我正在开发ASP。NET (VB -别跟我过不去!)]
更新: 好吧,在没有数百万“付费用户”的情况下,我该如何模仿这种模式?
为每个“已知”或“正确”的术语生成拼写错误并执行查找? 还有其他更优雅的方法吗?
我正在开发ASP。NET (VB -别跟我过不去!)]
更新: 好吧,在没有数百万“付费用户”的情况下,我该如何模仿这种模式?
为每个“已知”或“正确”的术语生成拼写错误并执行查找? 还有其他更优雅的方法吗?
关于“did you mean”算法的理论可以参考《信息检索导论》第3章。它可以在网上免费下载。第3.3节(第52页)准确地回答了你的问题。为了明确回答你的更新,你只需要一个单词字典,不需要其他任何东西(包括数百万用户)。
关于“did you mean”算法的理论可以参考《信息检索导论》第3章。它可以在网上免费下载。第3.3节(第52页)准确地回答了你的问题。为了明确回答你的更新,你只需要一个单词字典,不需要其他任何东西(包括数百万用户)。
前段时间我发现了一篇文章:《如何编写拼写更正》,作者是Peter Norvig(谷歌公司的研究总监)。
这是一本关于“拼写纠正”主题的有趣读物。例子是用Python写的,但是很清楚,很容易理解,而且我认为算法可以很容易 翻译成其他语言。
下面是该算法的简短描述。 该算法包括两个步骤,准备和单词检查。
最好是你能使用实际的搜索词和它们的出现。 如果你没有,你可以用大量的文本来代替。 计算每个单词的出现次数(流行度)。
使用Levenshtein距离,然后创建一个度量树(或Slim树)来索引单词。 然后运行1-Nearest Neighbour查询,就得到了结果。
Decide on a way to determine whether spelling correction is required. These may include insufficient results, results which are not specific or accurate enough (according to some measure), etc. Then: Use a large body of text or a dictionary, where all, or most are known to be correctly spelled. These are easily found online, in places such as LingPipe. Then to determine the best suggestion you look for a word which is the closest match based on several measures. The most intuitive one is similar characters. What has been shown through research and experimentation is that two or three character sequence matches work better. (bigrams and trigrams). To further improve results, weigh a higher score upon a match at the beginning, or end of the word. For performance reasons, index all these words as trigrams or bigrams, so that when you are performing a lookup, you convert to n-gram, and lookup via hashtable or trie. Use heuristics related to potential keyboard mistakes based on character location. So that "hwllo" should be "hello" because 'w' is close to 'e'. Use a phonetic key (Soundex, Metaphone) to index the words and lookup possible corrections. In practice this normally returns worse results than using n-gram indexing, as described above. In each case you must select the best correction from a list. This may be a distance metric such as levenshtein, the keyboard metric, etc. For a multi-word phrase, only one word may be misspelled, in which case you can use the remaining words as context in determining a best match.