

为什么使用指针而不是普通变量? 我应该在何时何地使用指针? 如何在数组中使用指针?



但是,如果我改变顶点坐标呢?移动它或者在顶点类中使用moveX() ?好吧,现在我必须更新三角形,添加更多的方法和性能是浪费的,因为我必须更新三角形每次顶点移动。虽然不是什么大事,但也没那么好。



If I had three *Vertex objects per triangle class, not only am i saving room because a zillion triangles don't have three vertex objects which are large themselves, but also these pointers will always point to the Vertices they are meant to, no matter how often the vertices change. Since the pointers still point to the same vertex, the triangles don't change, and the update process is easier to handle. If I confused you, I wouldn't doubt it, I don't pretend to be an expert, just throwing my two cents into the discussion.





为什么使用指针而不是普通变量?当你在处理复杂的类型时,比如类、结构和数组,答案就会变得更清楚。如果你要使用一个普通的变量,你可能最终会生成一个副本(编译器足够聪明,在某些情况下可以防止这种情况,c++ 11也有帮助,但我们现在不讨论这个问题)。


MyType a; //let's ignore what MyType actually is right now.
a = modify(a); 



MyType *p = NULL; //empty pointer
    //we never reach here, because the pointer points to nothing
//now, let's allocate some memory
p = new MyType[50000];
if(p) //if the memory was allocated, this test will pass
    //we can do something with our allocated array
    for(size_t i=0; i!=50000; i++)
        MyType &v = *(p+i); //get a reference to the ith object
        //do something with it
    delete[] p; //we're done. de-allocate the memory




From a maintainability point of view, I should also mention that when you do use pointers, you either have to test for their validity and handle the case when they're not valid, or, just assume they are valid and accept the fact that your program will crash or worse WHEN that assumption is broken. Put another way, your choice with pointers is to either introduce code complexity or more maintenance effort when something breaks and you're trying to track down a bug that belongs to a whole class of errors that pointers introduce, like memory corruption.






unsigned char *pVideoMemory = (unsigned char *)0xA0000000;


在很大程度上,指针是数组(在C/ c++中)——它们是内存中的地址,如果需要(在“正常”情况下),可以像数组一样访问它们。




The problem with C++ constructs that people generally use to replace pointers are very dependent on the toolset that you use which is fine when you have all the control you need over the source code, however if you compile a static library with visual studio 2008 for instance and try to use it in a visual studio 2010 you will get a ton of linker errors because the new project is linked with a newer version of STL which is not backwards compatible. Things get even nastier if you compile a DLL and give an import library that people use in a different toolset because in that case your program will crash sooner or later for no apparent reason.


Another good reason to use pointers in C++ again relates to libraries, consider having a dll that cannot be loaded when your program runs, so if you use an import library then the dependency isn't satisfied and the program crashes. This is the case for instance when you give a public api in a dll alongside your application and you want to access it from other applications. In this case in order to use the API you need to load the dll from its' location (usually it's in a registry key) and then you need to use a function pointer to be able to call functions inside the DLL. Sometimes the people that make the API are nice enough to give you a .h file that contain helper functions to automate this process and give you all the function pointers that you need, but if not you can use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress on windows and dlopen and dlsym on unix to get them (considering that you know the entire signature of the function).
