我问这个问题,首先不是因为垃圾收集的优点。我问这个问题的主要原因是我知道Bjarne Stroustrup说过c++在某个时间点上会有一个垃圾收集器。
话虽如此,为什么还没有加入呢?c++已经有了一些垃圾收集器。这是那种“说起来容易做起来难”的事情吗?或者还有其他原因没有添加它(并且不会在c++ 11中添加)?
我问这个问题,首先不是因为垃圾收集的优点。我问这个问题的主要原因是我知道Bjarne Stroustrup说过c++在某个时间点上会有一个垃圾收集器。
话虽如此,为什么还没有加入呢?c++已经有了一些垃圾收集器。这是那种“说起来容易做起来难”的事情吗?或者还有其他原因没有添加它(并且不会在c++ 11中添加)?
因为它不需要(恕我直言) 因为它与RAII几乎不兼容,RAII是c++的基石
If you look at the way strings are handled in a language with garbage collection, you will find they ONLY allow high level string manipulation functions and do not allow binary access to the strings. Simply put, all string functions first check the pointers to see where the string is, even if you are only drawing out a byte. So if you are doing a loop that processes each byte in a string in a language with garbage collection, it must compute the base location plus offset for each iteration, because it cannot know when the string has moved. Then you have to think about heaps, stacks, threads, etc etc.
While that ability can be useful--or even indispensable--in some kinds of applications, a language that includes that ability will be very limited in its ability to support any kind of useful and reliable garbage collection. If a compiler doesn't know everything that has been done with the bits that made up a pointer, it will have no way of knowing whether information sufficient to reconstruct the pointer might exist somewhere in the universe. Since it would be possible for that information to be stored in ways that the computer wouldn't be able to access even if it knew about them (e.g. the bytes making up the pointer might have been shown on the screen long enough for someone to write them down on a piece of paper), it may be literally impossible for a computer to know whether a pointer could possibly be used in the future.
An interesting quirk of many garbage-collected frameworks is that an object reference not defined by the bit patterns contained therein, but by the relationship between the bits held in the object reference and other information held elsewhere. In C and C++, if the bit pattern stored in a pointer identifies an object, that bit pattern will identify that object until the object is explicitly destroyed. In a typical GC system, an object may be represented by a bit pattern 0x1234ABCD at one moment in time, but the next GC cycle might replace all references to 0x1234ABCD with references to 0x4321BABE, whereupon the object would be represented by the latter pattern. Even if one were to display the bit pattern associated with an object reference and then later read it back from the keyboard, there would be no expectation that the same bit pattern would be usable to identify the same object (or any object).
1. 性能?
第一个抱怨通常是关于性能,但大多数人并没有真正意识到他们在谈论什么。正如马丁·贝克特(Martin Beckett)所指出的,问题可能不是表现本身,而是表现的可预测性。
标记和清扫类 引用计数类型
The problem of Reference Counting is different: reference-counting adds overhead, especially in Multi-Threading environments because you need to have an atomic count. Furthermore there is the problem of reference cycles so you need a clever algorithm to detect those cycles and eliminate them (generally implement by a "freeze the world" too, though less frequent). In general, as of today, this kind (even though normally more responsive or rather, freezing less often) is slower than the Mark And Sweep.
I have seen a paper by Eiffel implementers that were trying to implement a Reference Counting Garbage Collector that would have a similar global performance to Mark And Sweep without the "Freeze The World" aspect. It required a separate thread for the GC (typical). The algorithm was a bit frightening (at the end) but the paper made a good job of introducing the concepts one at a time and showing the evolution of the algorithm from the "simple" version to the full-fledged one. Recommended reading if only I could put my hands back on the PDF file...
2. 资源获取初始化(RAII)
锁(多线程,文件句柄,…) 连接(到数据库、另一台服务器……)
只要你需要,它就应该是活的 当你用完它的时候,它应该被杀死
当堆栈分配足够时不要使用GC:这通常是为了解决性能问题,但在我们的例子中,它确实有帮助,因为作用域定义了生命周期 使用构造…但它是显式(弱)RAII,而在c++中RAII是隐式的,因此用户不能在不知不觉中犯错误(通过省略using关键字)
4. 解决方案是什么?
如果可能的话,最好在一个特定的时间拥有一个所有者 如果没有,请确保您的类图没有与所有权相关的任何循环,并通过weak_ptr的微妙应用来打破它们
Stroustrup在2013年的Going Native大会上对此发表了一些很好的评论。
在现代c++和c++ 11中,垃圾收集不再需要,除非在有限的情况下。事实上,即使一个好的垃圾收集器内置于一个主要的c++编译器中,我认为它也不会经常使用。避免GC会更容易,而不是更难。
void f(int n, int x) {
Gadget *p = new Gadget{n};
if(x<100) throw SomeException{};
if(x<200) return;
delete p;
This is unsafe in C++. But it's also unsafe in Java! In C++, if the function returns early, the delete will never be called. But if you had full garbage collection, such as in Java, you merely get a suggestion that the object will be destructed "at some point in the future" (Update: it's even worse that this. Java does not promise to call the finalizer ever - it maybe never be called). This isn't good enough if Gadget holds an open file handle, or a connection to a database, or data which you have buffered for write to a database at a later point. We want the Gadget to be destroyed as soon as it's finished, in order to free these resources as soon as possible. You don't want your database server struggling with thousands of database connections that are no longer needed - it doesn't know that your program is finished working.
void f(int n, int x) {
Gadget p = {n}; // Just leave it on the stack (where it belongs!)
if(x<100) throw SomeException{};
if(x<200) return;
这似乎是一个效率问题。如果我想从foo()返回一个Gadget怎么办?c++ 11的move语义使得返回大对象更容易。只需编写Gadget foo(){…它会起作用的,而且很快就会起作用。你不需要打扰&&自己,只需要按值返回,语言通常能够做必要的优化。(即使在c++ 03之前,编译器在避免不必要的复制方面做得非常好。)
如果这对您不起作用,您可以使用unique_ptr,如果失败,可以使用shared_ptr。在内存管理方面,编写良好的c++ 11比许多其他语言更短,更容易阅读,也更容易教授。