == 2) {
            a[2] = 0;

        if (a[0] > b[0]) return true;
        if (a[0] < b[0]) return false;

        if (a[1] > b[1]) return true;
        if (a[1] < b[1]) return false;

        if (a[2] > b[2]) return true;
        if (a[2] < b[2]) return false;

        return true;


function compareVer(previousVersion, currentVersion) {
 try {
    const [prevMajor, prevMinor = 0, prevPatch = 0] = previousVersion.split('.').map(Number);
    const [curMajor, curMinor = 0, curPatch = 0] = currentVersion.split('.').map(Number);

    if (curMajor > prevMajor) {
      return 'major update';
    if (curMajor < prevMajor) {
      return 'major downgrade';
    if (curMinor > prevMinor) {
      return 'minor update';
    if (curMinor < prevMinor) {
      return 'minor downgrade';
    if (curPatch > prevPatch) {
      return 'patch update';
    if (curPatch < prevPatch) {
      return 'patch downgrade';
    return 'same version';
  } catch (e) {
    return 'invalid format';


compareVer("3.1", "3.1.1") // patch update
compareVer("3.1.1", "3.2") // minor update
compareVer("2.1.1", "1.1.1") // major downgrade
compareVer("1.1.1", "1.1.1") // same version



"1.0" < "1.0.1" //true
var arr = ["1.0.1", "1.0", "3.2.0", "1.3"]
arr.sort();     //["1.0", "1.0.1", "1.3", "3.2.0"]


const compareVer = ((prep, repl) =>
  prep = t => ("" + t)
      //treat non-numerical characters as lower version
      //replacing them with a negative number based on charcode of first character
    .replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, c => "." + (c.replace(/[\W_]+/, "").toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0) - 65536) + ".")
      //remove trailing "." and "0" if followed by non-numerical characters (1.0.0b);
    .replace(/(?:\.0+)*(\.-[0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?\.*$/g, "$1$2")

  return (a, b, c, i, r) =>
    a = prep(a);
    b = prep(b);
    for (i = 0, r = 0, c = Math.max(a.length, b.length); !r && i++ < c;)
      r = -1 * ((a[i] = ~~a[i]) < (b[i] = ~~b[i])) + (a[i] > b[i]);
    return r;


如果a = b则为0

1如果a > b

-1如果a < b

1.0         =
1.0         < 1.0.1
1.0b1       < 1.0
1.0b        = 1.0b
1.1         > 1.0.1b
1.1alpha    < 1.1beta
1.1rc1      > 1.1beta
1.1rc1      < 1.1rc2
1.1.0a1     < 1.1a2
1.1.0a10    > 1.1.0a1
1.1.0alpha  = 1.1a
1.1.0alpha2 < 1.1b1
1.0001      > 1.00000.

/*use strict*/ const compareVer = ((prep, repl) => { prep = t => ("" + t) //treat non-numerical characters as lower version //replacing them with a negative number based on charcode of first character .replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, c => "." + (c.replace(/[\W_]+/, "").toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0) - 65536) + ".") //remove trailing "." and "0" if followed by non-numerical characters (1.0.0b); .replace(/(?:\.0+)*(\.-[0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?\.*$/g, "$1$2") .split('.'); return (a, b, c, i, r) => { a = prep(a); b = prep(b); for (i = 0, r = 0, c = Math.max(a.length, b.length); !r && i++ < c;) { r = -1 * ((a[i] = ~~a[i]) < (b[i] = ~~b[i])) + (a[i] > b[i]); } return r; } })(); //examples let list = [ ["1.0", ""], ["1.0", "1.0.1"], ["1.0b1", "1.0"], ["1.0b", "1.0b"], ["1.1", "1.0.1b"], ["1.1alpha", "1.1beta"], ["1.1rc1", "1.1beta"], ["1.1rc1", "1.1rc2"], ["1.1.0a1", "1.1a2"], ["1.1.0a10", "1.1.0a1"], ["1.1.0alpha", "1.1a"], ["1.1.0alpha2", "1.1b1"], ["1.0001", "1.00000."] ] for(let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { console.log( list[i][0] + " " + "<=>"[compareVer(list[i][0], list[i][1]) + 1] + " " + list[i][1] ); }
