我想到的另一种解决方法是使用“type id”整数原语,并使用位掩码来表示子类的类别,然后对子类“type id”与表示类别的常量掩码进行位掩码比较。
我基于jmh-java-benchmark- prototype:2.21编写了一个性能测试。JDK为openjdk, version为1.8.0_212。测试机器是mac pro。
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
MyBenchmark.getClasses thrpt 30 510.818 ± 4.190 ops/us
MyBenchmark.instanceOf thrpt 30 503.826 ± 5.546 ops/us
public class MyBenchmark {
public static final Object a = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
public boolean instanceOf() {
return a instanceof Map;
public boolean getClasses() {
return a.getClass() == HashMap.class;
public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException {
Options opt =
new OptionsBuilder().include(MyBenchmark.class.getSimpleName()).warmupIterations(20).measurementIterations(30).forks(1).build();
new Runner(opt).run();
The number of possible classes for which the instanceof operator could return true
The distribution of your data - are most of the instanceof operations resolved in the first or second attempt? You'll want to put your most likely to return true operations first.
The deployment environment. Running on a Sun Solaris VM is significantly different than Sun's Windows JVM. Solaris will run in 'server' mode by default, while Windows will run in client mode. The JIT optimizations on Solaris, will make all method access able the same.
InstanceOf 3156
class== 2925
OO 3083
Id 3067