在C/ c++中,全局变量像我的教授认为的那样糟糕吗?









可以从任何函数访问。 可以从多个线程访问。 在项目结束前都不会超出范围。


可以从任何函数访问,而不需要显式地作为参数拖入和/或记录。 不是线程安全的。 污染全局名称空间并可能导致名称冲突,除非采取措施防止这种情况。



Consider whether they're actually the best or most efficient solution for the problem. If there are any better solutions, use that instead. Put them in a namespace [C++] or singleton struct [C, C++] with a unique name (a good example would be Globals or GlobalVars), or use a standardised naming convention for global variables (such as global_[name] or g_module_varNameStyle (as mentioned by underscore_d in the comments)). This will both document their use (you can find code that uses global variables by searching for the namespace/struct name), and minimise the impact on the global namespace. For any function that accesses global variables, explicitly document which variables it reads and which it writes. This will make troubleshooting easier. Put them in their own source file and declare them extern in the associated header, so their use can be limited to compilation units that need to access them. If your code relies on a lot of global variables, but each compilation unit only needs access to a handful of them, you could consider sorting them into multiple source files, so it's easier to limit each file's access to global variables. Set up a mechanism to lock and unlock them, and/or design your code so that as few functions as possible need to actually modify global variables. Reading them is a lot safer than writing them, although thread races may still cause problems in multithreaded programs. Basically, minimise access to them, and maximise name uniqueness. You want to avoid name collisions and have as few functions as possible that can potentially modify any given variable.









The problem that global variables create for the programmer is that it expands the inter-component coupling surface between the various components that are using the global variables. What this means is that as the number of components using a global variable increases, the complexity of the interactions can also increase. This increased coupling usually makes defects easier to inject into the system when making changes and also makes defects harder to diagnose and correct. This increase coupling can also reduce the number of available options when making changes and it can increase the effort required for changes as often one must trace through the various modules that are also using the global variable in order to determine the consequences of changes.


For example if you have a simple global integer variable that is being used as an enumerated indicator that various components use as a state machine and you then make a change by adding a new state for a new component, you must then trace through all the other components to ensure that the change will not affect them. An example of a possible problem would be if a switch statement to test the value of the enumeration global variable with case statements for each of the current values is being used in various places and it so happens that some of the switch statements do not have a default case to handle an unexpected value for the global all of a sudden you have undefined behavior so far as the application is concerned.







Name clash can be a problem with using of global variables. A local variable that has the same name as a global variable can hide the global variable. You also run into the naming convention issue when using the C programming language. A work around is to divide the system up into sub-systems with the global variables for a particular sub-system all beginning with the same first three letters (see this on resolving name space collisions in objective C). C++ provides namespaces and with C you can work around this by creating a globally visible struct whose members are various data items and pointers to data and functions which are provided in a file as static hence with file visibility only so that they can only be referenced through the globally visible struct.

In some cases the original application intent is changed so that global variables that provided the state for a single thread is modified to allow several duplicate threads to run. An example would be a simple application designed for a single user using global variables for state and then a request comes down from management to add a REST interface to allow remote applications to act as virtual users. So now you run into having to duplicate the global variables and their state information so that the single user as well as each of the virtual users from remote applications have their own, unique set of global variables.




