i*2 = i<<1
i*3 = (i<<1) + i;
i*10 = (i<<3) + (i<<1)
用say (i<<3)+(i<<1)乘10是否比直接用i*10更快?有没有什么输入是不能用这种方法乘或除的?
i*2 = i<<1
i*3 = (i<<1) + i;
i*10 = (i<<3) + (i<<1)
用say (i<<3)+(i<<1)乘10是否比直接用i*10更快?有没有什么输入是不能用这种方法乘或除的?
In the case of signed integers and right shift vs division, it can make a difference. For negative numbers, the shift rounds rounds towards negative infinity whereas division rounds towards zero. Of course the compiler will change the division to something cheaper, but it will usually change it to something that has the same rounding behavior as division, because it is either unable to prove that the variable won't be negative or it simply doesn't care. So if you can prove that a number won't be negative or if you don't care which way it will round, you can do that optimization in a way that is more likely to make a difference.
长一点的回答: 你的编译器有一个优化器,它知道如何像你的目标处理器体系结构一样快速地进行乘法运算。最好的办法是清楚地告诉编译器你的意图(即i*2而不是i << 1),让它决定最快的汇编/机器码序列是什么。甚至有可能处理器本身已经将乘法指令实现为微码中的移位和加法序列。
include ConstDiv.inc
mov eax,9999999
; divide eax by 100000
cdiv 100000
; edx = quotient
mov eax,9999999
mov edx,0A7C5AC47h
add eax,1
.if !CARRY?
mul edx
shr edx,16
#include <stdio.h>
#include <chrono>
static const unsigned s_bc = 32;
static const unsigned long long s_p = 1ULL << s_bc;
static const unsigned long long s_hp = s_p / 2;
static unsigned long long s_f;
static unsigned long long s_fr;
static void fastDivInitialize(const unsigned d)
s_f = s_p / d;
s_fr = s_f * (s_p - (s_f * d));
static unsigned fastDiv(const unsigned n)
return (s_f * n + ((s_fr * n + s_hp) >> s_bc)) >> s_bc;
static bool fastDivCheck(const unsigned n, const unsigned d)
// 32 to 64 cycles latency on modern cpus
const unsigned expected = n / d;
// At least 10 cycles latency on modern cpus
const unsigned result = fastDiv(n);
if (result != expected)
printf("Failed for: %u/%u != %u\n", n, d, expected);
return false;
return true;
int main()
unsigned result = 0;
// Make sure to verify it works for your expected set of inputs
const unsigned MAX_N = 65535;
const unsigned MAX_D = 40000;
const double ONE_SECOND_COUNT = 1000000000.0;
auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
unsigned count = 0;
for (unsigned d = 1; d <= MAX_D; ++d)
for (unsigned n = 0; n <= MAX_N; ++n)
count += !fastDivCheck(n, d);
auto t1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
printf("Errors: %u / %u (%.4fs)\n", count, MAX_D * (MAX_N + 1), (t1 - t0).count() / ONE_SECOND_COUNT);
t0 = t1;
for (unsigned d = 1; d <= MAX_D; ++d)
for (unsigned n = 0; n <= MAX_N; ++n)
result += fastDiv(n);
t1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
printf("Fast division time: %.4fs\n", (t1 - t0).count() / ONE_SECOND_COUNT);
t0 = t1;
count = 0;
for (unsigned d = 1; d <= MAX_D; ++d)
for (unsigned n = 0; n <= MAX_N; ++n)
result += n / d;
t1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
printf("Normal division time: %.4fs\n", (t1 - t0).count() / ONE_SECOND_COUNT);
return result;
I think in the one case that you want to multiply or divide by a power of two, you can't go wrong with using bitshift operators, even if the compiler converts them to a MUL/DIV, because some processors microcode (really, a macro) them anyway, so for those cases you will achieve an improvement, especially if the shift is more than 1. Or more explicitly, if the CPU has no bitshift operators, it will be a MUL/DIV anyway, but if the CPU has bitshift operators, you avoid a microcode branch and this is a few instructions less.
I am writing some code right now that requires a lot of doubling/halving operations because it is working on a dense binary tree, and there is one more operation that I suspect might be more optimal than an addition - a left (power of two multiply) shift with an addition. This can be replaced with a left shift and an xor if the shift is wider than the number of bits you want to add, easy example is (i<<1)^1, which adds one to a doubled value. This does not of course apply to a right shift (power of two divide) because only a left (little endian) shift fills the gap with zeros.
Also, in the algorithms I am writing, they visually represent the movements that occur so in that sense they are in fact more clear. The left hand side of a binary tree is bigger, and the right is smaller. As well as that, in my code, odd and even numbers have a special significance, and all left-hand children in the tree are odd and all right hand children, and the root, are even. In some cases, which I haven't encountered yet, but may, oh, actually, I didn't even think of this, x&1 may be a more optimal operation compared to x%2. x&1 on an even number will produce zero, but will produce 1 for an odd number.