// 2^3
pow(2,3) == 8
// 5^5
pow(5,5) == 3125
// 2^3
pow(2,3) == 8
// 5^5
pow(5,5) == 3125
我已经实现了记忆所有计算权力的算法,然后在需要时使用它们。比如x^13等于(x^2)^2^2 * x^2 * x其中x^2^2是从表中取出来的而不是再计算一次。这基本上是@Pramod answer的实现(但在c#中)。 需要的乘法数是Ceil(Log n)
public static int Power(int base, int exp)
int tab[] = new int[exp + 1];
tab[0] = 1;
tab[1] = base;
return Power(base, exp, tab);
public static int Power(int base, int exp, int tab[])
if(exp == 0) return 1;
if(exp == 1) return base;
int i = 1;
while(i < exp/2)
if(tab[2 * i] <= 0)
tab[2 * i] = tab[i] * tab[i];
i = i << 1;
if(exp <= i)
return tab[i];
else return tab[i] * Power(base, exp - i, tab);
标签______2 ()
标签______10 ()
( time ( jot - 1456 9999999999 6671 | pvE0 |
gawk -Mbe '
function ______10(_, __, ___, ____, _____, _______) {
__ = +__
____ = (____+=_____=____^= \
(_ %=___=+___)<_)+____++^____—
while (__) {
if (_______= __%____) {
if (__==_______) {
return (_^__ *_____) %___
_____ = (_^_______*_____) %___
_ = _^____%___
function ______2(_, __, ___, ____, _____) {
while (__) {
if (__ %____) {
if (__<____) {
return (_*_____) %___
_____ = (_____*_) %___
_= (_*_) %___
OFMT = CONVFMT = "%.250g"
__ = (___=_^= FS=OFS= "=")(_<_)
_____ = __^(_=3)^--_ * ++_-(_+_)^_
______ = _^(_+_)-_ + _^!_
_______ = int(______*_____)
________ = 10 ^ 5 + 1
_________ = 8 ^ 4 * 2 - 1
GNU Awk 5.1.1, API: 3.1 (GNU MPFR 4.1.0, GNU MP 6.2.1)
($ + + NF = ______10(_ = ___美元,NR %________ +_________,_______*(_- 11))) ^ !___“
out9: 48.4MiB 0:00:08 [6.02MiB/s] [6.02MiB/s] [ <=> ]
in0: 15.6MiB 0:00:08 [1.95MiB/s] [1.95MiB/s] [ <=> ]
( jot - 1456 9999999999 6671 | pvE 0.1 in0 | gawk -Mbe ; )
8.31s user 0.06s system 103% cpu 8.058 total
ffa16aa937b7beca66a173ccbf8e1e12 stdin
($ + + NF = ______ 2(_ = ___美元,NR %________ +_________,_______*(_- 11))) ^ !___“
out9: 48.4MiB 0:00:12 [3.78MiB/s] [3.78MiB/s] [<=> ]
in0: 15.6MiB 0:00:12 [1.22MiB/s] [1.22MiB/s] [ <=> ]
( jot - 1456 9999999999 6671 | pvE 0.1 in0 | gawk -Mbe ; )
13.05s user 0.07s system 102% cpu 12.821 total
ffa16aa937b7beca66a173ccbf8e1e12 stdin
x^15 = (x^7)*(x^7)*x
x^7 = (x^3)*(x^3)*x
x^3 = x*x*x
n*n = n^2
n^2*n = n^3
n^3*n^3 = n^6
n^6*n^6 = n^12
n^12*n^3 = n^15
The problem of finding the shortest addition chain cannot be solved by dynamic programming, because it does not satisfy the assumption of optimal substructure. That is, it is not sufficient to decompose the power into smaller powers, each of which is computed minimally, since the addition chains for the smaller powers may be related (to share computations). For example, in the shortest addition chain for a¹⁵ above, the subproblem for a⁶ must be computed as (a³)² since a³ is re-used (as opposed to, say, a⁶ = a²(a²)², which also requires three multiplies).
下面是一个计算x ** y的O(1)算法,灵感来自这条评论。它适用于32位有符号int。
If `x` is between -2 and 2, use special-case formulas.
Otherwise, if `y` is between 0 and 8, use special-case formulas.
Set x = abs(x); remember if x was negative
If x <= 10 and y <= 19:
Load precomputed result from a lookup table
Set result to 0 (overflow)
If x was negative and y is odd, negate the result
#define POW9(x) x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x
#define POW10(x) POW9(x) * x
#define POW11(x) POW10(x) * x
#define POW12(x) POW11(x) * x
#define POW13(x) POW12(x) * x
#define POW14(x) POW13(x) * x
#define POW15(x) POW14(x) * x
#define POW16(x) POW15(x) * x
#define POW17(x) POW16(x) * x
#define POW18(x) POW17(x) * x
#define POW19(x) POW18(x) * x
int mypow(int x, unsigned y)
static int table[8][11] = {
{POW9(3), POW10(3), POW11(3), POW12(3), POW13(3), POW14(3), POW15(3), POW16(3), POW17(3), POW18(3), POW19(3)},
{POW9(4), POW10(4), POW11(4), POW12(4), POW13(4), POW14(4), POW15(4), 0, 0, 0, 0},
{POW9(5), POW10(5), POW11(5), POW12(5), POW13(5), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{POW9(6), POW10(6), POW11(6), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{POW9(7), POW10(7), POW11(7), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{POW9(8), POW10(8), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{POW9(9), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{POW9(10), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
int is_neg;
int r;
switch (x)
case 0:
return y == 0 ? 1 : 0;
case 1:
return 1;
case -1:
return y % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1;
case 2:
return 1 << y;
case -2:
return (y % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1) << y;
switch (y)
case 0:
return 1;
case 1:
return x;
case 2:
return x * x;
case 3:
return x * x * x;
case 4:
r = x * x;
return r * r;
case 5:
r = x * x;
return r * r * x;
case 6:
r = x * x;
return r * r * r;
case 7:
r = x * x;
return r * r * r * x;
case 8:
r = x * x;
r = r * r;
return r * r;
is_neg = x < 0;
if (is_neg)
x = -x;
if (x <= 10 && y <= 19)
r = table[x - 3][y - 9];
r = 0;
if (is_neg && y % 2 == 1)
r = -r;
return r;
int ipow(int base, int exp)
int result = 1;
for (;;)
if (exp & 1)
result *= base;
exp >>= 1;
if (!exp)
base *= base;
return result;