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因此,如果在我们的类中重写equals(),我们也应该重写hashcode()方法来遵循此规则。 例如,equals()和hashcode()这两个方法都用于Hashtable中以键值对的形式存储值。如果我们覆盖其中一个而不是另一个,如果我们使用这样的对象作为键,哈希表可能不会像我们想要的那样工作。


假设你有一个类(A),它聚合了另外两个类(B) (C),你需要在哈希表中存储类(A)的实例。默认实现只允许区分实例,但不允许通过(B)和(C)。因此A的两个实例可以相等,但默认不允许您以正确的方式比较它们。





另外,从头构建equals()和hashCode()方法涉及大量样板代码。Apache Commons Lang库提供了EqualsBuilder和HashCodeBuilder类。这些类极大地简化了复杂类的equals()和hashCode()方法的实现。

顺便说一句,值得考虑重写toString()方法以帮助调试。Apache Commons Lang库提供了ToStringBuilder类来帮助实现这一点。


Since hashcode always returns a number its always fast to retrieve an object using a number rather than an alphabetic key. How will it do? Assume we created a new object by passing some value which is already available in some other object. Now the new object will return the same hash value as of another object because the value passed is same. Once the same hash value is returned, JVM will go to the same memory address every time and if in case there are more than one objects present for the same hash value it will use equals() method to identify the correct object.

The methods equals and hashcode are defined in the object class. By default if the equals method returns true, then the system will go further and check the value of the hash code. If the hash code of the 2 objects is also same only then the objects will be considered as same. So if you override only equals method, then even though the overridden equals method indicates 2 objects to be equal , the system defined hashcode may not indicate that the 2 objects are equal. So we need to override hash code as well.