
// 2^3
pow(2,3) == 8

// 5^5
pow(5,5) == 3125



public static long pow(long base, long exp){        
    if(exp ==0){
        return 1;
    if(exp ==1){
        return base;

    if(exp % 2 == 0){
        long half = pow(base, exp/2);
        return half * half;
        long half = pow(base, (exp -1)/2);
        return base * half * half;




#include <stdint.h>

#define SQRT_INT64_MAX (INT64_C(0xB504F333))

int64_t alx_pow_s64 (int64_t base, uint8_t exp)
    int_fast64_t    base_;
    int_fast64_t    result;

    base_   = base;

    if (base_ == 1)
        return  1;
    if (!exp)
        return  1;
    if (!base_)
        return  0;

    result  = 1;
    if (exp & 1)
        result *= base_;
    exp >>= 1;
    while (exp) {
        if (base_ > SQRT_INT64_MAX)
            return  0;
        base_ *= base_;
        if (exp & 1)
            result *= base_;
        exp >>= 1;

    return  result;


(1 ** N) == 1
(N ** 0) == 1
(0 ** 0) == 1
(0 ** N) == 0


I used int64_t, but any width (signed or unsigned) can be used with little modification. However, if you need to use a non-fixed-width integer type, you will need to change SQRT_INT64_MAX by (int)sqrt(INT_MAX) (in the case of using int) or something similar, which should be optimized, but it is uglier, and not a C constant expression. Also casting the result of sqrt() to an int is not very good because of floating point precission in case of a perfect square, but as I don't know of any implementation where INT_MAX -or the maximum of any type- is a perfect square, you can live with that.

一种非常特殊的情况是,当你需要2^(-x ^ y)时,其中x当然是负的y太大了,不能对int型进行移位。你仍然可以用浮点数在常数时间内完成2^x。

struct IeeeFloat

    unsigned int base : 23;
    unsigned int exponent : 8;
    unsigned int signBit : 1;

union IeeeFloatUnion
    IeeeFloat brokenOut;
    float f;

inline float twoToThe(char exponent)
    // notice how the range checking is already done on the exponent var 
    static IeeeFloatUnion u;
    u.f = 2.0;
    // Change the exponent part of the float
    u.brokenOut.exponent += (exponent - 1);
    return (u.f);

使用double作为基底类型,可以得到更多的2的幂。 (非常感谢评论者帮助整理这篇文章)。



下面是一个尽可能处理y < 0的解。

It uses a result of intmax_t for maximum range. There is no provision for answers that do not fit in intmax_t. powjii(0, 0) --> 1 which is a common result for this case. pow(0,negative), another undefined result, returns INTMAX_MAX intmax_t powjii(int x, int y) { if (y < 0) { switch (x) { case 0: return INTMAX_MAX; case 1: return 1; case -1: return y % 2 ? -1 : 1; } return 0; } intmax_t z = 1; intmax_t base = x; for (;;) { if (y % 2) { z *= base; } y /= 2; if (y == 0) { break; } base *= base; } return z; }



这种方法的优点是它在log(n)时间内运行。例如,如果你要计算一个巨大的数,比如x^1048575(2^20 - 1),你只需要循环20次,而不是使用朴素方法的100万+次。

此外,在代码复杂性方面,它比试图找到最优的乘法序列更简单,这是la Pramod的建议。





标签______2 ()


标签______10 ()


 ( time ( jot - 1456 9999999999 6671 | pvE0 | 

gawk -Mbe '
function ______10(_, __, ___, ____, _____, _______) {
      __ = +__
    ____ = (____+=_____=____^= \
           (_ %=___=+___)<_)+____++^____—

    while (__) {
        if (_______= __%____) {
            if (__==_______) {
                return (_^__ *_____) %___
            _____ = (_^_______*_____) %___
        _ = _^____%___
function ______2(_, __, ___, ____, _____) {
    while (__) {
        if (__ %____) {
            if (__<____) {
                return (_*_____) %___
            _____ = (_____*_) %___
        _= (_*_) %___
    OFMT = CONVFMT = "%.250g"

    __ = (___=_^= FS=OFS= "=")(_<_)

    _____ = __^(_=3)^--_ * ++_-(_+_)^_
    ______ = _^(_+_)-_ + _^!_

    _______ = int(______*_____)
    ________ = 10 ^ 5 + 1
    _________ = 8 ^ 4 * 2 - 1

GNU Awk 5.1.1, API: 3.1 (GNU MPFR 4.1.0, GNU MP 6.2.1)


($ + + NF = ______10(_ = ___美元,NR %________ +_________,_______*(_- 11))) ^ !___“

     out9: 48.4MiB 0:00:08 [6.02MiB/s] [6.02MiB/s] [ <=> ]
      in0: 15.6MiB 0:00:08 [1.95MiB/s] [1.95MiB/s] [ <=> ]
( jot - 1456 9999999999 6671 | pvE 0.1 in0 | gawk -Mbe ; )  

8.31s user 0.06s system 103% cpu 8.058 total
ffa16aa937b7beca66a173ccbf8e1e12  stdin

($ + + NF = ______ 2(_ = ___美元,NR %________ +_________,_______*(_- 11))) ^ !___“

     out9: 48.4MiB 0:00:12 [3.78MiB/s] [3.78MiB/s] [<=> ]
      in0: 15.6MiB 0:00:12 [1.22MiB/s] [1.22MiB/s] [ <=> ]
( jot - 1456 9999999999 6671 | pvE 0.1 in0 | gawk -Mbe ; )  

13.05s user 0.07s system 102% cpu 12.821 total
ffa16aa937b7beca66a173ccbf8e1e12  stdin

