

override func drawTextInRect(rect: CGRect) {
    var insets: UIEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0.0, left: 10.0, bottom: 0.0, right: 10.0)
    super.drawTextInRect(UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, insets))






let label = UILabel()
    label.<Do something>
    label.padding = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 16, bottom: 0, right: 0)


import UIKit

extension UILabel {
    private struct AssociatedKeys {
        static var padding = UIEdgeInsets()

    public var padding: UIEdgeInsets? {
        get {
            return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.padding) as? UIEdgeInsets
        set {
            if let newValue = newValue {
                objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.padding, newValue as UIEdgeInsets?, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)

    override open func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
        if let insets = padding {
            self.drawText(in: rect.inset(by: insets))
        } else {
            self.drawText(in: rect)

    override open var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
        guard let text = self.text else { return super.intrinsicContentSize }

        var contentSize = super.intrinsicContentSize
        var textWidth: CGFloat = frame.size.width
        var insetsHeight: CGFloat = 0.0
        var insetsWidth: CGFloat = 0.0

        if let insets = padding {
            insetsWidth += insets.left + insets.right
            insetsHeight += insets.top + insets.bottom
            textWidth -= insetsWidth

        let newSize = text.boundingRect(with: CGSize(width: textWidth, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude),
                                        options: NSStringDrawingOptions.usesLineFragmentOrigin,
                                        attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.font: self.font], context: nil)

        contentSize.height = ceil(newSize.size.height) + insetsHeight
        contentSize.width = ceil(newSize.size.width) + insetsWidth

        return contentSize


子类UILabel。(File-New-File- CocoaTouchClass-make UILabel的子类)。

//  sampleLabel.swift

import UIKit

class sampleLabel: UILabel {

 let topInset = CGFloat(5.0), bottomInset = CGFloat(5.0), leftInset = CGFloat(8.0), rightInset = CGFloat(8.0)

 override func drawTextInRect(rect: CGRect) {

  let insets: UIEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: topInset, left: leftInset, bottom: bottomInset, right: rightInset)
  super.drawTextInRect(UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, insets))

 override func intrinsicContentSize() -> CGSize {
  var intrinsicSuperViewContentSize = super.intrinsicContentSize()
  intrinsicSuperViewContentSize.height += topInset + bottomInset
  intrinsicSuperViewContentSize.width += leftInset + rightInset
  return intrinsicSuperViewContentSize


override func viewDidLoad() {

  let labelName = sampleLabel(frame: CGRectMake(0, 100, 300, 25))
  labelName.text = "Sample Label"
  labelName.backgroundColor =  UIColor.grayColor()

  labelName.textColor = UIColor.redColor()
  labelName.shadowColor = UIColor.blackColor()
  labelName.font = UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue", size: CGFloat(22))



设置标签文本 sizeToFit () 然后稍微增加标签高度以模拟填充 标签。text = "someText" 标签。textAlignment = .center label.sizeToFit () label.frame = CGRect(x: label.frame.x, y: label.frame.y,width: label.frame.width + 20,height: label.frame.height + 8)


titleLabel.text = " \(categoryName) "

使用UILabel扩展的Swift 5示例

使用下面的代码,设置你的边距就像label. setmargin(15)一样简单。

extension UILabel {
    func setMargins(_ margin: CGFloat = 10) {
        if let textString = self.text {
            let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
            paragraphStyle.firstLineHeadIndent = margin
            paragraphStyle.headIndent = margin
            paragraphStyle.tailIndent = -margin
            let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: textString)
            attributedString.addAttribute(.paragraphStyle, value: paragraphStyle, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: attributedString.length))
            attributedText = attributedString


self.myLabel.text = myString;

UIFont * const font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:17 weight:UIFontWeightRegular]; // Change to your own label font.

CGSize const size = CGSizeMake(INFINITY, 18); // 18 is height of label.

CGFloat const textWidth = [myString boundingRectWithSize:size options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName: font} context:nil].size.width;

self.myLabelWidthConstraint.constant = textWidth + 20; // 10 padding on each side. Also, set text alignment to centre.