例如,您为用户/9运行一个GET请求,但没有id为#9的用户。 哪个是最佳响应码?

200好了 202年接受 204无内容 400错误请求 404未找到







This can be fatal: Imagine an accounting service in your company that lists all the employees that are due to an annual bonus. Unfortunately, the one time when it is called it returns a 404. Does that mean that no-one is due for a bonus, or that the application is currently down for a new deployment and the 404 is actually coming from the tomcat that it's supposed to be installed into, instead of from the application itself? These two scenarios yield the same status code, but they are fundamentally different in their meaning.



The advantage of 404 over 204 is that it can return a response entity that may contain some information about why the requested resource was not found. But if that really is relevant, then one may also consider using a 200 OK response and design the system in a way that allows for error responses in the payload data. Alternatively, one could use the payload of the 404 response to return structured information to the caller. If he receives e.g. a html page instead of XML or JSON that he can parse, then that is a good indicator that something technical went wrong instead of a "no result" reply that may be valid from the caller's point of view. Or one could use a HTTP response header for that.



Another perspective: From an operations point of view a 404 may be problematic. Since it can indicate a connectivity/middleware problem rather than a valid service response, i would not want a fluctuating number of "valid" 404s in my metrics/dashboards that might conceal genuine technical issues (e.g. a misconfigured proxy somewhere in the request routing) that should be investigated and fixed. This is further excarbated by some APIs even using 404 instead of 401/403 (e.g. gitlab does such a thing), to conceal the information that the request URI would have been valid but the request lacked authorization to access it. In this case too a 404 should be treated as a technical error and not as a valid "resource not found" result.

Edit: Wow, this has caused a lot of controversy. Here is another argument against 404: Strictly from a HTTP spec (RFC7231) point of view, 404 does not even mean that a resource does not exist. It only means that the server has no current representation of the requested resource available, and this even may be only temporary. So strictly by HTTP spec, 404 is inherently unreliable regarding the nonexistence of a requested thing. If you want to communicate that the requested thing positively does not exist, do not use 404.




METHOD  URL                      STATUS  RESPONSE
GET     /users                   200     [John, Peter]
GET     /users/john              200     John
GET     /unknown-url-egaer       404     Not Found
GET     /users/kyle              404     User Not found
GET     /users?name=kyle`        200     []
DELETE  /users/john              204     No Content


the search returns an array, it just didn't have any matches but it has content: an empty array. 404 is of course best known for url's that aren't supported by the requested server, but a missing resource is in fact the same. Even though /users/:name is matched with users/kyle, the user Kyle is not available resource so a 404 still applies. It isn't a search query, it is a direct reference by a dynamic url, so 404 it is. After suggestions in the comments, customizing the message of the 404 is another way of helping out the API consumer to even better distinguish between complete unknown routes and missing entities.





我得说,两者都不太合适。 正如@anneb所说的,我也认为部分问题来自于使用HTTP响应代码来传输与RESTful服务相关的状态。REST服务关于其自身处理的任何信息都应该通过特定于REST的代码来传输。


我认为,如果HTTP服务器发现任何服务已经准备好响应它发送的请求,它不应该响应HTTP 404——最后,服务器找到了一些东西——除非处理请求的服务明确地告诉它。

让我们暂时假设以下URL: http://example.com/service/return/test。

Case A is that the server is “simply looking for the file on the file system“. If it is not present, 404 is correct. The same is true, if it asks some kind of service to deliver exactly this file and that service tells it that nothing of that name exists. In case B, the server does not work with “real” files but actually the request is processed by some other service – e.g. some kind of templating system. Here, the server cannot make any claim about the existence of the resource as it knows nothing about it (unless told by the service handling it).


503,如果处理请求的服务没有运行或响应; 否则,作为HTTP服务器实际上可以满足请求-不管服务稍后会说什么; 400或404表示没有这样的服务(相对于“存在但脱机”),并且没有找到其他服务。


回到手头的问题:我认为最干净的方法是除了前面提到的以外,不使用任何HTTP响应代码。如果服务存在并响应,HTTP代码应该是200。 响应应该在一个单独的报头中包含服务返回的状态——在这里,服务可以说

REST:EMPTY,例如,如果它被要求搜索某物,而该研究返回为空; REST:NOT FOUND,如果它被特别地请求某事物,“ID-like”-是一个文件名或一个ID的资源或条目号24等-并且没有找到特定的资源(通常,一个特定的资源被请求但没有找到); REST:如果发送的请求的任何部分不被服务识别,则为无效。





if return/test asks for a specific resource: if it exists, return it with a status of REST:FOUND; if that resource does not exist, return REST:NOT FOUND; this could be extended to return REST:GONE if we know it once existed and will not return, and REST:MOVED if we know it has gone hollywood if return/test is considered a search or filter-like operation: if the result set is empty, return an empty set in the type requested and a status of REST:EMPTY; a set of results in the type requested and a status of REST:SUCCESS if return/test is not an operation recogized by SERVICE: return REST:ERROR if it is completely wrong (e.g. a typo like retrun/test), or REST:NOT IMPLEMENTED in case it is planned for later.



如果返回一个HTTP 404,服务器会告诉我,“我不知道你在说什么”。虽然请求的REST部分可能完全没问题,但我在所有错误的地方都在寻找par'Mach。 另一方面,HTTP 200和REST:ERR告诉我,我得到了服务,但在对服务的请求中做了错误的事情。 从HTTP 200和REST:EMPTY,我知道我没有做错什么-正确的服务器,服务器找到了服务,正确的请求到服务-但搜索结果是空的。


这个问题和讨论源于这样一个事实:HTTP响应码被用来表示由HTTP提供结果的服务的状态,或者用来表示不在HTTP服务器本身范围内的事物。 由于这种差异,这个问题无法回答,所有的意见都要经过大量的讨论。

由服务而不是HTTP服务器处理的请求的状态真的不应该(RFC 6919)由HTTP响应代码给出。HTTP代码应该(RFC 2119)只包含HTTP服务器从自己的作用域提供的信息:即,是否发现服务在处理请求。



200状态被期望包含资源数据——所以它不是正确的选择。 204状态意味着完全不同的东西,不应该用作GET请求的响应。


我看到这个话题在很多地方被反复讨论。对我来说,很明显,要消除围绕这个话题的困惑,就需要一个专门的成功状态。比如“209 -没有资源显示”。

