
interface X {
    a: number
    b: string

type X = {
    a: number
    b: string



“type”用于创建类型别名。您不能使用“接口”执行此操作。type Data=字符串然后,您可以使用“数据”代替字符串const name:string=“Yilmaz”const name:Data=“Yilmaz”


声明合并:可以合并接口,但不能合并类型。界面人员{name:字符串;}界面人员{年龄:数字;}//我们必须提供两个人的财产常量名称:人={名称:“Yilmaz”,年龄:30岁};函数式编程用户使用“类型”,面向对象编程用户选择“接口”您不能在接口上计算或计算财产,而是在类型中。type Fullname=“name”|“lastname”类型人员={[key in Keys]:字符串}常量名称:人={名字:“Yilmaz”,姓氏:“Bingol”}



enum Foo { a = 'a', b = 'b' }

type TFoo = {
  [k in Foo]: boolean;

const foo1: TFoo = { a: true, b: false} // good
// const foo2: TFoo = { a: true }       // bad: missing b
// const foo3: TFoo = { a: true, b: 0}  // bad: b is not a boolean

// So type does roughly what I'd expect and want

interface IFoo {
//  [k in Foo]: boolean;
  Uncommenting the above line gives the following errors:
  A computed property name in an interface must refer to an expression whose type is a      
    literal type or a 'unique symbol' type.
  A computed property name must be of type 'string', 'number', 'symbol', or 'any'.
  Cannot find name 'k'.

// ???


2021 3月更新:更新的TypeScript手册(也在nju-clc中提到下面的答案)有一节“接口与类型别名”,解释了区别。





接口类型与对象类型的类型别名有许多相似之处但是由于接口类型提供了更多的功能通常优选键入别名。例如,接口类型接口点{x: 数量;y: 数量;}可以写成类型别名类型点={x: 数量;y: 数量;};但是,这样做意味着失去以下功能:接口可以在extends或implements子句中命名,但对象类型文本的类型别名不能在TS 2.7之后为true。接口可以有多个合并声明,但对象类型文本的类型别名不能。





    class TestC {
        constructor(public a: number, public b: string, private c: string) {
    class TestD implements Record<any, any> {
        constructor(public a: number, public b: string, private c: string) {
        test() : number {
            return 1;
    type InterfaceA = {
         a: string,
        b: number,
        c: Date
        e: TestC,
        f: TestD,
        p: [number],
        neastedA: {
            d: string,
            e: number
            h: Date,
            j: TestC
            neastedB: {
                d: string,
                e: number
                h: Date,
                j: TestC

    type TCheckClassResult = InterfaceA extends Record<any, unknown> ? 'Y': 'N' // Y

    const d = new Date();
    type TCheckClassResultClass = typeof d extends Record<any, unknown> ? 'Y': 'N'      // N

    const metaData = Symbol('metaData');
    type MetaDataSymbol = typeof metaData;

    // Allows us to not recuse into class type interfaces or traditional interfaces, in which properties and functions become optional.
    type MakeErrorStructure<T extends Record<any, any>> = {
        [K in keyof T] ?: (T[K] extends Record<any, unknown> ?         MakeErrorStructure<T[K]>: T[K] & Record<MetaDataSymbol, 'customField'>)

    type MakeOptional<T extends Record<any, any>> = {
        [K in keyof T] ?: T[K] extends Record<any, unknown> ? MakeOptional<T[K]> : T[K]

    type RRR = MakeOptional<InterfaceA>
    const res  = {} as RRR;

    const num = res.e!.a; // type == number
    const num2 = res.f!.test(); // type == number


    type MakeRecusive<Keys extends string, T> = {
        [K in Keys]: T & MakeRecusive<K, T>
      } & T
    type MakeRecusiveObectKeys<TKeys extends string, T> = {
        [K in keyof T]: K extends TKeys ? T[K] & MakeRecusive<K, T[K]>: T[K]


    type IRecordITypes = string | symbol | number;
    // Used for checking interface, because Record<'key', Value> excludeds interfaces
    type IRecord<TKey extends IRecordITypes, TValue> = {
        [K in TKey as `${K & string}`] : TValue

    // relaxies the valiation, older versions can't validate.
    // type IRecord<TKey extends IRecordITypes, TValue> = {
    //     [index: TKey] : TValue
    // } 

    type IRecordAnyValue<T extends Record<any,any>, TValue> = {
        [K in keyof T] : TValue

    interface AA {
        A : number,
        B : string

    interface BB {
        A: number,
        D: Date

    // This approach can also be used, for indefinitely recursive validation like a deep populate, which can't determine what validate beforehand.
    interface CheckRecConstraints<T extends IRecordAnyValue<T, number | string>> {

    type ResA = CheckRecConstraints<AA> // valid

    type ResB = CheckRecConstraints<BB> // invalid

Alternative for checking keys:

    type IRecordKeyValue<T extends Record<any,any>, TKey extends IRecordITypes, TValue> = 
        [K in keyof T] : (TKey & K) extends never ? never : TValue
    // This approach can also be used, for indefinitely recursive validation like a deep populate, which can't determine what validate beforehand.
    interface CheckRecConstraints<T extends IRecordKeyValue<T, number | string, number | string>> {
        A : T

    type UUU = IRecordKeyValue<AA, string, string | number>

    type ResA = CheckRecConstraints<AA> // valid

    type ResB = CheckRecConstraints<BB> // invalid


    type EventShapes<TKind extends string> = IRecord<TKind, IRecordITypes> | (IRecord<TKind, IRecordITypes> & EventShapeArgs)

    type NonClassInstance = Record<any, unknown>
    type CheckIfClassInstance<TCheck, TY, TN> = TCheck extends NonClassInstance ? 'N' : 'Y'

    type EventEmitterConfig<TKind extends string = string, TEvents extends EventShapes<TKind> = EventShapes<TKind>, TNever = never> = {
        kind: TKind
        events: TEvents
        noEvent: TNever

    type UnionDiscriminatorType<TKind extends string, T extends Record<TKind, any>> = T[TKind]

    type PickDiscriminatorType<TConfig extends EventEmitterConfig<any, any, any>,
        TKindValue extends string,
        TKind extends string = TConfig['kind'],        
        T extends Record<TKind, IRecordITypes> & ({} | EventShapeArgs) = TConfig['events'],
        TNever = TConfig['noEvent']> = 
            T[TKind] extends TKindValue 
            ? TNever
            : T extends IRecord<TKind, TKindValue>
                ? T extends EventShapeArgs
                    ? T['TArgs']
                    : [T]
                : TNever        

    type EventEmitterDConfig = EventEmitterConfig<'kind', {kind: string | symbol}, any>
    type EventEmitterDConfigKeys = EventEmitterConfig<any, any> // Overide the cached process of the keys.

    interface EventEmitter<TConfig extends EventEmitterConfig<any, any, any> = EventEmitterDConfig,
                TCacheEventKinds extends string = UnionDiscriminatorType<TConfig['kind'], TConfig['events']>
                > {
      on<TKey extends TCacheEventKinds, 
                    T extends Array<any> = PickDiscriminatorType<TConfig, TKey>>(
                        event: TKey, 
                        listener: (...args: T) => void): this;

     emit<TKey extends TCacheEventKinds>(event: TKey, args: PickDiscriminatorType<TConfig, TKey>): boolean;


    interface EventA {
        EventA: 'EventA'

    interface EventB {
        EventB: 'EventB'

    interface EventC {
        EventC: 'EventC'

    interface EventArgs {
        TArgs: [string, number]    
    const test :EventEmitter<EventEmitterConfig<'KindT', EventA | EventB | EventC | EventArgs>>;

    test.on("KindTC",(a, pre) => {


    type IRecordKeyValue<T extends Record<any,any>, TKey extends IRecordITypes, TValue> = 
        [K in keyof T] : (TKey & K) extends never ? never : TValue

    type IRecordKeyRecord<T extends Record<any,any>, TKey extends IRecordITypes> = 
        [K in keyof T] : (TKey & K) extends never ? never : T[K] // need to figure out the constrint here for both interface and records.
    type EventEmitterConfig<TKey extends string | symbol | number, TValue, TMap extends IRecordKeyValue<TMap, TKey, TValue>> = {
        map: TMap

    type PickKey<T extends Record<any,any>, TKey extends any> = (T[TKey] extends Array<any> ? T[TKey] : [T[TKey]]) & Array<never>

    type EventEmitterDConfig = EventEmitterConfig<string | symbol, any, any>

    interface TDEventEmitter<TConfig extends EventEmitterConfig<any, any, TConfig['map']> = EventEmitterDConfig,
        TMap = TConfig['map'],
        TCacheEventKinds = keyof TMap
    > {
        on<TKey extends TCacheEventKinds, T extends Array<any> = PickKey<TMap, TKey>>(event: TKey, 
            listener: (...args: T) => void): this;

        emit<TKey extends TCacheEventKinds, T extends Array<any> = PickKey<TMap, TKey>>(event: TKey, ...args: T): boolean;
    type RecordToDiscriminateKindCache<TKindType extends string | symbol | number, TKindName extends TKindType, T extends IRecordKeyRecord<T, TKindType>> = {
        [K in keyof T] : (T[K] & Record<TKindName, K>)

    type DiscriminateKindFromCache<T extends IRecordKeyRecord<T, any>> = T[keyof T]


    interface EventA {
        EventA: 'EventA'

    interface EventB {
        EventB: 'EventB'

    interface EventC {
        EventC: 'EventC'

    type EventArgs = [number, string]

    type Items = {
        KindTA : EventA,
        KindTB : EventB,
        KindTC : EventC
        //0 : EventArgs,

    type DiscriminatorKindTypeUnionCache = RecordToDiscriminateKindCache<string 
    //| number,
    "KindGen", Items>;

    type CachedItemForSpeed = DiscriminatorKindTypeUnionCache['KindTB']

    type DiscriminatorKindTypeUnion = DiscriminateKindFromCache<DiscriminatorKindTypeUnionCache>;

    function example() {
        const test: DiscriminatorKindTypeUnion;
        switch(test.KindGen) {
            case 'KindTA':
            case 'KindTB':
            case 'KindTC':

            case 0:


    type EmitterConfig = EventEmitterConfig<string 
    //| number
    , any, Items>;

    const EmitterInstance :TDEventEmitter<EmitterConfig>;

    EmitterInstance.on("KindTB",(a, b) => {




